California Thread - Discuss Candidates, Props, etc

Who else /keeping_weed_illegal/ here?

Also fuck the government. They can fuck off with their cig taxes. They have too much money already.

Not voting for Senate. Both of them are spic lovers.

> Live in most expensive state
> Hate it
> Don't leave even though literally anywhere else is cheaper

You are what is wrong with this state.

Have to bankrupt our state. It's the only way. Vote against anything that will give the CA gov more money. Anything else I don't care.

Reminder there are 2 measures about plastic bags. Banning them outright or charging for them. Vote NO on the fucking charge.

yeah, prop 64 is like the worst possible version of legal weed... leave it to Cali to fuck this up beyond repair...

Also, you have to vote for the bitch that isn't Kamala Harris. Because Kamala Harris will fuck the world up. She's a top-tier gun-grabber.

Why is Tulare County so fucking awful? At least most of the spics here are hard working field laborers, but other than that it's absolutely shit

both candidates have literally identical policy platforms.

reminder everything south of the bay area is shit

>Not voting for Senate.


51 N Pork for government administrators.

52 N When in doubt, vote against burdens on businesses

53 Y The legislature almost always fucks things up.

54 Y Minor cost to increase governmental transparency.

55 N If we can't fund education through the general fund then there are major problems that need to be fixed.

56 N Vote against taxes.

57 N Dangerous criminals shouldn't be let out early.

58 Y/N English only education has been fantastic for hispanic school children. A no vote is humanitarian. Giving the liberal idiots what they want would be better for dumb whites (less job competition in the future) and expose the lies these activists spread. Having more pockets of basically a foreign country in California isn't a good thing. There are valid views on both sides

59 N Your free speech is important. Protect it.

60 Y It may seem wrong to impose this restriction on businesses and workers. However, we don't want the porn industry in California, especially near Hollywood. Most porn would move out of state meaning less Californians would be caught up in it. More importantly, porn would have less of an influence on Hollywood. This is one where it is better to swallow your principles and vote pragmatically. The ends justify the means in this case. Also, condoms do help prevent HIV transmission.

61 N From an economic perspective, this is a very questionable strategy. It is made to sound good to dumb people. It might not save any money. There are certainly better negotiation strategies.

62 N Kill them.

63 N Easiest proposition on the ballot.

64 N No need for this.

65 N Dumb.

66 Y Kill them faster.

67 N Dumb.

>Also, you have to vote for the bitch that isn't Kamala Harris. Because Kamala Harris will fuck the world up. She's a top-tier gun-grabber.
If Kamala Harris loses, she is running for Governor. I could not stomach voting for Loretta Sanchez though.

the bay area is shit too
Something like 45% of republicans are no-voting. The top-two priamry system was a noble effort to encourage moderate canddiates, but it backfired. It turned out it literally eradicates the GOP and makes elections of contest about who is the biggest communist.

I wanna join the disenfranchised GOP to show the liberals that we have lost faith in their bullshit.

I want my boy Gavin as guv

The Senate race in the primary was a shit show and none of the Republicans had enough money to get their names out there.

Well, at least he would be easy to take down. I'm positive he has grabbed a pussy or ten.

good point here. If Trump wins he can keep her locked up in the Senate, but as Gov she could fuck up Cali fast...

Did you know that sweet potato is a remarkable plant. It’s a staple food of many traditional cultures. NASA has considered it a potential crop to be grown on spaceships for long term missions. In terms of energy production it’s only 3rd behind sugar cane and cassava. It produces the most food value (a combination of edible energy and nutrition) of any crop per unit space and time. A study of Fijian farms using manual labour showed that ratio of energy put into farming vs yield of energy was 1:17 for rice and 1:60 for sweet potato. It grows on marginal soil and doesn’t require much nitrogen to grow. It takes a relatively short growth period of 3-4 months to yield. All parts of the plant can be eaten including the leaves which provide additional protein and nutrients.

Who /Hollywood/ here?

Redpill me on Scott Wilk

It is something to consider.

One of Obama's potential Scalia replacements
14M in campaign contribs
Top 5 donors are all big hollywood corps

Not afraid to say politically incorrect shit like naming the islamist
3.5M campaign contribs
Top donor is herself

I just left that blank. hated both, really.

how come there is so much empty land on the coast between sf and la

Are you from that area

National and State Parks.


Is there any way Trump can win California? I know its a liberal shithole but when I went there on a holiday a couple of years ago people that didn't live in the big cities seemed pretty conservative.

California in a nutshell: ban plastic bags and don't enforce the laws against illegal immigration. This state is retarded af.

Can someone explain why you guys are against legalized weed?
After all, califaggots have been storming into Colorado all because DUDE WEED.

Mass Stein voting or bernout no-shows in all major cities.

Non-zero chance, but that's not saying much.

Muh degeneracy, or people with medical weed perscriptions not wanting the price to go up.

weed is for degenerates

Do they expect people to remember all of these propositions and be well informed on them? Is this how California politicians jew in their bullshit policies that continue to fuck up this state?

California is home to millions of former hippies and former drug addicts who have kids now and know the truth about drugs. They don't want it legalized.

Because we don't need anymore mass herds of liberal stoners in California

While that is correct, wouldn't it be better if the money went to a legitamite business instead of some some drug dealing spic/nigger?

Weed illegal in california??

bitch, please... you can get a weed license in 10 minutes.

The state will tax those legitimate business so hard and including getting the money for those people to start their business in the first place. People will just turn to illegal sellers for cheap weed. The legit businesses will have to sell it for insane prices to keep a profit.

California is the most anti-Business state in the union.

I'm from the UK, my housemate smokes 5 £20 bags a week though I make him do it in the garden, so I know what it's like to be around weed all the time, but holy fuck.. whenever visiting San Francisco.

The whole fucking city smells of weed 24/7 everywhere. It's fucking disgusting.



the worst part is that for most of it's history, California was LITERALLY the most libertarian state in the union. I have had enough of being a minority white in my own fucking country. RACE WAR NOW. I am done working minimum wage to pay for niggers and spicks to live for free.

I like living in a state that is a direct democracy, now fuck off

id rather the pound price remain at th rip off rate of 2500 for top shelf

If it becomes actually legal shit will drop off to like 1500 per pound for true OG

....that put sme people out of business

>Finally waited ten days
>Go back to the store to pick up my rifle
>Sorry you have to wait two hours for it, you have to wait ten days to the second
Jesus fuck, who passes this autistic shit? The sun rose and fell enough times already, now I have to pick it up tomorrow. God damn those faggots on the assburger spectrum.

just vote no on that background check to buy ammunition

you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave