Why does Hollywood keep doing this?
Why does Hollywood keep doing this?
Because trumptards are pathetic losers that normal people hate
unironically fpbp
because Dr*mpf is an orange meanie rapist that is destroying America
And that's a good thing.
I wish Trump made the purge was real. People would kill so many liberals, trannies and gay faggots and niggers. It would help society out immensely.
So basically Antifa the movie?
Need a safe place? Go to Sup Forums and don't watch the movie
Projecting. He's absolutely right, how else do you think it would play out?
Why can't there be peace
>black chick gets a gang to kill a guy and destroy his store because the owner wouldn't let her steal a chocolate bar
>trumptards get offended
why are the left so terrible at memes and baiting people
you guys are memeing against us, the meme kings, we memed donald trump into the presidency, you think you can fight us on our turf?
>the meme kings
giving you the benefit of the doubt that this is bait
well baited
Why didn't they just inspect element?
All "alt-right" members are just angry virgins with mommy problems who live in an isolated echo-chamber on the internet with no connection to the real world whatsoever. Everything is black and white to them, they are literally incapable of free thought. These are the same people who never leave their room, watch anime all day and jerk off to 2d drawings of cartoon women.
why does trump make reddit so mad? is it because you have no excuse to find a job now? white guilt? black people getting jobs?
Memes are so cool! Haha nice!!!
reddit loves trump though
Sup Forums has always been a lefty/libertarian space before you retards migrated here
>n-no u! p-projecting!!!
>h-haha w-why can't the l-left meme g-guys?
What are some films about social rejects who cling to a fringe political ideology to feel like they fit in?
>TFW normal person.
>Both sides hate me for not choosing between being a bible-thumping, tinfoil hat wearing sociopath or being a rabid, overly-sensitive shitstain that accuses everything that moves of being racist and/or sexist
>One side says im a communist snowflake for not agreeing with them.
>The other calls me a fascist.
Why isn't there a Center Party for rational people?
>deports fewer people than Obama, even after giving an EO
>still no wall, doesn't even a budget for the wall, lied about making mexico pay
>hilary still not locked up
>white house is in complete shambles, lied about "hiring the best people"
>tries to intervene with Carrier by giving them a tax break, they lay off hundreds of people, replace them with automation, and outsource thousands of jobs to Mexico anyways
The First Purge
>Sup Forums has always been lefty
All "alt-right" members are just angry virgins with mommy problems who live in an isolated echo-chamber on the internet with no connection to the real world whatsoever. Everything is black and white to them, they are literally incapable of free thought. These are the same people who never leave their room, watch anime all day and jerk off to 2d drawings of cartoon women.
I honestly feel bad for them and understand why they are so bitter.
>t. normal person
Oh fuck off one of the earlier movies had Hillary Clinton, these shit movies thrive on controversy
They do it so faggots like you will give them free promotion
Saged and hidden
/n/ never supported neocon wars and always fought off stormweenie immigrants
but you wouldn't know anything about that since you came here from reddit in 2015
>fall for shitty bait
>post an equally embarrassing reply
you definitely proved him wrong with your censored image though
Post a pic of yourself with a time stamp to show how alpha you are, because most alt-right members are so good looking, socially accepted and sexually active.
t. redditard
BOOM! You got him, based kekistanis!
hollywood is run by jews
a big part of the jewish agenda is globalism/no borders
trump is nationalist/pro borders
it's not complicated
Epic, simply epic
>Sup Forums has always been a lefty
wrong lebbitor
All "alt-right" members are just angry virgins with mommy problems who live in an isolated echo-chamber on the internet with no connection to the real world whatsoever. Everything is black and white to them, they are literally incapable of free thought. These are the same people who never leave their room, watch anime all day and jerk off to 2d drawings of cartoon women.
Imagine it's the night of the first purge and this knocks on your door.
>trump is nationalist
yeah, there's only one nation that trump cares about alright
Yes, I'm that stupid to post a pic of myself over the internet.
>because most alt-right members are so good looking, socially accepted and sexually active.
I mean, if we compare these "virgins" at the Charlottesville rally to any lefty rally, it won't be very pretty.
Watch out lefties, we're coming to purge you!
>let oldfags were .eftwing
You do you mongs keep making this argument as if. The political opinions of people who unironically made ragecomics and posted child pornography on an anime forum made by a 15-year-old edgelord had any merit.
the alt right will be the first to be purged
Why do jews have so much power?
Still tougher than alt-left queers.
>52 posts
>29 posters
ayy lmao
>openly proclaiming you are a reddit electionbaby
BASED bibi
FPBP unironically. Trumpcucks are pathetic.
>no, you are!!!!
Lol you're reaching so hard. I mean, I understand... being rejected sexually and socially your whole life would be pretty hard. I guess it's no wonder you ended up the way that you did; angry an
d alone. You think your dad would be proud of your life in any way?
Hello newfag
i've fucked more women than you
being a soyboy just isn't an option faggot
Praise Kek, my brother! We are pwning these soy boys for God Emperor Trump! Shadily and 14/88, all my Kekistani bros!
>n-no ur r*ddit
back to your cuck sub faggot
>alt-left queers
lol speaking of queers the entirety of the right is composed of queers
>average of 1.8 posts per person
>some people post more than once in a thread
>BASED bibi
Oh I see you're a meme veteran as well. Shadilay my kekistani friend *tip MAGA cap*
Stop projecting at me, you leftist nigger. I don't need to brag over the internet with how many women I have slept. You're either a fat fucking whale who has never seen a dick in her life or an underage soyboy who needs to spout his sexual exploits fantasies over the internet. In any case, it's pathetic.
t. samefagging larper
wow he had a senior moment on camera and forgot to pose with bibi
he didn't forget to brag on television about how he is giving record amounts of your money to him
I'm in the same boat la, though it's not as upsetting to me. My life's philosophy has always been "don't join."
No you fagots, it's because I was literally underaged dumbfuck when I was on Sup Forums raging against Bush.
Anyone other pedes wanna trigger some libtards with me?
Yeah I'm sure you're rolling in the pussy just like everyone else in the "alt-right"
>tougher than you, Mohammad
I see leftypol finally got around to animating it. Took long enough you lazy commie faggots
>fat fucking whale
>underage soyboy
lol why are altrighters so illiterate and unable to speak like normal human beings
Ah, a fellow BASED KEKISTANI! Come join our guild and trigger the libtard snowflakes for GOD EMPEROR TRUMP!
We are the chose people!! 14/88!
Any movie about bernout millenials with massive student loans who live in their parents basement
>calls himself homosexual
>gets femdomed
I don't understand, unless that's another crossdresser
>Sup Forums was leftwing i swear!
>moot promised sa refugees he would never ban them for racism
Well I know for a fact you're a rejected white, omega male. Stop jerking off to 2d drawings of cartoon women and join the real world at some point, whiney bitch.
>when the greatest attack in your arsenal is posting images of underage children
Oh no no no
>it's a /leftypol/ discord raid episode
Sup Forums regularly shit on Bush and Fox News, though. If anything the best way to describe Sup Forums is contrarian, not "right wing".
To trigger redditors which generates discussion which is free promotion.
Based fellow redditor *tips narhwal bacon*
>underage children
yes, Sup Forumstards in other words
people with fully developed brains, ironically, do not believe in your debunked infographs which you are about to spam
>b-but look at these ugly people!
Ayy lmao too bad I'm literal ubermensch, you asshurt soybois.
>gay men who care more about their people, ethnicity and culture than they care about butt sex.
If that's the case then welcome gays!
>It's a Sup Forums cockroaches infect other boards with their retardation because thousand of people are experiencing Trump Regret every day and their band of faggots is dwindling in numbers episode
Could you say that again, but more verbosely?
>b-b-but trump is hitler
>b-b-but trump loves jews
>they think this is sophisticated gaslighting
no wonder you brainlets lost
clearly the jew media and jew hollywood loves trump and his policies! :)
>le leftypol boogeyman
aaaaaaaand away to reddit you go