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/who/ - Doctor Who General
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Capaldi likes to play with Legos.
who doesn't?
Best outfit.
Fuck off Judy
Should she play Audrey Hepburn in the inevitable biopic?
Dead lymmy boi , don't die lymmy
>when user draws a picture of you hanging yourself because he thinks it's drawing of lymerence but it's actually a drawing of you
surreal feel
I thought it was McGann tbqh
Best outfit is s9e01+02
Lym doesn't even have straight hair, his hair is wavy
How do you know that?
because pictures of lym exist
post them
I haven't saved them because I respect lym's privacy
he has a picture on his bandcamp, you can do the rest
There's just that one bw one
of course you would save Lym's pics you creepy fuck.
Doesn't Lymerence have a twitter?
What's his username i wanna talk to him.
there's two actually
Go to his cutiouscat
I refuse to believe this is the same person.
post it then judy
it's piss easy to find
1000 hours in MS paint, etc etc
4plebs is offline
Judy is gone to the pub
I'm Molly
post it then
find it yourself
you have to earn it
she was a teenager in left pic
She even looks different in Series 7 to Series 8. I think she was replaced by a lookalike in late 2013.
Anyone got a copy of Wirrn Isle?
she looks more different in asylum of the daleks to series 7 than s7 to s8 imo
Clara's a dead girl. Miss her. Miss her.
BBv audio or video?
I'm talking about the Big Finish audio, my copy has parts 3 and 4 at the beginning instead of 1 and 2.
Don't respond to judy please
>no shoes
It's up right now.
Post the pics
My last resort if I can't find a copy.
still reeing cos he muted you that one time?
Pirating Big Finish is violence.
Judy always liked Lym, the muting thing was overblown by other anons, Judy was working that day
Read the logs
Judy only posted the Robespierre pic
She was 20.
It's creepy that you keep RPing with yourself after you already got caught
Wut wut
I know it's obvious but how was he caught?
Could this work?
11's torso is too big for the legs
so, um... "perspective"?
>what is foreshortening
not what that is
you make me sad.
>smith had one good series
>capaldi had 3
>The Capaldi era
It would go down even worse with people though because seeing 11 in Hybrid mode would be more shocking than it was with Capaldi
It was GOAT but I'm using a binary good/not good system for this comparison
Back. I think I'm gonna buy something completely different than the two things I listed. Will keep you all posted.
Buy my Bernice book for 1000 eur
I found all the Big Finish Bernice Summerfield books yesterday for 275 pounds as a lot. So uh, that's a hard no.
>Confession Dial
>Series 6
It even says "ep 3" and "siren pendant", it was clearly meant to be for Curse of the Black Spot.
Cat nip cat nip poo poo
Thread is ded.
I want you dead
Oh go away you tedious person *doxxes*
Great punchline
get in the stream
I never left the stream, user.
Heaven Sent in the stream.
Zoe is cute!
Don't have stream login and don't know all judys passes
r/casualwhostream. make an account.
Stop samefagging
Are they fucking gone yet?
What's /who/ with you?
I have some news for you. In the end scene for episode 10 of series 11, Jodie runs into the 9th Doctor just before the credits roll. Eccleston will rejoin for a special episode that will air in March 2019, this episode will air instead of any Christmas special. Eccleston was shockingly the one to approach Chibnall could he come back for an episode and obviously chibnall said yes in a heartbeat. Bros /who/ is gonna explode when they see this is legit.
I skipped Rose (unintentionally) in 2005 and started right off the bat with The End of the World and honestly I think I was better for it. Caught up with Rose a good few years later and never thought it was that good, EotW works as an opener.
absolutely this
Rose gets all the attention, but The End of the World is where new who really started showing its potential
also the fan scene is unironically kino
OST when???
>they brought back the mysterious "I am the Doctor" theme used in this scene for TUAT
Best part about the episode IMO.