Sup Forums BTFO once again...
Sup Forums BTFO once again
Other urls found in this thread:
>a who dude likes pussy
>a saudi puppet with alzheimers, pneumonia and who is too retarded to understand emails
LOL, actually very easy decision for americans
>trump is a sexual predator
Also, Checked, nice digits
Did you know that sweet potato is a remarkable plant. It’s a staple food of many traditional cultures. NASA has considered it a potential crop to be grown on spaceships for long term missions. In terms of energy production it’s only 3rd behind sugar cane and cassava. It produces the most food value (a combination of edible energy and nutrition) of any crop per unit space and time. A study of Fijian farms using manual labour showed that ratio of energy put into farming vs yield of energy was 1:17 for rice and 1:60 for sweet potato. It grows on marginal soil and doesn’t require much nitrogen to grow. It takes a relatively short growth period of 3-4 months to yield. All parts of the plant can be eaten including the leaves which provide additional protein and nutrients.
If you get to care that Trump is a sexual predator then I get to care the Clintons are sexual predators.
Trump is the epitome of liberal culture.
If it feels good, grab it
>locker room talk about fucking girls
>hurr durr sexual predator!
You guys really are cucks. I've joked tons of times with guy friends about fucking women.
Checked, kek confirms. Hillary BTFO in cuffs on the 5th.
Okay, but what if you live in the real world, and not media fantasy land, where Trump isn't a sexual predator. Then do you care about the emails?
Literally: "Nope I'm not listening lalalalala"
Niggers btfo again
Praise Kek. Fpbp
A beautiful Get.
Have you ever notice that the first post is actually the first reply, and the second post?
>implying it's just about muh emails
The content of the emails is the real issue there, not to mention all the other shady shit she's done/continues to do
Why is this so hard for people to understand?
posting in blessed thread
I do care about it, good Christians shouldn't support a candidate who is that big of a degenerate
OP btfo
really makes you think
Most if not all of the rape allegations have been debunked.
>Sexual predator
>Right there for all the world to see
By golly.
Did you know that sweet potato is a remarkable plant. It’s a staple food of many traditional cultures. NASA has considered it a potential crop to be grown on spaceships for long term missions. In terms of energy production it’s only 3rd behind sugar cane and cassava. It produces the most food value (a combination of edible energy and nutrition) of any crop per unit space and time. A study of Fijian farms using manual labour showed that ratio of energy put into farming vs yield of energy was 1:17 for rice and 1:60 for sweet potato. It grows on marginal soil and doesn’t require much nitrogen to grow. It takes a relatively short growth period of 3-4 months to yield. All parts of the plant can be eaten including the leaves which provide additional protein and nutrients.
Try telling that to the Clinton voters. This is all a huge clusterfuck
>By golly.
>Allegations made, likely bullshit
>Thing that definitely happened
I'm glad you're so incompetent at this. Makes things a lot easier for us.