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Wonder Woman trailer was just released and one of the main villains is wearing a mask eerily similar to the ones world war one veterans were given after facial disfigurement. This is fucking disgusting, when will the jews learn?
Breaking News
Wonder Woman trailer was just released and one of the main villains is wearing a mask eerily similar to the ones world war one veterans were given after facial disfigurement. This is fucking disgusting, when will the jews learn?
get out
A man named Harold Gilles pioneered these masks for world war one veterans. Plastic surgery did not exist yet and these doctors worked to help these veterans return to a regular life.
These veterans saved your shit hole country just for Merkel to give it back. Show some respect.
So what? Not everyone that recieved one of these face masks was a hero. I bet some of them were real cunts. It's not saying all Veterans are bad, just this one.
Literally fuck off with your SJW tier triggering. Did the mean film hurt your feelings?? Awwwwwwwww, maybe you should go to your safe space.
It's interesting, WW1 is literally the reason there is universal suffrage because men were told they'd be given it if they went off to war (and then shamed by women into doing it) and afterwards women whined that men have it and so they should as well and now they shit on those same men who died so that they could use their vote to destroy western civilization for the sake of their self-centered whims.
Tell me about Wonder Womans villain. Why does she wear the mask?
Some of us are proud of our forefathers that fought in battle. I am proud of their service regardless. You are living in Cuckistan though so I can't blame you for painting world war one veterans as a piece of shit while you sit in your moms basement waiting for the Africans to seek refuge and fuck your sisters.
Not what I'm saying and you know it. There are good men and bad men on both sides of every war. Just because one of them gets injured doesn't mean they're good.
Just because you want to get angry over every single little thing doesn't make you correct. It makes you a hotheaded fool.
Sorry to interrupt your busy day of arguing over which becomes ruler of your jew dominated hellhole.
It's not mocking you fucking retard. The woman in the mask is clearly the woman that gets shot in the beginning of the film. The injury probably sends her mad or something and so she teams up with the bad guys.
What fucking leaps of logic have you made to decide that this is in fact Jews mocking veterans of the Great War?
I'm saying this jew produced movie is mocking veterans of world war one, regardless of their actions. Maybe you should take your outrage out in parliament before the block brexit and lock you into the Merkel Regime.
Is this a shitpost? You sound exactly like a tumblrina.
>superhero movies
disgustingly burgerish.
the only superhero I will ever like is a true European, Italian Spiderman.
World war one was hell, something your pussy maple leaf ass wouldn't know about. Mocking disfigured veterans is fucking disgusting and you should be beat to death for it. Social justice my fucking ass, this is veterans justice.
>Canada was active in both worlds wars before the Americans
>if you don't wear a poppy during November you're considered a degenerate
Fuck off tumblrtits
>mfw teenagers bash war veterans and think to know what war was like from their moms basement while the vote for their slave overlords to control them and pay the toll for entertainment. You young fucks will never understand war, show some fucking respect and never comment in a thread about world war one or two.
Germans were evil in WW1 too, and don't you forget it goyim
What the fuck did you say to me? I'll have you know that I had 300 confirmed kills at the battle of verdun, bitch.
Canadian NEET trying to claim the Canadian military had an influential role in world war one or two. Maybe your teacher taught you that son, but it's a lie.
>>Not thanking us for the coolest gun.
Pls explain how this is mocking them?
They did, they were some of the most feared fighters around at the time, they were real badasses,the hun called them animals and savages, and most importantly they fucking fought in ww1 and youre mocking them, yet this movie is somehow mocking them? You dumbshit its you who needs to show some respect
>american education
America ended the war faster than it would have been without. That's it. Of fucking course the Allies won faster when they had another huge country helping them. There was nothing special about the Americans in WWI other than their technology and the economy behind it. The US did jackshit compared to the Brits, the Commonwealth, and France.
Gotta be honest.
As absolute nutter for WW1 I'm way more put of by the slowmo "going over the top" bit.
In the grand scale the diverity qouta in BF1 is waaaaay higher on the disrespect scale.
>gets pissy over literally nothing and posts this tumblr bullshit on 4chins,
>crys about this movie mocking war vets because one character has facial disfigurement
>continues to mock a leaf by saying the canadians who gave thier lives for the same cause our soldiers did are pussys
Go fuck yourself
WW1 in 30 seconds
>dig some trenches then run at mounted water cooled machine guns because reasons
>throw bricks out of planes because reasons
>murica makes tanks WW1 ends
This, if you wanna get mad about something be mad about what cucks did to bf1
Sweet Jesus that gif is creepy as fuck. What the hell is going on?
What WW1 vets? They're all dead. Father Time got them.
Nice blog post, OP. Guess that trailer should have had a trigger warning, huh?
must be great to be this fucking brainwashed
Your people started it
Wonder Woman is a femdom fantasy. It was created that way. That is where its fanbase is: lesbians, fem doms, and sexually submissive men. If you pay to see Wonder Woman you are a huge cuck.
>Not enjoying soft femdom
low test
Austria Hungary started it