Why do people love this, it was fucking vile

why do people love this, it was fucking vile

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Drink some soy milk and you will get it.

/soycore general/?

I don't know, but it was embarrassing. I don't think I finished it.

They're also fucking vile.

it made a lot of sense if you were the same age as the characters when it came out.

I was and I still found it obnoxious


becaus the screenplay was awesome.
im a huge fan of edgar wright.

this movie is literally about how if you drink soy, you will get superpowers. if you dare get off the path of soy, the vegan police will get you.

because it's funny

Le contrarianism

It's just a meme. Don't worry about it.

it;s just the big bang theory but feature length

>An epic of epic epicness

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then why do I like this movie but hate Big Bang Theory?

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Because Sup Forums told you to

Was the plot all inside Scott’s head? Also the Asian girl is the superior waifu

Because it was playful and fast-paced and didn't take itself too seriously. And Cera is great in it. Comparing it to the big bang theory is retarded, the big bang theory has zero self-awareness.

it's the same jokes, they're equally painful even if the filmmakers know it.


fucking embarrassing soy trash

I turned it off when it showed the apartment to the Seinfeld base notes. Why did they do that?

Would have been 10x without Cera as Scott. Who the fuck buys his character?

8 years ago was a different time

le pop culture reference = lazy comedy writing.

The characters were funny, the plot was simple and entertaining and it came at a time when the whole hipster nerd subculture wasn't as overplayed as nowadays.

Edgar wright made it, the film has a lot more depth than plebians realise. People aren't even saying what's bad about it. The music and the style in it is amazing.

it wasn't overplayed but it was no less sickening

I really, really fucking hate this movie

lol what the movie was made at hipster culture's peak

I was twenty just getting home from Iraq the second time when this steaming pile of shit came in the mail from Netflix. I couldn't believe how absolutely fucking retarded it was. Seemed like the type of shit hipsters were saying was cool for the sake of being cool to other hipsters.

I actually finished it too. Not because it was in the least bit entertaining or interesting. I was stuck in my fucking room with nothing to do after some other ass got a DUI that week and we couldn't drink.

Soy as fuck, it didn´t help that my country changed the title to make it even more soy, something like:
>"Scott Pilgrim vs the exes of his dream girl"

Why do people like things that I don't like?

Nobody likes this movie but you, faggot.

Wow nice buzzwords epic meme. Notice how there's no real critism in any of these posts.

>We couldn't drink
Alcohol is literally estrogen for a man's body, stop it.

>no one's allowed to dislike anything
if you actually like it then you're probably on the wrong website

lol whatever pjw

It was still a massive movement back then too. Funny because they all acted like they were independent with their fashion and other bullshit when in reality the all acted and looked exactly the same. I was in southern california at the time, it was the fucking epicenter of this stupid shit.

Everyone in here liked it when it came out actually.

and unlike you they matured

Because it's actually a really good and well made movie.

What are you taking about? It's a stupid fucking movie that retards who didn't even like it said they did. That was my point dip shit.

it's technically well made, but the script might actually be the worst of all time.

>screenplay was awesome

It wasn't.

There's like ten people total who like this movie, 5 of which are in this thread.

yeah, you can tell by looking at all the capeshit being discussed daily

I've been drinking heavy since I got home the first time in 2008. I'm still blowing fat hang over loads and have a full head of hair at 28. Alcohol makes me horny as fuck the next day and it makes everything way better.

Maybe you just have no taste? How about saying what you think was a flaw with the film other than durr movi sux me like drink and got shot in hed in iraq.
Name a movie you think is actually good too.

this film is no better than capeshit


>Maybe you just have no taste? How about saying what you think was a flaw with the film
not him but liking this is bad taste, it's souless hipster trash. the comedy is painful.

I do not understand the praise this movie gets. I did not like it at all.
Loved the game though.

Certified soy right here.

You can't just say something is trash without giving any reasoning or explanation why, it just makes you look like you don't know what you're talking about or you're just trying to be an edgelord.

I did, the writing is pandering to hipsters and I find that obnoxious

Just smoke pot instead, have an edible, alcohol makes you look like a fat pathetic sack of shit after a while, I was drinking a lot for a couple of month's, my face looked fat as fuck and my had a permanent beer gut for a couple of months.
I looked like this fat fuck for month's

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It's because it's a fun movie.
There's pop-culture references anyone can get.
The visuals are flashy.

I hope this is bait

So basically a kids movie.

>unironically defending this movie

You have to go back


It was a fine movie for kids

You're just using buzzwords. It has a lot of references but they make sense like the final fantasy song. They even make fun of vegans.

>pop culture references good
>pretty pictures good

That's the best part, I actually can say that. There's not a single redeemable thing in the movie for me. The effects are so over the top it's not funny anymore.
>It's meant to be over the top
Yeah, and it went over the top with being over the top. The acting is so fucking appalling. I hate the entire fucking culture that the movie has in mind, AND has spawned. I've always hated Michael Cera too, scrawny ass one trick pony who's really unlikable at his one trick.

>visuals in a visual medium don't matter
the absolute state of this board

>You're just using buzzwords
look, you like this movie and I don't, I've given perfectly legitimate reasons, you need to learn to accept the some people will disagree with you


Shut up, loudmouth.


because hipsters piss me off

It's a good fun time

>Shut up, scott pilgrim's ebin

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>it's actually a really good and well made movie.

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cracked got blacked

How can you say this movie spawned a culture? it fucking bombed and barely anyone saw it. This film appeals to people that like video games and music. The movie has a huge amount of depth and symbolism that either you didn't notice when you saw it or you didn't understand it.

>I can't enjoy myself when watching a movie so it's shit and everyone must agree with me

>fucking initial d visual effects

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or I'm just not a tumblr teen

the beck ost was great

I'm with you. That guy is a fucking moron.

He's not wrong.

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I'll start

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Reasons do not include "i didn't like it because it sucks". Try to respond without using the word hipster or sucks or similar buzzwords. Try to use actual critism or reasoning. You can say you didn't like it but you can't say it's bad movie.

>I take movies too seriously

It's more a case of it reigniting that culture. It bombed, but became a cult hit with those people. A movie can also have depth and symbolism while still being a shitshow.
>This film appeals to people that like video games and music
Which is precisely the reason why also so many people dislike it. How can you justify telling other people ''you can't just say you hate something and not telling people why'' while knowing full well why people dislike it, yet say their reasons are not actual reasons to dislike it. Then when someone gives a good reason, you resort to ''b-but you didn't get it''.
Fuck off, faggot

>an epic of epic epicness

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Beer not even once

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The girl from the Clash at Demonhead was qt af.

What reasons have you given?? You keep talking about how you hate the hipsters that apparently like this movie but that's not the films fault. You don't like video games or music? I said you can hate it but you can't say the movie isn't good. I asked you to give a reason without using the words hipster or sucks but you just keep saying "it sucks" over and over. Your weird obsession with hipsters is not this movies fault.

Multiple people have said multiple times that dislike the over the top effects, acting, etc. How is that not a reason?

You do know it's a comic book adaptation right?

It's almost like cinematography counts in a cinema.


the whole point was anti hipster tho

It's a comic book/video game/music video movie, it is supposed to be over the top. What exactly is wrong with the acting?

It's the undertale of movies.

Captain marvel

Hipsters love making fun of hipsters (but only ironically!)