Walk, come back. Stop being a pussy already

Walk, come back. Stop being a pussy already.

I know you're around here somewhere.

It's me Winter. Winter was coming to your sweet pollack tears by baiting you
But looks I went too far and became Winter Campaign.

As far as I know Holocaust makes people fat.

wtf is going on?

come back walk, let us be young men again.

Is this SEA general?

Do you want us to leak how weak you are as a Sup Forums? Get your sweet butterball ass back where it belongs or I'll start greentexting

Wtf is going on in this thread


Updhumb if u from SEA


Fine, we're sorry, the holocaust never happened. Will you come back now?

[spoiler]You're still fat though.[/spoiler]

It is now

Sounds like two spies talking in code to me

No the Holocaust totally happened and here is the evidence you asked for

M-Malaysia is irrelevant! Shoo shoo nothing to see here

Am i late for the halloween party ?

Oh good a pajeet. We'll use you as a lure. Now say something about the holocaust or something, maybe he'll appear this time too.

Let me join in

Holocaust never happened, jet fuel can't melt six million jews


It melts triggered people

Walk plz

Whew it's getting naughty in here
Post more holocaust porn

Dead post
Dead thread
Walking Dead


Walcunt please