7 Reasons So Many Guys Don’t Understand Sexual Consent

>The following sentence applies regardless of when you read this: A famous man has recently been accused of doing sexual things to a woman (or many women) without consent.

>At the time of this writing, it was a politician's "groping" scandal but next time it'll be unwanted dick pics a powerful man sent to an intern, or the spreading of hacked photos of some actress, or a famous athlete getting sued by a woman whose accusations didn't get anywhere with the police.

>And, in fact, I bet there isn't a single female reading this who hasn't been the victim of that sort of thing.

Does Sup Forums understand sexual consent?

>"and they let me"
Sounds an awful lot like consent m8.

>X reasons Whites don't understand the left's new definition of Racism
>Y reasons Males don't understand the left's new definition of consent
>Z reasons cis scums don't understand the left's new definition of gender

can we gas them

When I met my wife, I kissed her without verbal consent. First time I groped her, I did it without verbal consent. First time we had sex, I did it without verbal consent. Yet she liked it all and we got married eventually.

Wow! You know, it's almost like there is a verbal and nonverbal component to sexual interaction and we don't have to fill out forms and request docking permission if you can read basic body language!

Good sex doesn't have verbal consent.

>you have to take a bitch to sign a contract in front of the supreme court to get consent

You have to be sapient to consent though

>A rapist leaf

I understand sexual scandal as a powerful tool used to distract social attention from current investigations into corruption of note.

Every single one of the sex scandals except this latest revelation has had a man's penis as the central masterpiece of a false flag operation to distract us from the crimes of the clintons onto a relatively meaningless piece of tittilating drama.

In 2012, anthony weiner's weiner shut down a house investigation into hillary's affairs, the clinton foundation, and the teneo group.
Bill clinton's weiner did the same thing to other investigations ongoing during his administration... but I suspect hil-dawg has run out of weiners to distract us with

Good because your mum wasn't saying anything last night

Holding her in your basement doesn't count as marriage.

Let me tell you something, if you're autistic enough to ask a girl "Hey, can I have sex?" Then you will literally never get laid.

Fuck off from this stupid propaganda. I am 21 and want a 14 year old girl to start a family. SAGE

I also understand sexual scandal and the testimony of a person who maintains they can retroactively revoke consent and retroactively claim innocence of complicity is how the wives and lovers of many powerful cult and political leaders manage to get out of paying for the benefits of cheating the system by trading dalliances with crooked men for the gains of their labor.

And women nod and concur with their testimonies and positions without holding them in contempt as to their implied lack of moral character, of course, of course- because otherwise they'd be hypocrites.

It's instinctive behavior, studies have proven that motherly instincts generally trigger after the baby is born. So as far as evolution goes the males are supposed to push women down and impregnate them who will later receive their mother instincts. Issues always come up when people are trying to align civilisation with human intrinsic behavior.

I once had a chick climb into my tent and wake me up half naked once.

Was I sexual assaulted?

Don't forget about the poor lady who got "sexually assaulted" in a VR game OP. This shit isn't funny, it's serious, and disturbing.

Why can't women just behave like normal human beings for once?

This is entirely false. 99% of rapists are not looking to create a child. 99% of the time that sex i without consent, a child is not intended by either party. I must dissent with this as a man who has contemplated rape!

I only wanted to rape out of coveting and desiring a beautiful specimen of humanity, not with the intent to produce offspring.

>don't understand

When will this meme die? Everyone knows what consent is and understand how it works. Even a full on sick fuck like Ted Bundy knew how consent worked. Rapists just don't give a fucking shit and this fucking meme of "just say no" is fucking dangerous. Zero rapes get prevented by the victim to be saying "no, please stop", it all comes down to avoid putting yourself in that situation an/or knowing how to defend yourself. If that is too sexist for your tastes, fine. Ignore me and go confront sexual predators with your words ,get raped and cry about it on a mongonian basketweaving forum, that'll really fucking show me.

> I must dissent with this as a man
anything after that has already been included by the new definition of gender

but thank you for correcting the record

Just shoot his avatar

>be me
>halloween night
>half drunk on tavern patio
>see stereotypical 20 something whore wearing porn costume
>Yell hey slut C'mere for a sec
>she bounds over with no hesitation
>spoke for 20 minutes
>every line out of my mouth is lewd and sexual
>bought her a shot
>gave her some key bumps
>yada yada

She sucked me and my buddies dick while his whorish gf was passed out from goldschlager. Then i manned up and slammed her box before she was too drunk to lay.

tl;dr keep treating them like shit, its all they want

Ding ding ding

>being a savage nigger, sandnigger, slavnigger invader not on top 1-10 reason

I don't need to understand 'sexual consent'.

I understand women just fine.

Fuck I hate feminists, but the absolute most scorn worthy faggots are the men who prostrate themselves to curry some favour from their chosen rainbow haired landwhale. Pathetic fucking pieces of shit.

What part of "instinctive" do you not understand? A rapist probably isn't thinking anything but inserting his penis into a vagina which is due to his primal instincts. Who in their right mind would risk getting punished or even killed over some friction in the modern world? The way humans are supposed to work genetically is that men go out hunting and shit, they bring back food, fuck the women, women give birth and raise the kids end of story. Problem is that genetics can't keep up with changing the environment drastically over the course of a few thousand years.

I can confirm several similar stories.

>7 reason why feminist are to autistic to read another person's body language.

Perfect response

>Article by David Wong

As someone who has read Cracked for over 5 years, David Wong is a fuckhead. Dude is white and uses an online handle to imply he is of Asian descent. He used to be a good writer until he jumped the clickbait SJW bandwagon around 2012.

Cracked has become shit and half of the articles are clickbait SJW bullshit.

Allahu Akbar

By her logic

>no sometimes doesn't mean no

Stupid woman

If these cucks love patronizingly informing us of the obvious so much, why don't they post something like this?

It does in Canada. Imprisonment could be considered cohabitation, and thus you and your prisoner would have a common law marriage.

When you post an absolutely abhorrent post.

four words

Reminder that this is what happens when you go for the "rape culture" audience.

1. It is subjective as to what actions people feel consent is required for and you have not stated your boundaries for this

2-7. See 1

> No sometimes doesn't mean no

The maximum irony is that what you said is actually true.
I won't speculate on your experience with women, but date enough of them and you will realize it yourself.

Forgot to mention that despite most of the demographic of Cracked being liberal, a lot of the readers are sick of the narrative being spun. Almost all of the recent articles of J.F. Sargent, David Wong, and AuntieMeme (photoplasties and all that shit) have come under fire for being full of shit and just promoting their hugbox environment. It's gotten bad enough that they'll retcon an author to "CRACKED Staff" after the fact.

accused. he denies the accusations. actual eye witnesses corroborate trump's version. innocent until proven guilty. get fucked. I'm sure glad women didn't write our original code of laws

"It's" is one word.

Canada doesn't define what is common law marriage. It could be an opposite sex couple, or a gay couple who has sex. Or two male roommates who are just frien.

I'm not gonna claim I'm some kind of sexual god, but I do pretty well with women and have had a decent amount of casual sex with women of several backgrounds. I literally have never had consent be an issue/thing to even be mindful of. In what universe are women changing their minds about hooking up with dudes that they've already got chemistry with? I've never experienced this shit - in fact, it's almost always the opposite.

All the girls I've been with like it when you're a bit aggressive with them, grab their ass when you kiss them, talk dirty, strip them naked, etc. At every step of the hooking up process, the girl just gets more into it if you're making the moves. Consent is tacit since you're both just horny and wanna fuck and it's obvious since you guys went home together and are tearing off eachother's clothing.

In what universe would you stop and ask for consent in the middle of this process? Has a girl even changed her mind about fucking at this point and been like "nah on second thought you're raping me." This whole issue, through my own anecdotal experience, seems totally fucking made up.

I fail to see how someone sending you a dick pic makes you a victim of anything.

Not even that (though I agree for the most part, I don't believe this is the primary issue). . The problem here is feminism. Here you have a group of people who are looking to be victims. When you have someone who really really wants to be a victim, they'll be able to twist anything anybody said to fit the narrative in which they are persecuted. That's what's happening here. This is especially true if the writer of this steaming pile of shit actually believes that someone sending a woman a dick pick is sexual assault.

Attentionwhoring has been a thing since immemorial, I bet even ancient sumerians had a phrase for "don't hit on me you silly boys". But that doesn't mean rape doesn't happen and that it's some mental disorder not standard behavior observed in every mammal ever.

I'm a cook and the female servers are constantly hot/cold. I'm not talking about crazy bitches either. They're nice girls, almost all virgins, and want to fuck but no one their age can figure out how.

The reason, I believe, is because of all this sexual fear. Guys are afraid to push the limit after getting to know the girl because they don't want to be labeled a predator. I don't see the problem with slapping a girls ass when you've known her for 8 months and she likes you. SOMEONE has to make the first sexual action when you want to go further and it's almost never the girl, so why isn't it ok to give that ass a tap and see how it goes? Because the girl will say yes it's ok even if it's not, and no it's not ok even if she goes home afterwords and masturbates to the thought of you touching her.

It's fucking complicated and this narrative of men needing "consent" makes it 10x fucking more difficult.

> I'm sure glad women didn't write our original code of laws

Why do you think they've been crying their guts out to change stuff lately?
One item in particular being that A SWORN ACCUSATION OF RAPE SHOULD BE ENOUGH.
They want you to go to jail just by them saying you raped them.

It's all obvious, leafbro.

David Wong made an affectionate article defending Trump supporters at the expense shitlibs.
Even TheDailyShoah thought it was pretty sweet in either this week or last weeks episode.

>They're nice girls, almost all virgins

You actually believe that?

>and want to fuck but no one their age can figure out how

user, are you another person that thinks that men are oppressing women in western society because they are not all cool extroverted social Chads? Those women are either lying or something else is wrong with them.

Why the fuck would anyone take advice from a man, let alone a beta-cuck on how to fuck women?
Just look at this fucker, he's some fat White weeb with a Chink name.

If you're charming, women really do let you have your way with them. No you don't need to ask for permission. That just gives you blueballs because you'll kill off the sexual-tension. Not that this fat faggot would know.

For fucks sake if you're going to talk about sexual intercourse, at least look like a man who gets pussy. If Raul Julia's Gomez Addams were telling you the art of how to fuck pussy, I'd listen. He looks like he showers in pussy juice. David Wong doesn't even look like he takes showers.

Women have always been subject to society's rules, even before all this if you slapped a girl's ass without an official engagement her family probably would've cut your dick off. Before modern age it was the parents/grandparents/family who decided what they were allowed to do even if they just wanted Billy from the bakery to pound them and even now society dictates that if they allow guys to touch them then they're whores and their value drops by 80%. So they have to resist and act as if they were victims for society to value them even if they just wanted Billy from the bakery to pound them.

You can't really expect a seven year old to be straight with you though.

Can confirm.

>Go to high-end bar with some mates
>place is nice
>towards 2am nearly everyone is drunk
>some bitch I've seen occasionally throughout the night comes up to me
>talk for a bit and she vomits on my shoes
>she says sorry
>tell her "you can make it up to me by fucking me"
>I shit you not she nods enthusiastically and says "ok!"
>pound her in a fire escape
>leave and taxi it home

Fuck women.

>>I shit you not she nods enthusiastically and says "ok!"

>You actually believe that?
Yes I do, because all the male servers are virgins too. I'm talking about 18-21 year olds. The men don't want to make the first move because they're afraid. Even if they did, they'd get shot down and give up because they think "no" means "no" and not "keep trying".

>user, are you another person that thinks that men are oppressing women in western society because they are not all cool extroverted social Chads? Those women are either lying or something else is wrong with them.

I feel societal norms have changed and what used to be acceptable grab assery is now considered sexual harassment and grounds for losing your job. The thing is it's not the women you work with perpetuating it, they want you to fool around with them and make dirty jokes, but a shift in what "is and isn't" acceptable. A "chad" isn't defined by his looks, imo, but rather their ability to not take "no" as an answer. Not to necessarily harass a girl into liking you, but to know when to make a move and how to go about it. Ugly guys with great confidence beat handsome guys with no confidence; why? Because they're willing to try.

You're probably okay looking or you have an interesting (to women.) personality. You at least understand that there's a fluid motion and understanding when it comes male-to-female social dynamics. You most likely know this through experience like most men do.

Unlike the cucks writing this shit who act as if men are to be subservient to women at all times.

I've noticed that all of these faggots writing these articles are either crazy cat ladies, or beta-cucks who try to turn the art of seduction into some goddamn video game where you need to read and follow a set of game rules before proceeding forward with the sexual attraction.

I'm just really sick and tired of seeing these condescending articles which claim to be reality when the shit they're talking about is extremely different from what the real world is like.

I wish you could've seen her dopey fucking face, i nearly laughed at how surreal the entire situation was.

You're thinking too diplomatically and in accordance with the law. Real sexual exchange happens on the fringe where most are too afraid to tread.

It ain't rape if she's dead.

Yeah cuz I don't wanna go to jail

We can and we should.

That's what i'm saying m8.

No risk, no reward.

Sometimes you have to bet on yourself and hope for the best.

>Yes I do, because all the male servers are virgins too

But till, how do you actually know that?

>The men don't want to make the first move because they're afraid. Even if they did, they'd get shot down and give up because they think "no" means "no" and not "keep trying".

Men don't want to "man up" just to be treated like garbage even more in western society. Go figure.

>why? Because they're willing to try.

I feel as though people like you are exaggerating this immensely. I go outside and immediately see young couples everywhere. I see no proof of men opting out the way you people portray it. Sure, young guys don't want to be treated like garbage by women and society, but that's nothing new. Nobody wants to endlessly try just to fail in life and then be told everything is their fault. Women are not oppressed just because not every single young guy out there isn't a cool social extroverted Chad that is obsessed with sex.

new thread
Come if you dare. Stay here if you're a bitter cunt.

Sure, I ask girls out but if they don't want to go on a date then I don't start going "huehhuehue gimme dose titties" like you're suggesting.

You can keep pushing the blame all you want, it will not make your life better until you nut up and take a chance.

Immediate rejection does not mean reverting to being a neanderthal.

Haven't you seen movies/tv/doujins where the the man tries to get with a girl and she rejects him, only to eventually give in after he pushes her?

Women, not all but most, will tell you when enough is enough. If you build up a relationship with a girl and don't want to be friendzoned, you have to make a move. They will almost always tell you point blank if you've gone too far and threaten you if you continue; that's when you stop.

I'm not saying it's a perfect system; it would be amazing if girls could just be straight forward and be honest with themselves about what they want, but they can't, because they have no idea what they want until you push them.

How are they just as strong as men if any man can send them a pick of a dick and they fall apart?


There's a limit to everything though, I'm not gonna chase a girl for years because that's her expectation. A couple of months is already stretching it but that much I'm generally willing to invest if I see a point.

Fucking rapist pig

her body language says no but her expression says maybe

what do

You're not the first person who thinks like you on the internet and you won't be the last. Have you ever thought that maybe things don't change because you think the wrong way? Like I said, men in western society don't want to be treated like human garbage even more just so they can fulfill this idea of "MAN UP" that people like you force on them. Men still talk to women anyways, and I see young couples all the time. The way you think is cancerous. "MEN THESE DAYS" are not abandoning women, stop being an autistic retard user. Women are not oppressed in western society just because men refuse to be treated like disposable male slaves for no benefit because people like you insist they should.

> and my buddies dick

wtf fag


>be 14 yo
>hang out with nice girl, she was 13
>obviously i want to fug
>one day she invites me to watch some shit to her home, her parents arent around, no brother either
>i awkwardly take my shot
>she pretty much tells me to fuck off
>i keep at hit
>eventually i pin her down and she starts to cry.
>i apologize and fuck off
>next day she has bruises in her hands and and a lump in the back of head
>she acts like nothing happened and invited me over again, we ended up dating for like a year

women are crazy. verbal consent is something lefty fucks invented to fuck over people who you regret fucking

I'm not suggesting "chasing" a girl. I'm DEFINITELY not suggesting wasting years of your life for one.

I'm talking about the period of time required to get to know a girl and become friendly with them. Whether it takes a day, a week or a couple months.

An example:

This server girl, 21, confirmed virgin by her best friend, HATED me when I started working there. She thought I was a rude jerk. Over time though, she came to like me because she got to know me. It's been almost 9 months, but I've now successfully slapped her ass and gotten her to ride on my shoulders (different story). She hugs me whenever I want it and flirts with me every time we work together.

Now she was never a "goal" to me. I never had the mind set or plan to fuck her. She even knows I have a girlfriend. But I feel like I'm at the point where I could go further with her because I tested the waters.

It's all a fucking game. Most women aren't worth it. But for a 21-year old virgin whose fucking beautiful with a skinny waist and the most amazing ass I've ever seen in my life, it is to me.

I have no idea what you're talking about to be honest. I'm not suggesting anything you're implying.

Just leave your girl and go for the virgin pussy then dude who gives a fuck stop beating your saliva here.

This is a mentally ill woman trying to convince other women they are rape victims. This happens all the time. Feminism is a cancer.

Your first post was an effeminate rant about how men are so bad because they don't conform to the standards you expect them to. I see young couples all the time in public. I know a few. There is no epidemic of men abandoning women or men being as frail as you suggest. Just because not all men are social cool extroverted Chads that have sex on the brain 24/7. it doesn't mean women are oppressed. You definitely suggested that women have it bad because "MEN THESE DAYS" aren't conforming to what you expect them to, even though they are anyways. Yes, a good amount of men refuse to be treated like human garbage, but you need to shut up and get over it.

>a man has sex with a woman
>the woman regrets it
>the woman decides that it wasn't consensual
Just fuck my shit up.

Pretty much this.
I mean I never ask to a girl "do you consent to have a sexual intercourse ?" before fucking her, it's all about atmosphere, body language and the fact she returns you the kiss/touching.

Feminists are fucking sperg, if a girl don't want to fuck or kiss she will reject you physically, after that if you force yourself on her despite her fighting, yeah, you are a rapist.
Some girls like to be playful though and will want you to catch them but they will laugh in this case, not yell.


I would never let my daughter around mexicans.

These are the groups that support this bullshit
1. Manhating lesbians. Their goal is to make heterosexual sex unsatisfying. This is intentional.
2. Literal prostitutes. This is how a prostitute thinks. You discuss actions, then price, then seal the agreement and proceed.
3. Mentally ill women.

Your common woman doesn't give direct support to this bullshit. However, your common woman does not think ahead. She also only thinks of herself. Her thinking goes, "that doesn't sound right, but I would never abuse it, and guys should be men and ignore it anyways".

>Sees flag
Not Suprized

You can't be a victim of literal pixels.

why don't women understand consent? or are you saying all women do?

>So Many Guys

You missed that part faggot learn to language first. Im not trying to refute what you said but just point out that it is completely unrelated and your an emotional sack of shit.

If anything all that article could at best do is just point dumb people exist. Some dump people do dumb illegal shit without realizing its illegal. Criminally stupid people are a thing.

Quit being a catch all emotionally gay faggot and learn to read. Yeah that article is probably just being super alarmist about but fuck have some compassion for people like you who fucking see the state of the world only in fucking headlines instead of for what it really fucking is you SJW tier over reacting retard.

This is pure ignorance. He was completely right. The idea that unclear consent causes sexual assaults is an outright lie. It is manufactured by feminists. Unclear consent is rarely a thing. Even when wires get crossed, they quickly get uncrossed. Feminist theory is a bunch of bullshit. There is an empircal statement here: unclear consent causes sexual assaults and rapes. Where is the real data?

Feminists try to manufacture the data, all the campus sexual assault studies intentionally count non-issues to both parties as sexual assault. This is because feminists are liars. The sooner you realize this the better.

Here is the order:
>feminist asks woman if she has ever been kissed when she wasn't expecting it
>woman innocently answers yes, as it was a normal thing she didn't care about
>feminist records this as sexual assault (EVERY campus sexual assault study is set up like this)
>feminists then claims that there is an epidemic of unclear consent causing sexual assaults, even though she created the false statistics
>retarded and lying journalists pimp the story
>one thousand tumblr bots call all men shitlords
>you write this dumb post

Docking permission is my fetish.
>SS Big Dick demanding permission to enter.

>David Wong

Jesus Jacob Jingleheimer Christ, what the fuck happened to Cracked? Do people actually read this shit?

>Wow! You know, it's almost like there is a verbal and nonverbal component to sexual interaction and we don't have to fill out forms and request docking permission if you can read basic body language!
except it seems nowadays more and more women have become legit autistic so they have no clue what the fuck is happening

He is probably a sexually submissive fetishists. This turns him on. Taking power away from men is probably what he masturbates to. No, I am not joking. Nu-males need to be extinguished from the earth.

The real problem is women's sexual liberation. Combined with Young women realize that there's little to no social stigma for fucking anybody and everybody, but they don't seem to grasp that just because they can doesn't mean that they should, or that when they do, there might be consequences for their actions.

I met a girl at my college who was an evangelical feminist because she buys into this "problem" about the frequency of sexual assaults. She told me that she's hooked up with 5-6 dudes in the same fraternity, and that she gets offended when other members assume that she's easy and ask her to fuck. She's legitimately too busy stuffing dicks into herself to be self aware. It never occurs to girls like this that they'd be at at least 80% reduced risk for sexual assault if they weren't casually fucking a new person every two days and getting black out drunk in the presence of strangers.

Life is fucked.