Can someone please explain to me why this movie got so much praise, I just watched it and it bored the hell out of me, there's almost nothing going on and everything looks fake and out of place.Story didn't help at all either.
Can someone please explain to me why this movie got so much praise, I just watched it and it bored the hell out of me...
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It was a decently made sci-fi in the 80's. Thats it.
Believe it or not, OP, there was a time before you were born where many adults had a fine attention-span and were able to concentrate on such films for the entirety of-LOOK THAT DOG HAS A PUFFY TAIL!!!
So what's with all the praise I see it get, especially with the new movie?
It's got soul.
but it's not a soldier
Did you get bored before or after chatting on your phone during the movie?
Believe me I'm not into bullshit action or capeshit movies with flashy CGI and lots of guns, I love movies with depth but this one just didn't feel like it had any, the symbolism is there and i get what the movie is portraying but it just felt empty for some reason to me.
it's the aesthetic, that's it
thanks to the set design and score, it feels like a real, lived-in world
no one cares about the plot or symbolism or anything like that, because it's not there beyond the surface level. it's pure style over substance, but the style is so good that people forgive it for it's complete lack of anything else
BR2049 is absolute kinography. Perhaps you should check out the latest capeshit offering.
I hate it the first time I saw it and loved it the second time years later.
I can't explain why, I don't even remember if I saw the same version twice or were they different.
I don't watch capeshit movies.
But maybe you should.
Noir story combined with great production design. The symbolism was also done tactfully.
The chess game for instance was based on a historical game of chess (King's Gambit) that foreshadows the next few scenes.
I want to tongue fuck Rachael's asshole
Just wait till you get to BR2049
If you're a lonely virgin into waifus you'll convince yourself it's the greatest thing ever
>hurr durr waifubait will make him suddenly like the setting and mood
atmosphere, great soundtrack and a lot of memorable lines
Why not? It did for you
It was always a shit movie and Ridley scott is a pretty bad director. You should read the horror stories about production of it. But it has fans, for some reason.
Ill help your bird sized brain out, retard-kun: OP didnt like a movie for being slow and you want to recommend an even slower successor. Thats retarded.
you just grow up. happened the same to me
How was this scene not rape. Maybe I'm fuckin blind but to me this is what rape looks like.
The best parts in the movie are when Roy confronts Tyrell, and when Deckard executes Zwhora.
because it explore what does mean being a real human been.
the plot is just an excuse to meet, through Dekar, the 4 (plus Rachael) replicants and see how they live and think.
see Roy that after dekar killed his friends and his lover decide to save him and you have this
that it's at the core what the human life is. everyone here, unless they become one of the humanity greats (and even then for not much longer) will be forgetten in 150-200 years. I barely know anything about my great-greatparents and yet they were alive with emotions and thoughts and desire now forgotten like tears in the rain. the same will happen to me and to you and to everyone
time to die
also if you didn't shed a tear in syncro with dekar you lack a soul
he used his chad powers and knew she wanted it
Blade Runner is stark, beautiful, epic, visually stunning, amazing, intricate, and boring.
Great soyflick
Dude's name is Tyrell and he's not even black. Total immersion breaker.
Sneed Beams
People tend to go into Blade Runner with the wrong mindset the first time around
It is not a heavy sci-fi epic where the overall "story" carries the movie, it's an atmospheric mood piece that focuses on character interaction. Best viewed alone while relaxing with a drink on a quiet night. Maybe give it another chance one day.
Blade runner was the first Sci-fi movie to layer the background to tie the world to the past. Some of the buildings in the background are survivors of the 1920s, and past fashions inspired current ones, just like the real world. The plot itself is pretty generic, but the acting was entirely adequate.
Blade Runner was a dud on release, so that might give it some "cult" appeal.
which cut did you watch, the final cut? I hope you didn't watch the theatrical cut. Did Harrison Ford's character narrate throughout?
It was rape, it was a different time.
Protip: All woman secretly fantasize about being taken by force by a mysterious Chad
The movie is boring as fuck you idiot!
Not he, but I thought Ford narrarating was integral to that noir aesthetic. Was this cut for some reason?
I always thought it was over rated apart from the sound track and the visuals
The studio forced Ridley and Harrison to use the voice over.
It definetly looked like rape to me.
I do agree the acting was top notch, I might have expected something else before I watched it so that's why i didn't like it as much.
I didn't watch the narrated version, maybe I should have.