Are Christians on Sup Forums ironically religious?
Are Christians on Sup Forums ironically religious?
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I want to say no, but this site has proven to me that autism has no frontiers.
i think they actually are religious.
they dont even realize how fucking ironic that is.
No, Kek is real and he's here with us daily.
Probably for the most part. Most of Sup Forums is pretty dumb, but not dumb enough for christianity.
I hope they all go away after the election, the shillary shitposters and the christian trump supporters
The edge, it hurts.
Why is it ironic?
Is it because they call anons niggers in threads and tell people to kill themselves? Or because this site is full of cuck porn?
Not everyone is a jew-pilled christcuck, but some people need religion.
they are scum
I'm unironically a Calvinist
>ironically religious
That doesn't even make sense.
not ironic why would it be?
there's over 1billion christians worldwide. youre likely to meet some
What don't you understand?
Like how you and I are ironically anti-Semitic, Islamaphobic, homophobic, and racist.
We do it for the sense of community we get here, that satisfies our dark senses of humor.
Strictly Pre-destination much?
Only thing you guys fucked up.
I became Christian just about a month ago after 30 years of Atheism.
Not as sad as I thought I'd be if this happened.
>Like how you and I are ironically anti-Semitic, Islamaphobic, homophobic, and racist.
fyi on 8% of pol is satire. we're really all those cool buzzwords
That doesn't make any sense either. I blame Alanis Morrisette and her stupid ass song. Now nobody uses the word correctly.
Ironically though
The satire meme is bullshit
>tfw you're actually starting to become ironically religious and feel no connection with atheists anymore
How the fuck can you be religious ironically?
>Pray ironically
>Attend church ironically
>Read bible ironically
>Buy crosses ironically
>get porcelain set of Jesus being born to place under the Christmas tree, Ironically of course
>Practice abstinence ironically
>Not use God's name in vein, ironically
>go to heaven ironically
forgot that one
Seems like you answered your own question there friendo
8% bruh?
We wouldn't believe in predestination if Paul didn't
It's weird that since I became Christian I run into more Christians randomly in the wild.
It feels like God is trying to strengthen what resolve I have ( which is little because I'm new )
I defend Christianity,and dislike Muslims mainly for the heresy of choosing a religion similar to Christianity but with an evil messiah.
All ironically of course.
Only people who say
>I'm a Christian btw
It's just for posing. Like vegans or gays informing what they are all the time
I have no religion.
CTR btfo
we had several is pol satire polls
about 8% yes ~30% mixed ~60% legit
basically me
been atheist from 7 to 30. im 31 now
Idk man sounds pretty ironic
I like Christianity because it is one of the pillars that built the Western Civilization.
>Implying the yes vote wasn't also satire
Nope, we have been here since /n/ and /new/ and have generals on Sup Forums, /lit/ and /his/
Yeah but even in those you can tell almost no ones serious about it. The 'christian board' meme is pushed so hard the irony becomes pretty obvious
Did you know that sweet potato is a remarkable plant. It’s a staple food of many traditional cultures. NASA has considered it a potential crop to be grown on spaceships for long term missions. In terms of energy production it’s only 3rd behind sugar cane and cassava. It produces the most food value (a combination of edible energy and nutrition) of any crop per unit space and time. A study of Fijian farms using manual labour showed that ratio of energy put into farming vs yield of energy was 1:17 for rice and 1:60 for sweet potato. It grows on marginal soil and doesn’t require much nitrogen to grow. It takes a relatively short growth period of 3-4 months to yield. All part of the plant can be eaten including the leaves which provide additional protein and nutrients.
>They became religious after being atheists for most of their lives
So stupid it hurts....
I consider myself more like having faith, than religion, the difference for me being that one is a matter of my relationship with God, the other being a matter of people telling me how to have a relationship with God.
See these assholes? I try not to be like them, which isn't very hard.
I try not to cherry pick, and take what I can without allowing others to tell me how to take it. As I see it faith is simple, and choosing the Lord is simple. Be baptized, love God, love one another (this doesn't mean unconditionally), and don't worry about being perfect because I can't be, and that's not really how I was meant to be. The rest is a lot of guessing games, but then faith (or lack thereof) is a bit of a guess too, at least as I see it.
i'm religious in a tribal sense
>people realized there's more to life than being a fucking edgelord on Sup Forums
Read a book fagtron, I suggest anything by C.S. Lewis.
>realizing you were wrong is stupid
Is this also one of those ironic posts I've been hearing about?
Sadly I don't think so, many here seem to be cargo culting from a time when they think western civilization was at its zenith ("we wuz" shit) as a counter to what they think is modern degeneracy. But I also get the feeling a lot of them weren't raised Christian and probably don't actually attend church regularly, they're just casuals throwing out symbols like one would link to a wikipedia article they don't have any real-world experience with.
That said Christianity has some upsides, encouraging a functional family unit is good for raising children, and attending church can give you a nice sense of community amongst people who are generally pretty good folks. As someone who was raised Christian but no longer believes I do miss that sense of community which is hard to find elsewhere - our modern world can be so isolating and lonely at times I think it appeals to some. It's too bad it all has to be wound up around a mythology, which is a big waste of time.
They're almost always lying don't worry. If you've been an atheist for any period of time there's no way you end up falling for the meme religion arguments
happens all the time but okay believe that if that comfort you
There are some original christians, then some really, really impressionable imbeciles who take the entirety of Sup Forums for 100% face value and willingly subscribe to a bronze age religion they don't even personally believe in just to combat "muh degeneracy". The same camp of impressionable teens/young adults who subscribe to fascism because Sup Forums tells them its cool instead of genuinely formulating their own political beliefs.
t. a atheist fiscal conservative with libertarian leanings
No. No one ever has been educated on all the philosophical arguments of atheism whilst also being an atheist and then became religious
looool ok
you're right..
I apologize, I only know one family of Calvinists and both brothers were strict pre-destinations. Is this common among Calvinists? That all that has, is, and will be, has been pre-determined by our omniscient, omnipresent lord? If so or not, how come?
forgot meme
How can you be ironically anything?
Do you faggots even know the definition of ironic any more? Fucking A.
If they really are christian they're absolutely shit at it. Like they joined just to make sure they go to hell?
Do you? Because you can certainly be ironically religious
Explain it to me.
How is it ironic?
That's the joke.
Paul was a disciple, not a Saint. It's the human condition.
Come on, how much of Sup Forums claims to be religious and how often do you talk to someone who sounds christian
Is that irony? You haven't explained anything.
Ofc its irony, Christian generals are never theological discussions 90% of it is discussing why some sect is superior to another. They're clearly just in it for the christian image nothing else.
The only thing anti-christian about Sup Forums is the
"J-O-O" hatred. The bible is extremely clear on HIS chosen people, despite how they or you feel today.
I am an orthodox christian.
Why is it "ironic"?
Because you can't comprehend actual religious people on Sup Forums?
Not ironically religious, more like hypocritically religious.
Just ask one of these pious worshippers whether they've ever helped the poor and you'll instantly know how well they translate their 'beliefs' into actions, which is the only real indicator on how much they actually believe in their principles.
With a monk or an aid worker, I'd say this belief is high, with a pastor it's average, with the average believer it's low and with the Sup Forums believer, it's non-existent and their religious 'beliefs' are just a stick to beat others with
At least 50% of any type of thing you encounter on Sup Forums is ironic. At least half of the ironic shitposters are clinically schizophrenic, so it's hard to say where irony begins and ends for them.
> t. post-ironic shitposting army
>worshipping a literal kike
I'm not religious, but I have a ton of respect for Catholicism/Orthodoxy. I don't know why so many atheists here get so ass-blasted about Christians.
No they just don't seem authentic. There certainly are some genuinely religious people on Sup Forums but I don't think there is anywhere the number that there is claimed to be
At first it was ironicaly DEUS VULT, but the more i start reading in to christianity and christian history the more it made sense
It's a kike thing, you wouldn't understand, goytard
I actually give a pretty large amount of money to the poor (albeit, not as much as I probably should). I also rent out my house for substantially less than its market value so that lower income families can afford a nice place to live, and as soon as I get a little bit of money saved up, I'm going to go down to the milsurp shop up the road and buy as many jackets as I can to give them out at the homeless shelter over the winter. I could be doing more. I should be doing more, and once I'm out of college and better employed, I will be doing more.
Voluntary charity is the only way you can be both Christian and capitalist.
Thats because atheist get triggered by their threads and go shitpost in them.
Go to /lit/'s Christian general if you want real discussion without shitposting.
>Is this common among Calvinists?
Yes, predestination was a doctrine believed by Augustine, Calvin and most Calvinists. It's the 'U' of TULIP - unconditional election.
>That all that has, is, and will be, has been pre-determined by our omniscient, omnipresent lord?
Yes, God is the sovereign creator of all things. God is not dealt cards.
"For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified." - Romans 8
Uh what? Paul's writings were inspired, he wrote most of the New Testament...
Jesus just finished what Cyrus the Great started and transformed a tribal god that exists solely for the Hebrews into a universal god with aryan concepts of good vs evil.
Hahahahahahaha gr8 b8 m8
Not true
All Israel Shall Be Saved
>25For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
>26And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
>27For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
>28As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes. 29For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. 30For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief: 31Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy. 32For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.
As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes
I recently converted to Christianity (from Atheism), and I've been wanting to consider Orthodox Christianity, but I dislike (what I consider) to be the antiquated, low-tech, traditional type of atmosphere. My other option is just to attend a non-denominational church, since those are typically modern. I'm still undecided...
I guess?
I'm nominally Christian because people can't seem to work out that someone can disbelieve the notion of a giant bearded man in the sky creating the universe 6000 years ago while still believing that Christian values provide a necessary backbone for public morality, because most people are pieces of shit that will go full degenerate if an authority figure (in this case, God) doesn't prevent them from doing so. I got so tired of trying to explain it that now I just do the bare minimum to be considered a practicing Christian.
Plus it's a pretty low-impact religion, I may as well buy into it on the off chance it's correct. It's not like there's a god of atheism that is going to damn me to hell for not being atheist enough.
Religion is spiritual matter and deals with morals and universal things that don't change.
What's really ironic is that the average fedoratipper's knowledge about Christianity in general and Christians in particular is very poor, while they believe themselves to be experts about the subject.
So when actual Christians do something very Christian-like, as in going out to evangelize and break bread with the sinners and the tax collectors, they are completely bewildered.
Because in the fedoratippers mind, Christians are just weak-willed hypocrites who pretend to believe all this weird stuff because they are affraid of the truth, if they aren't just indoctrinated sheep.
So when they see actual Christians being Christian and doing Christian things, they become absolutely flabbergasted.
>They can't be serious.
>They must be joking:
>Y-yeah, that's propably it.
>T-they are just b-being ironic.
You should do what you feel comfortable with most , christianity has become one shit fest with a hundred denominations , jesus would care less what church you go as long as you keep his words
This. The religious right is literally the old SJW cucks
Centralized churches are the problem to being with.
Find a home fellowship. If you can't find one start one.
But I am all these things by liberal standards
being an atheist is not edgy anymore, wtf are you talking about?
Twice is the group if anyone cares.
Left Tzuyu
Middle Sana
Right Momo.
/autism out.
*tips fedora*
You fell for the Communist propaganda, fucking moron.