Why does racism against whites go unmoderated online? Just screen capped this from Buzzfeed.
Buzzfeed comment section
Other urls found in this thread:
>argentina is white
We need another War
Link. Shit up her chain boys
Because they've changed the definition of racism to fit their own agenda.
Everyone should owe everything they have to white people
>always a white woman
oh wow gee its like they've been brain washed or something
queue jewish face
This time the women need to be on the front. To imprint a collective trauma big enough to keep the degeneracy away
>take all white people
>build a wall around all of them
>whites flourish and invent new technology,art, and culture
>dindunuffins and gringos want in
>ruin it
And the cycle repeats
Here is the direct link to the article
I totally support this. Be funny when they realise all their problems are still there and actually get worse when all the white people leave
>we should wall them off and watch priblems disappear.
Why the fuck do you think we're voting for trump?
exactly, white people having a wall around them is exactly what the white supermacists want
>Why does racism against whites go unmoderated online?
Because you can't take these retards, who speak out against white folks and are white themselves, for real. Even black, spic and other folks don't take'em seriously, since they leave a braindead impression; they're mere, useful idiots for their cause.
White guilt creates selfloathing, obedient pieces of shit, you should know that by now.
>Julia (((reinstein)))
>Beyonce fans invading my favorite genre of music and crying about muh black female empowerment
I guess diversity coming to one of the only two white genres was inevitable.
>Why does racism against whites go unmoderated online?
Millennials believe the Cultural Marxist definition of racism. That is "only white people can be racist because they have all the power in society". I know a girl who genuinely believes this and told me she learned it from Buzzfeed. It's fucking disgusting, because they act like horrible people, but then say it's ok because it's not "racist" just prejudiced and white people deserve it.
Because niggers are jealous at us and we don't give a fuck about what they say.
It's the establishments game to incite race wars.
Except you can't have a race war if black people are racist and white people just ignore them.
>rhiannon giddons
she and the carolina chocolate drops are unironically really good.
I don't know who's complaining about them. I presume nobody, and the poster there is making up issues which don't exist.
>we should build a wall around white people
lol they did that with Australia and they turned a desolate wasteland full of cannibals into a first world country in under a century.
People like this don't understand how Europeanized their own "culture" is lmao makes me so pissed there's no point in arguing with these types
facebook of the cunt: theqlobalist
What article? I want to find white hate. I know kikefeed is full of them.
Because anti-racist is codeword for anti-white.
>lefties eating each other
I completely agree with her. We should separate all the races and build a big wall between them. Then all the races can bring whatever they made with them, so asians can bring electronics factories and mass manifacturing, white people can bring nuclear physics and constitution and black people can bring mudhuts and female genital mutilation.
>mocks the idea of racism against whites
>immediately begins spewing racism against whites
>black people complain about getting forced to live in europe and america
>now black people risk drowning to cross the seas and live in europe and america
If they think africa was so good why don't they just go back?
What do you expect when you go on Buzzfeed? It's basically Sup Forums but just replace Jews, Muslims and blacks with FUCKING WHITE MALES.
Proof is in the pudding when you see them put out countless videos that say "dude whites need to own up to slavery!" "why can't white people admit their privilege!" "haha white people are so lame am I rite?" "see black people! I'm white and even I hate myself!" It's nauseating.
I bet a good number of these fucks will claim to be socialist, yet they completely disregard the plight of the working classes when they talk about white privilege. It's essentially them telling an unemployed kid on a council estate who grew up in a single parent household and couldn't afford university, "lighten up son, it could be worse, you could be black."
By the way I lean to the left and a good number of us find Buzzfeed repulsive too. It adds to the current societal problems with their race baiting. Of course regressive will call us "racist" for not agreeing with their blinkered views on the world.
Because Buzzfeed is a racist against people with white color skin? What answer do you expect? If its this blatant than its just what it is.
Because doublethink.
>LMAO. Yes. Reverse racism is SO real, girl. You and your white first-world ass should fuck off right now.
>We should build a wall around white people
Oh please don't do that. We beg of you.
But if you insist, here is a suggested map with 40% going to glorious diverse minorities and 60% going to evil useless whites based on their populations within the US.
The Day of the Rope couldn't come soon enough, could it?
>build a wall around all the white people
I thought walls don't work
Because Diversity is a Codeword for ANTIWHITE!
What's weird is that this chick appears white and is talking like a stereotypical black chick.
Isn't New York known to be very multicultural.
I know most people there are either Irish, Italian or Jewish, but you know.
To build a wall around white people they will need to move all white people to one side of the wall and all non-whites to the other. Old racial demographics of states cannot apply because no state is all white or non-white.
Theoretically these glorious minorities can pick any 60% of the country to put those awful white people. I just thought they would love to own the southwest since it shares a border with glorious diverse and cultural Mexico.
>By the way I lean to the left and a good number of us find Buzzfeed repulsive too.
the left are definitely turning against the social left...look at the comments section on the Guardian website on any given SJW article and the comments are HEAVILY opposed to those opinions
Yep. Firstly they give us a bad name and create the stereotype of leftists as a bunch of crybabies who go running off to their safe spaces whenever they encounter people they don't agree with. To say the least, I don't see eye to eye with a lot of users on Sup Forums but I would genuinely rather be on here engaging in debates rather than visiting websites like Buzzfeed and Huffington Post where everyone rallies around and talks about how bad white people are. At least people on here are knowledgable.
Second of all, they're as fucking bigoted as any extreme right group we oppose.
Thirdly, most of them have the IQ of a fucking dustbin. Case in point when they talk about how all white people should own up to the atrocities of the African slave trade. What, even the Irish? I'm not sure if they would appreciate being tarred with the same brush as the British empire.
>Duh huh I got a study in music history in High School. Without the angels god graced us known as black people we'd still be waltzing
Funny these courses only touch on rock and roll and blues, when Electronic music had always been European, which blacks adopted with funk and hip hop. There'd be no Beyonce to whine about on this stupid award show.
>build a wall around white people
So inside of the wall becomes a glorious utopia and the outside of the wall becomes a hellish wasteland.
Sounds okay to me.
If Trump doesn't win...
God help us.
I would also add that the Guardian was once a respectable publication, but now it is just a rag for SJW's. Not long ago there was an article talking about how Thomas the Tank Engine was racist because the evil diesels puffed black smoke. As in, someone was triggered over a television show aimed at toddlers.
It's funny how quickly they can turn their agendas wherever the money takes them. Years ago Kotaku was still just another click bait site, but instead of pandering to SJWs it was whoever the fuck jerks off to the 15 HOTTEST cosplay ass shots. I can bet anyone from those sites do not even care for what they push, the "evil" white privilege or slavery
>prosperous white nation surrounded by hordes of shitskins trying to get over the wall
>literally an enormous castle
>Proof is in the pudding
ooh i really hate it when people misuse phrases like this
>reverse racism
Fucking regressives actually managed to make this stupid fucking word part of the vernacular
>Argentina is infected
good memeing, friend
Do they even understand what they're actually advocating and with whom? This is getting ridiculous, it's like they want the same thing as rest of us.
The problem has miraculously started solving itself!
Also what would blacks win by defeating the whites? they depend on whites lol
You believe they think that far ahead ... look at south africa lol
Black people are so annoying. They are a bunch of selfish assholes. We should build a wall around them, leave them there and watch all problems disappear.
All these motherfuckers are mad at a black woman singing country but your disgusting culture is constantly stealing and making fun of other cultures... Fuck off, black people. Just fuck off.
Because white man have turned into cucks. Once you weaken a nation's men, they are easily conquered
Harold and Kumar STAY THE FUCK OUT of White Castle.