Will there ever be weapon to surpass the nuclear bomb?
If the best and brightest were brought together to create the new mega weapon, what would it be?
Will there ever be weapon to surpass the nuclear bomb?
An anti-matter bomba
Kinetic energy weapons like rod from god or anti matter bombs.
Probably just weapons that impact much faster than a nuke could respond, or a anti-nuke that works 90% of the time
An actual device that can predict the future.
High frequency bombs.
These are the future as they basically inly kill mammals. No you can kill an entire population without damamging infrastructure.
The perfect weapon.
I do t have a pic but its what thry used o all those deer in norway.
>inb4 disinfo fags come up with bs to discredit.
Relativistic kill vehicles could be literal world enders. They have enough energy to pretty much liquify the crust if they're massive enough.
Metal gear
This isnt a good outcome
You want your enemy gone but their land habitable and their infrastructure intact.
If people wanted to end te world (fpr humans) they would stick to nukes. No one uses em because they arent worth it in a MAD scenario.
CERN's Large Hadron Collider. One mistake could be the end of our planet.
High frequency what exactly?
hydrogen bomb
Sounds like a meme.
When the LHC generates strangelets we'll know, maybe, and then we'll cease to exist.
EMP Strike
doesn't harp supercharge ions in the atmosphere and turn air into laser beams?
Autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles
>what would it be?
resonance bomb
Nuclear EMPs are far more destructive in the long run, body-count wise.
Super-viruses, parasites and bacteria can end all-but-end entire ciilizations (t. Native Americans)
A machine which could redirect an asteroid could literally destroy the Earth.
So yes, OP. Worst part is is that the technology for most of these already exist.
Weaponized pox.
Metal... Gear?!
It is a meme
Might be too slow compared to a nuke.
got a vid?
Bioweapons you retards.
False vacuum collapsing device.
With the right properties, a release could wipe out nearly an entire metropolitan area within a week or two while leaving all of the infrastructure intact and reusable.
This is what angers me so much about the world. The UK has nuclear weapons in case of war but at they same time they invite pedophiles to molest their children. The whole thing is fucked.
lmao none of u mentioned the kinetic strike
Flinging Huge chunks of w/e from space into nations
Sound waves iirc
Self replicating nanobots that mutilate or modify flesh.
You turn to dust or Borg.
He's talking about neutron bombs. They mostly work as advertised.
the navy already has ship mounted rail guns that can fire hundreds of miles inland with near perfect accuracy
you really dont think a really really really powerful explosion with lots of collateral damage is that great do you?
we will eventually find some kind of countermeasure that works on any type of explosion
>american education
this is BS
gonna need evidence
Trigger Yellowstone to pop off
This. Rods from God initiative would be devastating as fuck.
2 nuclear bombs duct-taped together
All of the chemical reactions in the cells of living organisms are caused by the electromagnetic oscillations, pulsations, and vibrations, which are collectively referred to as vibrational frequencies. All physical matter is vibrating at its own vibrational frequency.
Resonance occurs when a connection is made between a source and a target which are vibrating at the same frequency. When this happens, the materials become joined and are said to be resonating. Once resonance has been achieved, an energy exchange takes place on the surface of the membrane of each cell. If the source of energy is more powerful, it directly impacts the targeted material resulting in a biological reaction.
Both infrasound and ultrasound are capable of producing resonance. This link can be established in the audible or inaudible sound ranges. A natural example of this harmonious synchronicity is frogs that sing in chorus. Mechanical examples include the pendulums of multiple clocks on the same wall which all swing in the same manner, or the string of a piano which vibrates after the same note is played on a nearby guitar.
Some organic and inorganic objects can function as resonance chambers. These objects are usually enclosures with a small opening. For instance, a glass or bottle will act as one. On a larger scale, the chest/abdominal area of the human body functions as a resonance chamber. Even an entire room with an open door or window can be used as a resonance chamber. Sound can be used to shatter or explode objects after resonance has been achieved.
Self-teaching rogue AI?
Rail/Laser guns?
Anti-grav weaponry/vehicles?
Fuck, even the atom bomb was outclassed by thermo-nuclear bombs.
Matter-anti matter bomb, same shit that caused the big bang and created the universe
Resonance can be induced electromagnetically by an infrasonic pulse generator, which can establish a link, for instance, to a person’s inner organs by resonating it in their chest area. Once this connection occurs, the power level of the generator can be increased, which would automatically transfer the energy to the person. If the power level is moderate, the person may experience pain in the chest area, or their organs may vibrate. Increasing the power level will destroy their organs.
High altitude emp. Threaten to use on other countries that don't immediately enact trade embargo. After a few years of letting them kill each other over resources you send in troops to massacre the rest
SeeSorry on my mobile.
Weaponised autism
Kinetic weapons from space, " Rod of God " or whatever you wish to call it, be it a guided asteroid or simply a very heavy object manufactured in a space-based factory since lifting thousands of kilos of tungsten or some other other heavy element would be expensive as fuck. Easier to take the material form an asteroid or the moon.
this is the most devastating psychological weapon made to date after the electric jew
>Will there ever be weapon to surpass the nuclear bomb?
There already is; the thermonuclear bomb.
>If the best and brightest were brought together to create the new mega weapon, what would it be?
A better thermonuclear bomb. Probably involving replacing the heavy U-238 tamper jacket of the Teller-Ulam design with some other, more potent fissile/fertile isotope.
Alternate angle: bioweapons.
Did you know that sweet potato is a remarkable plant. It’s a staple food of many traditional cultures. NASA has considered it a potential crop to be grown on spaceships for long term missions. In terms of energy production it’s only 3rd behind sugar cane and cassava. It produces the most food value (a combination of edible energy and nutrition) of any crop per unit space and time. A study of Fijian farms using manual labour showed that ratio of energy put into farming vs yield of energy was 1:17 for rice and 1:60 for sweet potato. It grows on marginal soil and doesn’t require much nitrogen to grow. It takes a relatively short growth period of 3-4 months to yield. All parts of the plant can be eaten including the leaves which provide additional protein and nutrients.
>*tamper and jacket
i love this pasta. For some reason it brightens the mood of any thread!
Fun AND informative!
This and ppssible Rods from God.
this and this
both these are pretty much already known by afew of us to be in full possibility and could have already been tested and been used. i dont know what the proofs are but im sure some of it is measurable.
Would we need one? We can already destroy all developed life on the planet with what we have. The only way to surpass that is not with weapons, but with control of people and their ability to act outside of what controllers desire.
yes, they can enter lungs and bloodstream and key areas there-after. im sure they can monitor the planet or cause things. dont ask me anything else because I don't even know and probably no one else does.
Don't forget about about cobalt designs which are basically designed to salt the earth with long-lasting radioactivity
If our space tech was better we could guide passing meteors and aim them at the earth. I'm sure they could outclass a nuke if big enough.
Youre all missing the point. The point isnt to anihillate everything so its unsuable.
meme magic at its full potential
conventional explosions are based on chemical reactions on a molecular level. nuclear weapons are based on the very forces of nature holding atoms together: breaking them apart or fusing them.
i can't think of any way to release more energy than nuclear fission or fusion (both of which occur in hydrogen bombs). more energy doesn't always mean more destruction though. a super virus that could kill humanity would be more 'destructive', but in a different way.
modern nukes (hydrogen bombs) can theortically have as many stages as you want. you can just add more and more, and blow up the whole fucking planet if you have enough fuel.
Solar flare from the sun.
i would say this shit is probably the thing that could truly kill humanity. nukes are too brute forced, nuclear material is very rare, extremely hard and costly to enrich and very dangerous for humans to handle.
nanomachines could kill everything, spread everywhere and you wouldn't even see them. you can't shoot at them or stop them through conventional means. it would be like an agressive cancer only not limited to your body but the whole planet. these machines would first have to find a way to self-replicate though, that alone would be one of the biggest inventions in our history.
>Will there ever be weapon to surpass the nuclear bomb?
For what purpose?
You have to understand, man.... a Weapon is designed for a specific purpose in mind, a specific role, theater, mission, and operational requirements.
You don't use a nuclear weapon to kill a single guy in the middle of a city.... or a deer in a park.
Sure, nukes are really powerful, but the "Best Weapon", no... that term is meaningless without more information about the intended goal of the weapon.
Nuclear weapons are meant to destroy cities, large formations, etc...
As far as projecting power on the planet earth in order to destroy cities and such, Nukes are pretty much as good as it is ever going to get..... Big enough to get the job done, small enough to not needlessly blow up an entire continent and cause nuclear winter with a single warhead.
Making something bigger than a Nuclear weapon is pointless for warfare on earth, which is why research into making BIGGER nuclear weapons sort of stopped around the multi-megaton range.... you don't NEED any more than that to get the job done.
Sorry, just splitting hairs, I guess.
I don't even think I'M allowed to see that one..
Hopefully this rare bandicoot can exonerate me of this sin.
What is?
How about something to slow down the moon's orbit so it crashes into the earth?
Let me do some calculations as you the energy that would take. How long are you willing to wait?
I'll keep this tab open until it 404s, get crunchin tan man.
Basically you get a big rod of metal, and fire it down onto someone else's country. Has the potential to be extremely painful due to the massive amount of kinetic energy the object would obtain during it's descent.
Google it you google
Never underestimate the power throwing bigger rocks than your opponent.
Pizzas and HotDogs
Right now there is no reason for anything other than bigger better nukes. Until we can defend against nukes, why build another weapon? The new weapons will depend on the new defenses.
Social justice?
This user gets it.
I saw it on discovery channel.
Basically you drop a metal rod (I forget how big) of metal from orbit and it has the force of a nuclear bomb when it lands.
There is a weapon that can destroy a planet.... i forgot what it was called.
The television surpassed the nuke. Ditto for smartphones.
This. You could surprise extinguish pretty much any species in the universe with a relativistic weapon
Is it just dropped or is a ton of energy put into it?
My gut tells me there would a relatively low terminal velocity it would reach before landing if no energy were put into before release....
What would happen if you set off an underground nuke next to the Yellowstone super volcano?
In my limited understanding, you position the thing in space, ready to be used. There are rockets o the side, and you just fire it. Remember, Ek = 0.5*m*v^2, so a small change in velocity = big change in kinetic energy. Plus you multiply by mass, so a big thing moving at decent speeds will cause big damage
are you familiar with cymatics? do you truly understand how powerful sound is in our universe?
little more complex than I though, but I think I found the solution.
Sky's the limit.
I believe it might be possible one day to create a weapon that can fracture space itself.
But only time can tell whether that will become possible or remain fiction.
Also viral and biological weapons are, if advanced enough, way more dnagerous than atomic weapons, because they spread.
An eruption obviously
This has happened IRL due to mining of oil drilling near volcanoes that "punctured" the crust around the magma chamber
here is something about the rod of god
My country has nuclear weapons.
Most of them are on submarines and no one knows where they are.
Also the Royal Air Force has nukes.
desu, our tiny island can fuck up any country. It makes me feel safe.
Another interesting geological weapon would be nuking the islands of Gran Canaria, something about the drop of the mountains into the Atlantic ocean would set off tsunamis that would devastate the Eastern part of the US