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Other urls found in this thread:


>han solo prequel
>less hair that Han Solo from OT

Looks like Jack Black fucked a hobbit.


Young Jack Torrance.

eddie munster over here

is that masketta man in th background?


Captain Solo chun wookiee!

They couldn't made a wig?

I just want this to hurry up and come out so I can get it out of the way and forget about it. The guy not looking like Harrison seems to be the least of its problems.

Holy shit get a fucking hair transplant

Is that a fivehead?

Thanks now I know to never watch this unless its free

>tfw i have a widows peak hairline a lot like this guy
I i its not that bad r r right guys?

If you look like a manly hunk in OP's pic, don't worry. If you're a skinny bitch, feel bad.


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Mines worse and I'm younger than him.

don't have a hairstyle like that.

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Terrible casting. How can they have cast Lando so well and end of with this for Han fucking Solo?

How can he pull it off so well? He's not even in good shape. What's his secret?

he doesn't even look younger than Han Solo in the OT


this looks fucking photoshopped, his head is so big and square

The best part is he's also a trash actor who they had to get acting lessons for because he was so bad. Why they didn't just recast is beyond me.

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Usually I'd say he got this role through the bed, but I can't believe someone could willingly desire to sleep with him

TIL when Qi'ra helped complete the Kessel Run she bought a new speeder, Han bought hair plugs

>I can't believe someone could willingly desire to sleep with him
not much sleeping involved when you're a bat mitzvah cater waiter and blow Spielberg in a bathroom

OP's pic is actually photoshopped, this is the original.

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he's good looking

Why didn't they just look for someone who looked close to Ford?

Anthony Ingruber looks AND sounds like Ford.

Ansel Elgort unironically would have made a great young Han Solo

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He's Jewish too, so there's no danger of the goyim getting the spotlight, and he's not a balding manlet like Alden Ehrenreich

I'm convinced Baby Driver started as a Solo pitch by Wright and he used it when it was rejected.

Attached: baby-driver-varsity-bomber-jacket-750x750.jpg (750x750, 64K)

Are you fucking retarded?

>those kissable lips
I wonder if Spacey got a piece

I'm positively giddy with excitement for all the salty ass pain this movie is going to cause.

I'd suck his dick,...no homo.

maybe a sideways 3 head
but dont be decieved by it being a less number
its 3x
as well as the shapenof a fallen 3 (rounded M)

Mike Stoklasa was right when he said this guy looks way more Solo-esque than the guy they got.

>Are you fucking retarded?
nope, not at all. I think early on after the SW purchase Disney reached out to anyone they had a working relationship with for pitches. Anyone would be eager to work on SW, so they probably got a lot of them. Disney bought Lucasfilm in 2012. Wright was still working with Disney on Antman until May 2014.

>alpha demeanor
>brilliant smile
>"not in good shape" in the 70's and 80's is "above average" today

holy shit I'd cringe if it wasn't unnervingly spot on

wow hes fucking terrible.

>Mike Stoklasa was right when he said this guy looks way more Solo-esque than the guy they got.
well, so is this dog

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This guy sucks as much as the no name buffoon Lucasfilm went with instead. There is only one true heir. Pic related.

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He unironically sucked Spielberg's dick for it.

We've all been jewed

he sounds like ford if you completely eliminated ford's charisma.

Go to bed Anthony.

Was that it twere so simple...

I have that same trash hairline, and I comb it down for that reason

I bet he did. It's his thing you know.

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original / updated

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this actually looks better

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>How can they have cast Lando so well
Im already sick of this fucking meme.

Youre just a faggot user.

>My potions are too strong for you traveler

I can handle it.

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>I don't think you can handle my potions traveler

No. He made and starred in a skit video for a friend's bar mitzvah along with Spielbergs daughter, and he Spielberg saw it. That's how he was discovered. In 2008, in which he's had multiple film roles between that and Solo.

>Ehrenreich was discovered at a friend's Bat Mitzvah reception by Steven Spielberg, when Spielberg watched a comedy video created by Ehrenreich and a friend, "which began in the present and eventually cut to 20 or 30 years later, with Mr. Ehrenreich, in a kimono, screaming to stop a wedding." Ehrenreich has described the comedic performance he gave in the movie as, "I ran around as a skinny little punk, trying on girls' clothes and eating dirt." He was then contacted by DreamWorks, a studio which Spielberg helped found, and met with its casting director. Spielberg said: "[Ehrenreich] was in a bat mitzvah video that my daughter acted with him in for their best friend. They showed me the video and I loved it and I got him an agent. That's sort of how it all began." The meeting with Spielberg led to acting roles on television shows such as Supernatural and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

He was not a waiter, it wasn't Spielberg just met him and decided should be an actor, nor was he immediately given the role of Han Solo from this.

Also the acting coach was for Emilia Clarke, not him, this has been confirmed multiple times now.

Isn't this out in a month now?

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while ehrenreich is terrible all around, ingruber is just as bad because his imitations of ford are over the top.

Kill yourself shill

>ingruber is just as bad
Youre fucking retarded. Hes the spitting image of ford, he just needs a bit of direction.

Bro, if they can hire some lame no name who can't even act and who's balding with zero resemblance to Ford ON TOP OF THAT then Ingruber could only be an improvement from there. Hell man, they could have hired an acting coach for that kid instead and the end result would've been better guaranteed.

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This, I know everyone has the fuckboy youth haircut but it works with a widow's peak.


What's the time span between this flick and Episode 4? 3 Weeks? He actually looks older than Harrison Ford was during New Hope. And why are they called episodes? Jesus Christ I hate Star Wars so much.

Shut up cunt.

i know people shit on Sup Forums for being pussies about this shit, but
>isnt it weird Girl power is being pushed perfectly, asian power, gay pride black power is pushed to the MAX

but white power oh well look at the faggot in OPs post and you have your answer.

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>all these meme powers pushed
Where the FUCK is native american power bitches?!

Does your dad know you suck cock?

>white power oh well look at the faggot in OPs post

What the fuck are you even insinuating? That Han Solo is a white power film? Fuck off retard.

Sitting on its ass smoking mushrooms and collecting goverment cheques

>getting this mad over a popular hairstyle
You get bullied by some lads rocking this cut homo?

Thats a jew

you mean mormons?

I know you know we know.
but Norm McNormanian doesnt fucking know.

he looks white therefore he represents Whitey McWhiteski.

Its psychology, Monica.

they already have their own meme power

Native Americans are Mormons everybody knows this.
the Red evil people are just those that betrayed Moroni and sheet and god burned their skin Red.

90s born fag its a jew and it will always be a jew.


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Ah yes, the father that young Solo never had.

Han Mitzvahs

Han Schlomo

no it doesnt it just accentuates the balding. i dont know which bald person decided this but they were wrong.

Manly traits. He just looks like an alpha provider, a real blue collar type. We also know Jack Nicholson is charismatic as fuck, which gives us a positive perception.

He looks like him, and nails a few elements of his mannerisms, but he doesn't have charisma. I'm not sure he can actually act.

Well at least Emilia Clarke is pretty cute.