So is this actually any good

so is this actually any good

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Best show so far on every channel

Not really

Watch it and find out.

I found it to be pretty bad, personally

i tried the first couple episodes but meh. wondering if it gets better

and then this happens..

Not really. It’s mostly just waifu-fags fooling themselves that it is.

Eddie Puss was better honestly.

is alright

It's decent by current Nickelodeon standards, which isn't saying much. The waifu fags and pedophiles on this board kind of ruin it though.

I have only now started watching (I'm four episodes in) and I'm enjoying it so far.
It's cute and simple fun; a nice way to spend from 10 to 20 minutes.

Usually 1 good episode out of every 10.

I used to participate in a lot of the /tlhg/ threads during the first few months, they were pretty fun until a lot of the unnecessary drama kicked in. I bet there's still people talking about Discord even now.

I called to tell them to not listen to these whiners.
Nigg is past their prime and needs to be put down.

No. The characters are lifeless (when they're not outright loathsome), the main character is a dull surrogate for a painfully old fanbase, ridiculously PC, the main cast is so bad some placeholder who appears in the background for five seconds steals the show, and the creators use it to either push politics or feed their fetishes. I'm just waiting for LH to reveal the token tranny. Personally, I'm hoping it's Lynn to ensure a massive REEEE from the beards.

Only when it stays true to the premise and focuses on the family

The recent Halloween episode was pretty good.

I disagree, the sisters are bland as fucking hell. The show is at it's best when it's Lincoln doing kid shit like in Clarence, but even that's rather shit due to the presence of the lil' nigg.

It's so-so. The visuals are nice but the characters can get a little stale since they are all basically have one personality trait and it's revved up to 11. Its got a lot of fart/poop/gross jokes so if you're into that type of humor there's a lot of it.

Not my first pick to watch but if it gets me away from hours of preschool shows then I'm good.

If you are a waifufag

The fuck are you asking this board? this place is Cartoon Network's official forum, of course most of the people are going to say it's "bad" based off the repetitive cliffnotes they've been given without ever having actually watched it. this is a board that literally thinks ugly and badly voiced cartoons like Steven Universe, Clarence, OK KO or Adventure Time were good.

it's not really funny and it's definitely not compelling so I'd say you could do a lot better things with your time.

>Steven Universe
Are you mad? We used to shit on that show 24/7, hell it only slowed down after SU was put on hiatus. And we still bitch whenever it's mentioned.
Good show. We don't talk about it much due to it being cancelled.
We never talk about that one.
>Adventure Time.
We shit on AT all the time.

It's full of references, like Gintama.

It fluctuates a good bit, it's generally alright but some episodes are clear standouts. Some of the appeal is that it feels down to Earth relative to a lot of recent Nicktoons, weird as that sounds when one of the characters is 4-year old Jimmy Neutron.

It's target audience 8 - 10 loves it my 3 kids where really excited for the Halloween special yesterday, they did all their homework, cleaned their rooms and took out the trash just to watch it so I guess it's good.

lucy a cute. also one that is consistantly linc's ally.

Not always. When she has to be a hivemind with a few or all of her sisters.

Yeah. Personally, I love it but you honestly need to have a certain mindset in that you have to realize that it's not a plot heavy show and there's not going to be "dramatic risks" or whatever. It's very much a sitcom show and if you don't like the characters and their shenanigans, or simple stories that'll play towards your emotions, then it's going to seem pretty bland.

You could easily start from the beginning to better get to know the family as you go along, but there are some episodes that could work just as well as your first ones.

Not really, though someone did bring it up in the current thread. Nobodies around anymore unless there's a new episode on. Excepting Ultra and the guy with the Lenizilla avatars.

Is canadian teletoon tier

Solo eps about the sisters minus Lincoln usually are the better ones. Usually the group ones can range from "cute, family hangout time" to "everyone fucking hates Lincoln."

And if it's a Clyde heavy episode, chances are it'll suck.

everyone likes Leni though, she is the purest character on the show.

Not really my kind of thing, I like my shows with a little more action, but for what it's worth it's got an appeal. It's good.

Literally every Clyde heavy episode has been good.

As a very casual viewer who caught a few episodes on vacation, then later went back and tried to watch it from beginning: Yeah, there's a noticeable difference in quality between the early episodes and later ones. The sisters all come off as really bitchy for the first half of the first season, but the writers thankfully mellow them out as it goes it.

I'm curious how successful would the show have become if the genders were reversed

Its ok. Lincoln can be a bit of a faggot sometimes though.

I liked it. I wouldn't consider myself a fan but I'll continue watching.

Internet wise, it'd have people making lewd reverse harem jokes and a coupe of people paiing "Linka" with her brothers, adn then they wouldn't care. then overall it'd likely be seen or be marketed as a girl's show, and the different archetypes for the boys wouldn't be seen as interesting or new.

This is why Luan is best.

Luan is the only Loud Sister whos truly garbage

Nah nigga. She da best. I love the little raging psycho and her lame sense of humor.

t. Nick Cage

You mean Lisa.

Lynn Jr. is the worst character and will never have a good episode to herself.

Where can I download the episodes? There was a pastebin of links going around but that hasn't been updated in months.

Try these.

That first one was the one I was following. That hasn't been updated in a while.

Links are probably dead then. Could just watch it on Kimcartoon.

I probably should. Although I'd prefer having them downloaded and saved.

Try that video download helper for Firefox, might be able to let you rip the Vida right off the website.

No, but the art style is nice and there are plenty of waifus.

It's ok. Not particularly great nor terrible. Don't care for the toilet humor though.

The toilet humor happens but is infrequent enough that it usually catches me off guard and makes me laugh.


I'd like to see her be fired out of a cannon

Your full of shit, clyde deserves to fucking burn

>it's a butthurt waifufag post

no, it's terrible.

No. You just pick three or four sisters and desperately want to see Lincoln fuck them. That's the appeal.


You belong in a trash can

Will Lincoln's children inherit his white hair?

I thought Nick was the one place that didn't stoop to faggoty "old anime lol" bullshit and wanted to just be American animation for non-deviantards. That was supposed to be the trade off for all their 90sfagging.

only Lupa will.