Free Quebec from the leaf
Free Quebec from the leaf
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Go to bed
rebellion quelled
Not so fast. those fleur de lis are nothing but leaves pretending to be french
stupid leaf
yes leaf as in a single leaf
not leaves which is the plural form of leaf
stupid murica
Les anglais seront désormais en terre d'Amérique française lorsqu'ils franchiront le pied à Québec!
Une fois l'indépendance acquise, il ne restera plus que la question juive à régler!
Ça monte.
Butthurt limey
Yes, please leave.
support for quebec independence is higher outside of quebec than outside, most of us would love to have a poor ass city state on the st. lawrence to store our open borders marxist frenchies that are destroying this country. let's be honest though you have the highest taxes in north america, the lowest standard of living in canada and you can't balance a budget 9/10 years even with 11b in welfare from white canada and 1/3 federal jobs.
natives made it clear they have no desire to be in a poor ass marxist country, if canada is divisible so is quebec. if they wanted quebec to be independent they would have let the entire country vote in 1995.
than inside
t. grew up in shit tier poor ass high taxed quebec city and moved to alberta then victoria
the only good things in canada are from quebec
quebec after they chimped out in wwii essentially built a fake culture around a bastardized language and a potato dish. they would rather import french niggers and muslims than import a 10/10 swede or german. it has more corruption than the rest of the country combined, highest taxed, highest debt, shittiest healthcare and lowest standard of living.
quebec french are the jews of canada.
if you didn't know they rioted and mass deserted during both conscription drives to save/liberate france
dirty anglo nobody believe your lies, your sjw are anglos not french
every single open borders marxist faggot has came from quebec. every single one.
mulroney, martin, chretien, TRUDEAU
name one open borders marxist politician that didn't come from quebec.
And that's where we see you are full of shit, Trudeau is half-anglo.
I find hilarious you reject the fault on quebecquois while that's the anglos who gave him the hardest support.
you don't get to say anything about Quebec you're the ones who created this wasteland of autistic stepchildren take them back or gtfo
Anglos are cancer, most treacherous people in the West, we know this since 700 years here, I can say what the fuck I want kiddo because god bless the americans stabbed your meme Empire to death.
I totally understand their frustration and I'm just sorry for them that noone in France understood the importance of the colonies in the XVIIth aside of Richelieu and Colbert.
trudeau sr. the frenchman flooded ontario with millions of third worlders that vote for his party.. fuck off you don't have a clue quebec hates you more than we do
must suck having to learn the anglo language and use the anglo language eh? your butthurt is rooted in jealousy through and through we all see it
A fucking Lys.
No. Canada is Stronger with Quebec