>The director Rian Johnson talks about why he staged a battle sequence on a planet with salt and red sands.
why did he do it?
numale cuck
poor guy. Not only he is hated by every nerd ever but he is cucked at home.
Reddit the thread
>Star Warsie
only if it isn't a star wars movie.
She's gorgeous
Oh wow, he has that throaty vocal fry voice. Such a numale accent.
No self-awareness. If he'd listen to himself then he'd hear the problems with the scene.
>the land is blee3ding with red salt
oh my fucking god this guy is hack
Also there was a place that did this in real life
can't show blood in pg-13 so the landscape expresses the violence
I wonder if these barren cunts will realize in 20 years how awful they looked in those "vintage" horn goggles.
so same reason they had the guys in red robes get shredded to death?
>high school level symbolism
>in a flick aimed at kids and manchildren
I don't see the problem. You guys are just outraged for the sake of it I guess
audible kek
Stop sexualizing women you toxic pea brain.
At least they will have changed 20 years from now. You on the other hand will always be unattractive.
I mean the battle looks cool on a technical level it just didn't do much to the overall narrative
Why is he awful at execution half-decent concepts? Looper was a cool idea with nice visuals but a fucking poor story and shitty characters, Last Jedi was much of the same
Is he just a terrible screenwriter? Should Disney have just kept JJ's script and gone with that instead of scrapping it and making Rian write the movie?
*soyfag voice*
>it's a door, they have to go to it, that's why i show it. the sand is red for blood
>the wife
holy fuck poor bastard
this tb h. i didnt have a problem with the explanation. still a terrible movie though
>*soyfag voice*
It's time to stop.
>Zack Snyder does symbolism relevant to the source material
>Reddit calls him a hack
>Ruin Johnson does shit symbolism in a terrible movie
>Reddit loves him and calls him an auteur
Ridicule is not outrage. Christ at least aim for grade school reading comprehension if you're going to shitpost.
lol you people always point out that there are problems without being specific. Does that get you off? Just complaining about shit without offering some insight into your deeply intellectual brain of yours?
There is nothing wrong in anything he says in the video.
>posts video games and expects to be taken seriously
>you see she goes to strength and...
All I saw was a face that didn't move and dead eyes.
>makes 20 Star Wars threads a day
>"i-it's not like I'm mad or anything!!"
>the ski speeder have no weaponry
Why'd they bother?
>watches Star Wars as an adult and expects to be taken seriously
Fuck you Rian Johnson for not giving me a nostalgia handjob
I wanted epic superhero Luke not flawed human being Luke
>JGL's boyfriend
>I want Rian to validate my daddy issues by making a hero a failure so I can project my failures
> Does that get you off?
Yes. Yes it does.
The problem with the scene is that it is illogical. How could the ships the resistance use possibly do any damage against the walkers? What was the plan? How did it fit into the overall narrative? Johnson was very obsessed with the aesthetic but didn't both to ask the question, "How does this contribute to the story?"
I wonder if really directed this or he was just a name to put in the credits.
Do you deny it?
Go away. TLJ is an objectively bad movie. Having Luke being flawed is fine, but we need to know why he is suddenly willing to kill his nephew who did nothing wrong when in VI he was willing to save the soul of his father who was a mass murderer.
He would have "validated daddy issues" by making a strong father figure type of hero, not the other way around. Do you actually think before you write or are you just stringing together buzzwords?
t. haven't seen the scene or forgot
But there was blood in TFA.
It's clear Rian is trying to cope with being a disappointment himself so he projects it onto Luke
>doing the opposite automatically makes it interesting
Imagine being a pretentious film student
Find me a bigger hack, I dare you
this dumb ass gave way too much intellectual credibility to the masses.
While alot of criticisms on rian's fanfic are valid, the amount of just incredulous "criticisms" outweigh the valid ones with ease.
I'm literally 15 minutes into the film and I've got whiplash from the breakneck pacing. There's no tension at all and I barely get settled in a scene before I'm whisked off to the next. This shit is incoherent. Boring.
sexless marriage
Rian Johnsoy
kino message
There ISNT a battle, you fucking cuck. It's 10 sleds driving towards nu-AT-ATs and then they all take a U-ee except for heroic black and the dumb slant that runs everything. No Battle. No Fucking Battle.
Heh, reminds me of that time 10 X-Wings flew towards the Death Star and they all got btfo except for Wedge Antilles and some Tatooinian bush pilot kid. What was it called again oh yes the BATTLE OF YAVIN FOUR
>vocal fry
lmao i remember when a bunch of women got mad at that term because they all use it on their fucking podcasts and evil white males pointed it out
it's a fantasy story, you retarded nigger. it's not about 'le weak flawed humans', it's about idealisation and romance. the good guys are supposed to be good. the heroes are supposed to be heroic. people like you are lower than animals, and should be shot.
Let's use James Bond as an example. If Rian directed it Bond would be a depressed alcoholic dying from aids. His final fight is through a hologram and throughout the movie he never picks up a gun. The new 007 is a young black transgender girl who is a better spy than he ever was without any training. That is the kind of story you would jerk Rian off for making because it fullfilles your cuckold fantasies
>people like you are lower than animals, and should be shot.
Reread that sentence aloud and evaluate your sanity.
The plan was to ram the cannon? Well then why did they call it off when they started dying? It was a suicide run after all...
None of it makes any fucking sense
Rian didn't put a single gay or transgender character in his film you stupid alt-right incel
>bleeding land
Actually it's a good visual metaphor for the violence both sides are inflicting, too bad the scene it's used for is FUCKING RETARDED
But the Last Jedi was also a nostalgia handjob. It copied elements of ESB and ROTJ and bringing back returning elements like Yoda that evoke it's nostalgic route. It's a poorly put together film in both a sequel to a trilogy and a story to a long lasting franchise. It doesn't even standup as a good movie on it's own if you remove those elements. Any message it wants to convey is done so half-assed that you'd have a hard time deriving enjoyment out of it if you even thought about the story for even a minute. It's so obviously flawed at every conceptual level, that to defend it is to admit you have no concept of what a movie is suppose to be.
>tfw all the retarded whining over TLJ actually makes you like the movie more if it pisses off Sup Forums manchildren this much
>girl he kinda cute
Rian Johnson sounds like THIS?!
He sounds like the king of soy.
>Disney are giving this guy his own trilogy
The x-wings has weapons and a battle plan. The issue is that the sleds didn’t have weapons or a battle plan. We’re you dropped?
I though it was pretty good, I don't know what the fuss is all about.
Not that guy but look at what website you’re on. Are you lost?
This particular scene was good for me too. I don't see the problem. Maybe would have change the part where Rose save Finn and let the nigger kill himself and have a meaningful end to his character and because I don't like him because is is too exagerated.
Are they still going through with that? Or are they waiting until Soylo flops to cancel it?
>There is silence for a moment
>One person starts clapping
>Some more people join in, and soon everyone is clapping
>Some black guys clap you on the back
>"Hey man, you pretty funny."
>"He my cracka'"
>A black qt whispers to her friend, "girl, he cute"
>You get awarded the nobel peace prize by some Swedish cuckolds
How did this fuck make Ozymandias?
he was the director. he didn't write it.
God the CGI in this is terrible.
wrong movie to do that you stupid cuck
Everytime theres a sjw bashing ready to start (coincidentally after they keep fucking things up) someone come up and post the same kind of shit like , usually a misquote of the people bashing them in a silly way as a vapid attempt to invalidate complaints.
Do you think tumblrinas are hiding among us?
they'll probably give him the boot later this yeah to give them a bit of distance from TLJ and soylo
I'm pretty sure Rose wasnt born a woman
I can understand people highly disliking the movie for various reasons, I can even buy them calling it a bad Star Wars movie, but theres no justification in thinking that this is objectively a bad movie.
And where is the problem with that?
Red symbolizes violence, the scene was a violent scene...
Where is the joke or problem here?
Can you explain it please?
>Rian get to suck all the bull's cum out of her pusy
it would better represent britains populace than some handsome white guy
This hurts my head to think about cuz it's not that far fetched.
It´s a very forced way to convey symbolism, besides the planet felt too artificial for me and it seemed that the only reason it had red sand beneath a thin salt layer was to make the scene look "cool"
I didn't feel tension because the setting was too artificial for me
>very forced way to convey symbolism,
Is so difficult for you?
Blood is red, blood is there where is violence, red=violence.
It's not philosophy or something is just the use of a color to express what is happening in hte scene.
The second part of your response, ok it's your opinion, I can see what you are saying.
What why am I masturbating to this again
>this is objectively a bad movie
Care to mention the criteria for an objectively bad movie?
It's a kino level idea. too bad it is overshadowed so heavily by "diarrhea in your I.V. drip" level of shittyness movie.
It was made a bad movie by Neo-Marxist Homofascists who decided to use it as a vehicle to push their Leftist agenda.