>It's a nigger lying about the crackpipe in the backseat episode
It's a nigger lying about the crackpipe in the backseat episode
>using the n word
Back to Middle school
Ah, a fellow BASED KEKISTANI saying racial slurs on the internet! Truly, this is the Day of the Rope! Shadily!
So every episode?
>t. niggers.
>It's another alt right faggots whine about everything that isn't 2d drawings of a naked cartoon character
Nah, reddit has way too many cuckservatives for my taste.
El Paso officer is my waifu
>Being so obsessed with reddit you have to post about them in every thread you're in
>admits he browses reddit
You fucking dumb nigger.
go back you turbo nigger faggot
>Sup Forumsfaggot is too retarded to understand context.
I'm shocked.
someone get this newfag out of here
Is this better than cops? I figured there would be fewer entertaining crazy niggers in it because a lot of the eopsodes filmed in college towns
fuck off your a blatant black nigger faggot go back
What context, negroid? You practically admitted of visiting reddit with that statement.
no it's not it's heavily edited and moderated. at least cops is more coherent.
It's a mixed bag of people, it's basically Cops but in a livestream form.
It's pretty good.
Triggered, snowflakes?Your orange faggot is retarded and everyone mocks you.
I honestly can't tell anymore if this is ironic shitposting, pure contrarianism, or people that never visited this website until 2014. I miss having fun on the internet.
7 years bitches.
Reminder: this is what the (based))))))) Sup Forums posters who call you a soy boy look like.
Unfortunately, I've been on Sup Forums since 2009. Not quite an oldfag, but definitely not a newfag.
>Your orange faggot
Don't be racist now, you dumb nigger. That was completely uncalled for, especially for a person who loves to preach about ending racism or shieeeet.
Sup Forums abandoned the whole kek thing when reddit latched onto it
no one takes you seriously outside of your little nazi bubble, that's why you're stunned that Sup Forums would shun you
>STILL seerhing about the soyboy meme
Damn, this is just getting sad now.
please don't marginalize the gay community with your hatewords. this is a safe space
>Sup Forumsfaggots throw yet another bitch fit on Sup Forums
Predictable and pathetic.
I've been here longer than you. Anyone who talks about newfags is a newfag projecting on others.
>It's a cracker getting high behind the wheel and crashing episode
>racism on Sup Forums is Sup Forums
Then Sup Forums IS Sup Forums because people have been doing this since before Sup Forums even existed.
Redditors I swear.
What nigger isn't allowed here?
I wanted a live pd thread.
Stop using that fucking word how have the mods not done anything? Everyone report people who are using the n word, we’re going to clean up this shitty website. Like this post or whatever so we can signal boost and fuck these racists once and for all.
the donald is a Sup Forums colony, more like they dropped it when they started to go outside and realize how stupid they look
>proto-redditors flipping their shit about the word 'nigger'
You have to go back.
Looks like a cool group of guys, I'd kick it with them
Shut the fuck up nigger.
Translate, negro
Then aren't you a newfag projecting on a newfag for saying you're not a newfag?
Sup Forums butthurt faggotry has been going on 3 threads running now. It happens in a thread, a few 100 replies later the janitor takes it down (for free) and then they find a new thread to bitch in.
>Sup Forums is still trying
we killed you in the past 3 threads- you really want to embarrass yourselves again?
>getting arrested for drug possession/drug pipe possession
Hey seppos how's that "freedom" going for you?
Lol I thought about that while i was typing that, but I decided that since I was addressing your comment, it was warranted.
>thirdworld shitholer found
What is some Live PD Kino?
I'v never seen this before
>calling others third world
>getting arrested and prison time for drug use
Lad I'm Aussie
a newfag is innocent and a redditor pretending to be a newfag is toxic and should be hunted
Fine Aryan specimens tbqh.
>not bothered by crackpipes or meth
uh, yeah, makes sense
>tfw when i really wanted a live pd thread
it's pure kino.
the texas and nevada ones are great.
I am bothered about it, however drug use and possession of pipes is a victimless crime, its fucking stupid to arrest people for it.
>goes on about freedom
>wants to imprison people for doing something he doesn't like
I thought America was all about freedom
Fun fact: every "white" criminal on this show isn't actually white and is really a plant by (((them))) to push their agenda.
anything with Denver Leverett
if you're a drug user or dealer just a quick bullet to the head should do tbqh
I LOVE this show. Why don't we have live threads for this?
>trying this hard to be edgy
I've been here for 9 years and I know for a fact this place used to be edgy racist know your meme tier containment board until it became unironically Sup Forums tier racist.
when they had the Phoenix gang unit, shit was incredible. Ill never forget sticks swearing his ass off even though he wasnt supposed to because it was unusually cold for phoenix. dude was shivering and saing shit every 5 seconds while holding some people at gun point as the credits started rolling. Got in a "aw fuck" literally seconds before cutting.
Respect to the phoenix gang unit, local government intervened because it made BLM look bad after they protested armed felons beign arrested on live TV and redpilled me and eveyrone else watching regarding black crime in america, no joke. gang unit was called racist by protestors, and then they banned coverage of the gang unit.
as you can see the niggers are getting out of control in here already
I wish we could but it's all political talk.
The only good livestream threads are fatkino threads sadly.
Yeah... but what does that have to do with what you said? I was just pointing out a generality.
Methheads hurt themselves and others while high. Meth and heroin are huge problems where I live, they take over mining claims near old logging towns in the forest and camp for months while dumping meth lab waste in the river. They only leave to stagger around and steal bicycles or fill their beaters up with $3.89 worth of gas. Fuck them, I wish the cops would do more to stop them.
and the niggers already ruined this show, inner city police departments are banned by A&E overlords it seems after complaints of it overly focusing on black crime, because it only focused on high crime communities. now its dui stops and checkpoints mostly. so much more interesting!
Nightwatch still the best A&E show for showing innercity crime and how absurdly bad it is.
Why is it all southern states? There's Indiana but that's it.
That faggot wasn't me you faggot
doesn't matter the niggers that infest the whiter parts of the country are still bottom of the barrel & still unironically end up on these shows.
Ok it was hard to tell desu