What does Sup Forums think?
AP Bio
Network sitcoms are for retards.
needs to spend more time in the classroom developing kids, plotlines need to somehow include more time in the school.
It made me laugh.
Kill off Patton Oswald and replace him with Charlie Day
Sucks. I stopped watching after Episode 3. This will not get a second season.
Unless it pulls a Parks and Rec and drastically improves, it'll get quietly cancelled.
Years later, one of the kids will be famous for something else and people will go "Oh yeah, they were in that shitty sitcom with Dennis from IASIP."
That's a shame. I realise sitcom comedy is annoyingly rapid paced on network TV, but despite that I enjoyed it. Really, I don't understand what people expect of network TV considering the limitations.
I do not like Big Bang Theory, or most TV sitcoms, but I liked this show.
are you watching the mick? it's a better iasip off-shoot.
>kill off Patton Oswalt
he's the one that does the killing user
>goo goo ga ga me no liek him because he make fun of orange retar---I mean God Emperor Trump!
You retards have to go back.
>iasip off-shoot
That's not why I watched it, but I have, and didn't like The Mick. Watched one episode, and didn't want to watch more.
This is still on?
Hello to you too Patton!
Yes. Just watched 5 episodes online (about to watch the sixth), and came here to see what Sup Forums thinks. Sup Forums seems to hate everything, so I got what I expected from Sup Forums.
No. Should have had Dave Foley be the principal like his character in IASIP
Nobody gives a shit about this fucking show because it is awful and I didn't think there could be anything worse... until I watched Anders in the new show Champions.
Always Sunny and Workaholics died for these shows and all of you applaud that? There is a special place in Hell for you where Two and A Half Men and Bang Theory play on repeat for eternity.
Do NOT post about APBio again.
I’m watching this and the Mick as Spinoffs of Always Sunny. In my head the show ends at the “Squash the beef” Holiday episode. Everyone dies in that fire except the gang and Cricket. He goes down for arson, the gang goes into witness protection, Thus the new identities, but similar characteristics.
You can't stop the paid shills. Though you raise a good point that those who actually watch these shows are mental cripples.
It's pretty comfy desu
Not sure why it gets hate. Why does every show have to be a crack up? Cant you sit back enjoy some lighthearted high school nerdkino?
That said, the ONLY good parts are the ones with Glenn. WHich thankfully is at least 90% of any given episode
patton just sucks dude. he's always the worst part of whatever he's in
boring as fuck
Workaholics was shit anyway, and Sunny was running out of ideas
I am OP, not being paid you presumptuous assholes.
Here's a foreign concept for you to NOT grasp. I watched the shows and I liked it.
I responded to someone above that I don't like most sitcoms, neither Big Bang Theory, and that I'm not watching it because of It's Always Sunny.
Sometimes its amazing that how robotic many of you have become in assuming that anyone who likes anything you don't is a paid shill, or a liberal shit.
I liked the show, and you can't change my opinion. Deal with it.
>awaits for insult about autism
>how robotic many of you have become
Yes. I'm glad somebody else noticed it too. People have become a small assortment of subroutines. They will not respond to anything you say until you trigger one, then you get their predictable response, whether it's relevant or not.
white people tv is the worst shit
I used to like lurking Sup Forums but it has become increasingly tiresome with the same insults, the same predictable responses. I don't subject myself to too much of Sup Forums anymore because it doesn't appear to be people that have their own opinions about anything anymore. Whomever gives up on insulting someone is "apparently" the loser. Meanwhile more "it sucks", or "it's shit" responses to basically everything.
typical insults
>reddit space
>libertard shit
The next generation of assimilated trolls with no creativity of their own.
you're just getting old. it was always some bullshit like this. I'm feeling the same ad nauseum when it comes to this place and most web forums.
Yet another office/modern family/community/30 rock clone. Same beats, same jokes, same boring everything.
I didn't like 30 Rock. I did watch Vice Principals on HBO, but AP Bio seems to be more far fetched for the sake of comedy.
As I mentioned above, TV sitcoms are rapidly paced because TV air time is expensive, and has to move fast. So when I'm watching network TV sitcoms I expect the dialogue to be too fast. All of that aside I still like what I saw.
Again, I wasn't a fan of 30 Rock, The Office, or Modern Family. Those shows kind of annoyed me.