Will we get Sup Forums back after the election?
The intelligent, actually politically incorrect, reddit free Sup Forums we all knew and loved?
Will we get Sup Forums back after the election?
The intelligent, actually politically incorrect, reddit free Sup Forums we all knew and loved?
Probably not. A lot of LGBT lovers here now. You know these gay types - they can never let anything go.
Back to the race war is coming threads again..
Oh those were the days..
No, Sup Forums belongs to JIDF now
Funding Israel is good and so is fighting to create Greater Israel. Israel is inspiring.
No. The trolls will still be here trolling. But then they will be called some other boogey man. But they will be the same old trolls. Trolling. And the teenagers will still believe a political board on a childrens anime website is powerful and influential.
im not worried
What he said. You can tell nu-pol apart. They also support any type of gibs. They like any type of immigrant as long as they are "integrated". America needs to be a white First Nation.
Meh, Sup Forums has always been Sup Forums. It just so happens that Sup Forums is highly visible now. And of course shills will come here to shill their ideas.
Yes, and I'm sure you've also noticed the effeminate beta race mixing fantasies on here. All day, everyday, effeminate guys talk about their loser fantasies of dating and fucking non-white women.
>not wanting to be dominated by a disciplined IDF qt
Pretty much this.
I hope so. I'm tired of paranoid, delusional Trumptards shitting up every thread.
Maybe. But first we elect Trump.
Damn those girls are cute
Fuck JIDF.
Fuck SRS.
Fuck CTR.
They'll trickle away in the ebb and flow of happenings and skykings
Yes. Obviously one would make the informed choice of IDF qts over Muslim savages.
Yes, but it'll never be like /new/ and early Sup Forums again
I would nuke you both... twice.
>he wants to nuke this
>South Africa
>the country that helped Israel develop and test their nukes
>the country that gave up their own nukes because they're cucks
You forgot the TWICE you JIDF faggot
The good thing here is you don't get to decide.
And? It was all smoke and mirrors. We never liked each other the old south african government were nazi's. In WW2 if we were not a subject of the british we would have supported hitler.
We had no choice on giving up power. It was either step down and destroy the nukes so niggers did not use them the first opportunity they could or risk invasion from the USA.
The USA were our best ally till the soviet union collapsed and suddenly they became hostile to south african whites.
Nope. Stormfags are back again, this place is now /n/ 3.0
You faggots only care about precious white women while arguing over whats white and what's not.
Damn shame, I miss pre2014 Sup Forums.
I like 'new' Sup Forums casting meme magics and shit.
I am tired of the degeneracy. The porn being posted. And then there's the effeminate beta race mixing fantasies. The posts and threads are so cringey and they all are obviously typed out by effeminate guys. The same people that make these race mixing loser threads/posts then whine about MUH MARRIAGES and MUH BIRTHRATES declining, and they are too autistic to connect the dots and see why they are declining. They lack the ability to look in the mirror.
It's pretty stupid to complain about degeneracy when you're on Sup Forums of all fucking places. If you are truly tired of it, then get the fuck out.
It's not like stormfront died.
What i miss is the early days Sup Forums where we shared a culture and goal despite our race.
What is that goal?
Very unlikely. There was a cancer thread yesterday where people unironically posted some shit that cancer cells feed on carbohydrates and eating fruits is enough to cure yourself.
You cant just go back from that.
Only if Trump loses, and that's impossible.
Studies already show that generation Z is more conservative than the millennials and generation X, possibly more conservative than the baby boomers. They're technologically literate and the defining political event of their lifetimes (well, the defining political event of everyone living's lifetime but Gen Z are experiencing it as teenagers) is Trump breaking corruption.
Sup Forums is going to get a LOT worse, for the better of the world
I hope so.
Sup Forums is absolutely degenerate, but the anonymity protects me. You have to keep in mind that most of Sup Forums thought like me up until late 2014, early 2015. We disagreed on some things, but what I am saying here is how Sup Forums was back then. Leaving Sup Forums is a good thing, always was, but Sup Forums is not above criticism, and the autism and cognitive dissonance of the people I described in just amazes me.
>Reddit free
Oh god I fucking wish trumpgen will disappear. I'm tired of every thread not on the election called slide while thread linking directly on reddit are celebrated because "muh /r/donald is a Sup Forums colony,they're allies !".
Absolute cancer. They're so far up their ass that any off topic discussion triggers them because that doesn't happen on their very serious, influential and important reddit board.
Fuck these cunts and anyone that enables them.
If Trump loses and most his fanboys go back to faggit we might have a chance.
Really all the newfags who though a colony on reddit was a good idea should an hero