Hi Guys.
Just the literal best country on the entire fucking planet coming through. Richest. Healthiest. Happiest. Most Advanced.
So, why aren't you moving to New Zealand again?
Hi Guys.
Just the literal best country on the entire fucking planet coming through. Richest. Healthiest. Happiest. Most Advanced.
So, why aren't you moving to New Zealand again?
Other urls found in this thread:
too many orcses
Get your ass down here. Free white sluts. Easy to fuck.
If SHTF or HCGE, and they'd have me, I'd definitely go.
Give me a scholarship and I'll move there.
>most advanced
Do you even have electricity everywhere much less a single scientist?
How much did the New Zealand tourist bureau pay for this ad?
>Legatum was founded in December 2006 in the United Arab Emirates
Yeah nah
>a single scientist
huk huk huk... so funny america.
Guess who made all your precious nuclear weapons possible?
>Earnest Rutherford
I'm Chinese-American and plan to move to Auckland with my family if Trump wins. I hear NZ looks like pic related.
Only one street in Auckland looks like that. Dominon Road.
>moved to the UK
Sorry not your scientist anymore.
So Einstein is American ?
Fucking idiot. Stay in the US please.
>tfw no (You)s
Fine I didn't want to move to your stupid island anyways.
Oh, you mean like Einstein stayed in the US?
Will do
>p-please come fuck our women Big Strong Americans
It's me the white American dude. If that Moloch worshiping cunt wins I'm getting the fuck out here. New Zealand sounds pretty based.
May have to move there. Head shit is pretty pricey though so I might just end up becoming a homeless and therein a social pariah.
Please don't deport.
You took the bait. Half of the North Shore is South African. Please don't come, we don't need any more bloody fake whites.
I'm afraid I cannot give you a scholarship, that is out of my hands.
>If a center left candidate wins, I'm going to move to one of the most liberal countries in the world
Isn't the rule that the level of insane SJW feminism is directly proportional to how much British ancestry a country has? Wouldn't that make Kiwi women insufferable?
Yes, that's exactly what I mean.
Was that supposed to be some kind of insult?
sauce on bottom right.
>2nd for business
You do know that means 2nd easiest country for Chinese businessmen to invest in?
Stop shilling shit posted in our Key-cock sucking media.
not my fault your women cant resist the BBC (big boer cock)
because its one of the most isolated places we recognize as a nation in the world
They don't allow immigration. That's why. If you're rich, they will let you stay though.
Common mate... Anyone with a brain purchase property a few years ago and is now reaping the rewards. Sorry if you didn't, and are now cucked.
There are no attractive kiwi women except for light skinned maori white mixes who can be absolutely gorgeous.
Don't post this. Please stay away everyone else.
Uh no, it was an Italian guy. Ferme I believe.
You can pay me in (You)s. I've been actually thinking on going to straya or nz for my MSc in horticulture but I'm not sure if I could get a scholarship.
>New Zealand
You fuckin what? Do you live in Wellington or something?
The telling thing is that he didn't stay in New Zealand.
I adore these garbage surveys.
Jesus Christ can't kiwicucks itt get that being the best country for businessmen to invest in is fucking terrible?! It shows we're on a path to destruction by asian investors.
Rutherford literally named the fucking proton, and split the first atom, ie fission.
A lot of plants here m8.
NZ is extremely liberal.
If you can't see that you're a megacuck.
I'll never forget my stay-over at Christschurch when I was in the USAF. The hotel we were staying in had one of those big metal tubs you bob for apples in full of ice with bottles of milk that had wax paper caps on them. That shit was so cold and since half the milk was cream, it was hardened.
Why have you not all died of heart disease?
I'll bet he was a citizen of some other country by then.
If managed correctly, it also grows the economy very quickly.
I'm guessing you're too neet to afford a house?
Yeah, NZ m8.
GDP growth is happening in Europe from immigration, and GDP growth is even more larger in NZ from even more rampant immigration from asia.
Economic growth is bad if it's from the bad kind, the type that transforms the demographics of a nation you traitor.
Naw, UK apparently.
can i move
get me a visa and a helium leak check job and i'm in dude
No, actually not m8
OK be there soon.
As long as I have sluts and I can live innawoods in the countryside near a mountain like in LOTR
I'll trade with you. I love serbian women.
There are no attractive girls in NZ apart from the lightskinned maori-white mixes
Actually, rural land is the cheapest in the country, so yes, thats achievable.
The only liberal place I've been to is Wellington and I fucking hated it. Managed to trigger an Asian feminist into throwing her glass of wine on me though.
You can get away with casual racism nearly everywhere you go in NZ. Fuck you on about? I personally only know a small handful of left-leaning people. You must be hanging around with the wrong crowd, turbo cuck.
> trusting a top 10 list by a nz shill
> being this nationalistic
My aunt and uncle moved to new zealand in 2010 and came back in 2013 because you guys have no jobs (dentist) and he needed to drive over 50 km in order to get to a hospital in the nearest town
How does it feel knowing that I can wipe out your shitty little island with a single 1 megaton nuke?
Because I am blessed to already live in Godzone
>I can wipe out your shitty little island with a single 1 megaton nuke?
Hello Mr. President, I didn't know you browse Sup Forums.
whats your name cunt?
I will smash your non democracy loving fucking face in
Where the fuck did they live? Not Auckland.
Fine, because no one would waste one on us :^)
where did they live, East cape?
You're obviously an sjw yourself and you don't even realise it. Go back to where you came from.
I live in a conservative area and somehow still people are ultracucked around me.
We're allies though
Fuck of John, we ain't electing you again if you keep this bullshit up.
It is a top 10 list for business, not living standards.
NZ is godtier for Chinese investors to buy us out and make a killing. It's shit for quality of life.
Pretty sure it's that bitch that cried about refugees.
is this just a stupid bait thread or what? because i seriously love NZ and would love to live there
I wish you'd fuck off with these gay threads. WE'RE FULL
Piss off. Can't be an SJW when I'm openly heavily against anything from the left and walk around with a MAGA hat on during weekends. Go back to drinking your caramel latte on Courtnay Place, niggerfaggot
NZ is just like Washington from what I've heard in political beliefs and similarities in scenery and climate. Auckland is our Seattle but warmer.
I see.
I would like to have a better view of her mammaries.
I am planning to do.
Barrack it's 3 AM wtf are you doing up
>you're entire post
Typical wannabe edgelord.
Cuck Zealand?
Lots of unattractive SJWs who've ridden 100 cocks by 19, and demand tobacco price increases every year to the point it's almost cheaper to buy black market weed. Higher electricity prices and obscene rent due to competition from P-Labs and Grow Rooms. The national obsession with fatal car crashes, featured on front-pages everyday ... Where do I sign up?
New Zealand sucks. We have island niggers
Clinton, you mean.
Hmm, I hate people from Washington but I like the weather there.
I would if I weren't settled. I'll be sure to send my kids there and maybe move for retirement, if it isn't overrun by chinks by then.
Fuck that, I can smell the liberal stench from here.
Absolutely this. NZ has a lovely climate usually, but too many insufferable cucks.
>implying a slant-eyed yellow Muslim would be allowed to sign up
Real MAGA hours
read and
Because I'm a slav
I had this friend in high school who was always this total band wagoner. After graduation he moved up to Seattle then he started acting like he was better than everyone else. It was pretty funny.
>leave new zealand for australia
>new zealand becomes great again
is this a coincidence?
It means you've missed out on Chinese businessmen buying out our country.
Typical numale thinking he's hotshit
i don't think so dude. you would have laughed, everyone did.
What I meant is the guy you're talking about is a typical numale that when moves to the big city thinks he's better than those back in his old town, when in reality he's a fucking loser.
I don't blame everyone laughing at him.
that's because you export your welfare recipients to our country.
New Zealand became great again after all the New Zealanders left.
shitty weather ie warm and no snow. also the seasons are backwards.
>30°/80F christmas
no thank you
*Your friend is a typical numale that thinks he's hotshit
Fuck off we're full.
>30° Christmas
I fucking wish
>every single country in the top 25 is white or asian
top kek
>muh christmas spirit
grow up son
>no snow
You can visit Queenstown if you want snow. Why would you want cold weather? Warm weather all year round is based as fuck mate.
>tfw cook my meat on the bbq every night
How easy is it to move to NZ?
I googled a bit of info and it seems like a great place, so I'll come if you can do it.
In Auckland, it appears that you just need to say you're from China or India and the government lets you in.