Could it work as a film? Who should film it and what would be the best setting and story?

Could it work as a film? Who should film it and what would be the best setting and story?

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Only if it was the first game's plot.

I think it's possible. But shit like the Vault-Tec suit and power suit would seem kinda out-of-place and kill suspension of disbelief, at least if they were shown in the pre-nuke years.


the postman already exists

would need to be a trilogy, at least

video games never translate well to the big screen, except for the FPS scene in the DOOM movie of course

New Vegas would be cool as a miniseries

If they do the plot of fallout 4 at least there’s some connection to the pre-war world explaining that shit and the protagonist is exploring the with the same sense of wonder that the audience is

No too many shitty side quest shit you have to do so youd have to cut out a lot and by that time like every other video game movie. Its going to be something else entirely but I did like the hitman movie cause I never played a single game of the series and olga kuryalenko was so hot getting nekkid in the movie and falling for the autistic agent 47.

Would Waterworld work as a video game?

A lot of the creatures and mutants would be difficult to do without CGI. I think it would look like shit mixed with live action characters. A smaller story centered around human factions could be interesting. I think it would make a better series.

>seem kinda out-of-place and kill suspension of disbelief
>2077 before nukes hits
>MAXIMUM atompunk fusion technology that has been worked on and improved since the 40's
>more than 50 years from present day and had better tech at least 20 years before present day
Dude are you even wot m8?

video games use well established film tropes in a greatly less subtle and artful way to background some gameplay. retard:
>woah they should make a film out of this

I can guarantee this is going to be the only good post in this thread. Except for this actual post also, obviously.

And this one

It would work best as a 10 part anthology series.

A lone wander/saviour movie would be too rushed and boring.

My roommate's kid is always playing these games. They look pretty fun. Is it worth playing? Where should I start?

this really, just watch a boy and his dog and youre set

Fallout 3, New Vegas is too cartoony and 4 is gay for fags

>the beginning of this film is about him using his dog's sense of smell to find some fresh pusy to rape
The 70s were a different time

>pa and vault suits would ruin suspension of disbelief
>in the same year where some dumb train peasant blocks a grapefruit's punch with sheer autism

>it's a "Sup Forums doesn't know that their video games are almost always based on movies" episode

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would be better as a tv series desu

>season 1 opener is FO4 opening
>end of episode 1 is Sole Survivor getting cryo'd
>episode 2 starts with Vault Dweller
>FO1 for the rest of the season
>FO2 for season 2
>FO3 for season 3
>FO NV for season 4
>FO4 for season 5
>spinoff series for Brotherhood of Steel


>including the terrible plot from FO4 at all

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What is this? Some kind of beastiality?

Go watch it now.

actually telekino

Fuck off, Sup Forums.

NV would be better

A post-apocalypse movie with cool aesthetics but a boring as fuck plot and forgettable characters. The Mad Max serious is superior in every aspect.

>you're somehow a nazi for not liking the terrible plot structuring and bland characters of fallout 4


It would work as a tv show

>not liking FO4 is Sup Forums
Go back.

>a rather kinky tale of a boy and his dog
Fuck off FBI

it's called windwaker

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New vegas style with large battles between factions, maybe a freak encouter with some hideous monster in the first act to set the post apocalyptic tone

Fucking underage, kill yourself.

It's the movie that inspired Fallout.

Fallout 3 would work but why bother.

FO4 gave us the events before the war well like 5 minutes of it also
>not joining BoS to purge synths fucking shits

Yeah occasional encounters with a Deathclaw or other bigger creatures would be good so they could save the budget for it and make it look nice. A super-mutant or something as a regular character would be shitty because there's no way they could have the budget to make it look good.

>alt right crybabies are getting triggered after getting called out like the bitches they are


>anyone who disagrees with me is Sup Forums
The story in FO4 was garbage I don't see what neo nazis on a underwater basket weaving consortium have to do with that simple fact

I'm underaged because I haven't seen a movie made literally 14 years before I was born?

>can't drink your own piss
Shit adaptation.

FO4 story was pretty fucking bad. Granted, it could be done correctly in the right hands

>I'm underaged because I haven't seen a movie made literally 14 years before I was born?
Exactly. Kill yourself cuck.

A ghoul regular could probably work with makeup, even better if they make them hide most of their appearance due to shame. TWD has dozens of zombies every episode.

It would either have to be a movie that just happens to be set in fallout world, or a series. There's no way you could get the "big picture" into a 2 hour film. But just a movie that follows a few small factions set in the world would be good.
Now that I think about it, a Sierra Madre heist movie could be pretty good.

Hello my intellectual scholar, do show those right wing devils how wrong they are about video games, 'tis the highest form of art after all.


considering it's a rip off of a boy and his dog and mad max it's already been a film

>hack story thats an amalgamation of a million other sources propped up by open world gameplay and player agency driving your autism to collect every clipboard you can find
>good movie
No. Fuck off Sup Forums

It already is a film

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I want underage Sup Forumseddit faggots to leave.

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>rip off
Interesting. I didn't realize a boy and his dog and mad max were are video games.

For Sup Forums, yes you fucking are.

Mad max is a video game tho user. A few actually.

>game about the player's choices and making their own story
>hurr let's make it a film!

>no cars
>no atmospheric similarity aside from post-apocalyptic setting
>tiny map that couldn't accommodate said cars
Not even close. Even Fallout's DUST mod only captures a fraction of the chaos of Mad Max.

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Interesting. I never realized mad max is famous because of the video games.

all me btw

What? New Vegas is the only good one since the originals

It could center around 1 faction, one movie doesn't need to cover all of em

No, no one could do it correctly


Nigga where the fuck did you get that out of what I said?

If you made a film about a post-apocalyptic dogfucker, then I made a film using the same plot and setting, what would that be?

The first 2 if you're okay with old-fashioned isometric RPGs. New Vegas if you want modern Fallout.
3, maybe, if you're that burned out on New Vegas. Don't expect a better game.
Avoid 4.

No one?

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the plot is simple enough that it would easily translate into a movie. of the series it's the easiest to adapt into a single film and expanded into a trilogy. i would genuinely love to see it done. who would play Dogmeat?

That would be derivative, what's your point? Fallout is heavily inspired by post-apocalyptic movies and stories, as well as sci-fi novels/comics from the 50s/60s. Was American Graffiti a "ripoff" of every movie about teenagers from the 50s? Your understanding of genre is laughable.

New Vegas could absolutely be made in to a move.

>no cars
>babyfigs in charge of knowing what the fuck theyre talking about

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Follow the posts up. I was pointing out that it's silly to call a game inspired in part by two movies a "ripoff" of them. It's not like they made another movie with the exact same plot and characters. There are some similarities in how it looks and the characters, but that's normal. Is metal gear solid a ripoff of all of the movies it references?

But everyone would just hate the shamalamadon epic tweest at the end unless they changed it.

A TV series about Randall Clark would be fucking amazing

the meme is that 4 is bad but it's absolutely not true. it's the best by far. no kid would suffer through New Vegas, i assure you it looks like DOS to them.

It's called six string samurai and it's absolutely based.

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Yes, now fuck off and suck my cock Sup Forumsnigger jew kike bnitch

haha holy shit wtf is this? The touchscreen on my fridge has better graphics than this.

Oh, I'm sorry.
>one car
Still not anywhere near Mad Max.

No, and you certainly can't get dogmeat for free by wearing leather armor and holding a shotgun while you walk past him.

Here's a pity (You)

Todd should be in the movie, like Stan in mcu

>best character in the entire series
>exists entirely within journal entries

Fuck off, Sup Forums

>1 and 2 are movies
>3 and new vegas are arrow style tv series with cutting from each other showing the kid grow into the courier

O ly if its rated R and Nolan direct it

>your memory of fallout encompasses hundreds of hours
>Hey can we capture the essence of a Fallout game in a movie

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Video Games NEVER have and NEVER will make adequate movies.

What they should do is have a movie set in the fallout world, but independent of the video games. A Cinematic Fallout 5, if you will. None of the previous games have narrow enough plot for a movie

Of course it could, but if done by Hollywood it will become generic post-apocalyptic movie #53256246255 and a bunch of cliche story beat shit will happen

>underage Sup Forumsedditors can't handle the truth
These threads are always great.

This is a meme, the only reason video game movies suck is because they were all obvious cash grabs and all those who make them have to no love for the source material and don't respect the medium.

There's a documentary or something about those shitty Uwe Boll movies and how they exploited European film laws to make an easy buck through their shitty low budget movies.

>video game movies suck is because they were all obvious cash grabs and all those who make them have to no love for the source material and don't respect the medium.
True enough. Mortal Kombat was entertaining because it appealed to the campy fantasy kung fu aspects of the game. Still the only movie based on a game that's worth watching.

>Mortal Kombat was ... the only movie based on a game that's worth watching.

But the Angry Birds movie was kino user.

Fallout 4 is good. Don't believe the Sup Forums memes

Why? They're basically interactive movies at this point?

As a big blockbuster action film, no.

As a drama with a few action scenes and a moderate budget, yes.

Stop trying to make big budget action out of video games, it always fails because the plot is too shallow and they hardly follow what the video games are about.

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Never saw it. I'm willing to bet it was better than a movie based on a mobile game has any right to be.