When do guardians of Ataturks legacy genocide this subhuman part of population? They are not even human...

When do guardians of Ataturks legacy genocide this subhuman part of population? They are not even human. That would Be a proper happening.

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they're removing us slowly

Feels Bad Man. Fight back. New coup when?

there are almost no man left for coup

the real coup on december,be ready for that.
first coup was warm up

good for us or bad for us ?

>implying banning k*rds was a bad thing

I didnt talk about kurds, I talked about eradicating that islamist illiterate scum that hates republic and keeps sultan Erdogan in Power.

that's going to be bad,
I think lots of kurds will get killed,political parties will get closed,50% turks will get killed for their ideology.
If this coup will get success,we're going to be like old ottoman.
(secularism principle will be removed.)

time to leave this shithole then

not really need to watch..

Turkey is lost for decades folks. It is an islamic shithole, no one would dare to orchestrate more coups against the god sultan.

from safe distance ofc

everything is shit here. whats left of ataturk will be gone in about 20 years.

that's why your military should learn from ours hows to get shit done nice and clean.
May be it will be done properly in the age of your grandchildren.

camel fucker said that..
Egypt is an islamic shithole..

yet somehow it is not run by islamist gangs like your country.
Maybe because Lord KEK blessed our country thousands of years ago

At least Al Sisi outlawed muslim Brotherhood and jailed Erdogans buttbuddy Morsi for Life.

Muzzie bantz are 2 funny

Your shitty as fuck country stabbed us thousands
of year ago,Erdogan is not gang but he wanna be dictator,no way in our country.We have knocked down ottoman already.

Better be gtfo,


Is it true the fucking Erdogan is eyeing Bosnia & Herzegovina all over again? I'm fucking ready, roachshits, come and get me. The stakes are waiting for both you and your bosniak vassals.

Peace be with you Turkish brothers. I am so sad to read about what has happened to Attaturk's country.

you're ready for what? to be cucked again?

>be turkroaches
>coup the shit out of democracy
>make it difficult for the falafel niggers to join eu
Feels good desu

Only a fool would have thought that Kemal could clean a country from such paedophile warlord cult
The truth is, if your culture and society is already infested with Islam, there is no going back
Turkey lost this game 1000 years ago, they became Mohammedans and now have to deal with it till the end of time

Bosnia is probably of equal importance in Turkish politics atm as places such as Malawi, Tuvalu, Niue or Papua New Guinea

Unless a based German like Hitler or Bismarck gets the throne

al-Sisi is pretty much a reborn Atatürk. Removes islamist scum from all reaches of the land and leads by example in getting the country back on track. And he knows to do proper coups.

I feel sorry for Egyptians, you had a choice between becoming an Islamic shithole or remaining an Authoritarian Shithole, and chose the lesser of two evils.

except it wasn't a coup

Sisi isn't an authoritarian manic like Erdogan, the country was simply non-existent from 2011 to 2013, he had to restore law and order.

Even our best politicans can't do much if we talk about Islam
The heritage and backwardness of such culture is heavily underrated, you literally can't force deislamization, Islam stays forever if once installed
This is why Europe has to wake up

Why are Islamic Countries so shit? Why whenever you succeed in becoming a democracy do you elect Islamists who turn your countries into shitholes? I mean even Turkey required the army to keep things in check.

America has fucked up the middle east, but hate for them is not the only cause right?

The military rolled in and took over the government. Sounds like a proper coup to me.

The ataturk legacy is akin to the liberals in usa. They are the ones at the gezi protests crying over pepper spray.

Meanwhule muslims lay down in front of thanks.

Muslims win the ground game easily.

At least you have to give based examples of leaders like Sisi a chance instead of talking on him like he is another Stalin in your media.

Sisi said it many times in western media outlets that extremism is our own problem and we should reform islam instead of blaming the west for everything.

I like how turks always ask who is strongest islamic based country and then they chimp out when i say egypte

poverty, lack of education, bad governments...etc.

This makes the people open to populists. They would rather vote for a guy that promises him to build roads and hospitals right now then a guy who comes with a vague concept such as secularism and his promises are long term.


Come on, we both know Sisi is authoritarian. You just cannot say that.

But on the plus side he is not Islamist authoritarian like Erdogan.

Secularism is bullshit. Laicism leads nowhere.
Simply look at base iq for a response as to why mideast sucks.

t, mehmet


How is the country now? Islamists still operating or are they getting hammered??

>poverty, lack of education, bad governments...

Which also applies for nearly all the countries in South America. But you don't see them forming religious governments.

i could say the same for eastern europe.

That's exactly why I said ''lack of education''. Most well educated Turks hate Erdo. The problem is that the uneducated Anatolians are more.

even if this was the truth of this case, yeah the police here like everything is corrupt, don't expect us to become like Finland just because we did a revolution a couple of years ago.
This country needs a fucking reformation from the bottom up, not top down

Ive met plenty of well esucated turk not hate erdo all day. Those understand whats at play.

In the end it doesnt matter who runs the country. It could be chp secularist sjzlws or akp. Theyll obey america. And the only one thus far to have gone somewhat rogue is erdogen.

During previous decades secularist had all the power to turn turkey secular. They even had a female prime minister.

Secularims and laicism is just synonym with corrupt politician ala clinton.

The poorest SA country is still better then your avarage Muslim one.

Though they to are quite vulnerable to populists.

- Global and domestic interest groups exist keeping Kurds as proxies
- The predecessor of Turkey is the magnificent Ottoman Empire
- Turkey Turks are part of a greater collective of Turks
- Turks have the most rich, relevant and central history of mankind

In case you are unabale to access these informations why would you even bother?

>Turks have the most rich, relevant and central history of mankind



You cant dismiss actual wars ravaging those countries. But you will.

Before the big wars the middle east kept itself confined.

allahuakbar ehmet

I don't get you Turks. You all seem to have these grandiose delusions that Turks and your empire are the pinnacle of human history. You are upper middle at best.

Tayyip shuts down Internet in Turkey



The people you call guardians of Atatürk are mostly smiliar to those islamic sperm dumplings. Both sides do not have their own
opinions. Leftist governments forced secular ideologies to the people and right wing did the same for the islamic ideologies. This
is an endless loop unless we really educate our people to be able to held their own opinions about the things thats going on around them.

There are very few people, true intelectuals who can judge the events objectively and come to their own conclusions but those
people usually do not matter. They either leave the country or just get a nice social standing and live according to the flow of the
river, mostly happily. If you are smart enough, you would understand there is no point in nationalism. Even if you are a
nationalist, you would easly figure that you are far too weak to be able to change anything anyway.

It is true that secular ideologies are for the greater good of the common people but it is only viable if your people deserves it.
Turkish people doesn't deserve it. Atatürk was surely a great soldier and a great leader, very smart man. But he has failed to
see something. He can come up with the purest, perfect ideology of all time, but if your people don't understand the
fundementals of your ideology, you cannot force anything to them. They won't know the value of it. Because they didn't fight for
it, they didn't paid the price and at the first place, they didn't want it.

After the first world war, Atatürk was in charge of the turkish independence war. He had these ideologies but he only mentioned it
to a very few people who was very close to him. Everyone though that they were fighting in the name of sultan. And when the
war has been won, he kind of forced it and thus we become a republic. Look at us now, how democratic are we?

I can't explain all the things you should know before making any judgement about turkey in here. But basicly, it's really

No, but thet destroyed the nation that did. Dicks out for the Byzantine Empire. Press F to pay respects.

Fucking based opinion, though
The truth is that 95% of the Turks did not deserve such a genius as Kemal

Top Kek
>be a Turk in Germany
>Thinking of leaving totalitarian Shithole
>Homeland becomes totalitarian Shithole too

Ataturk's legacy has been dead for a while now. In twenty years, Roachistan will be another Islamic jihad driven warzone.

turkey will become like every other middle eastern shithole within the next 10 years.
You will be joining the failed arab countries instead of joining the civilized western world.

Really depressing.

Also: expect major riots between turks and kurds in germany this weekend. Germany invited a turkish und kurdish fifth column, and thats what we got.

>expect major riots between turks and kurds in germany this weekend. Germany invited a turkish und kurdish fifth column, and thats what we got
If been waiting for this for a while.
This will be the Time when its all going down.

you have problably more understand what the hell is going on within the german-turkish community.
All is see and hear is that erdogan is massively inciting them against germany.
Atleast the german language facebook groups are the one I can read: all they report is on how evil germany is and that a second shoah agains the turks living here will start soon.

Most people have no idea what the hell is going on in the turkish community.
How the hell will this end?

The CSU just said the "Visaabkommen" will not happen after what Erdogan did yesterday. Erdogan has a fifth column of millions of turks in germany... what if he REALLY activates them?

Hey dude! Are you a Coptic Christian? I'm planning to move to Egypt next year for my master's degree in Cairo.

Because of you cucks. Europe portrayed Erdogan as savior of democracy, and murica helped him rig elections when he first came to power in 2003. We were slowly shifting from leftover of Ottocuck Empire to a modernised, secular, democratic country. Now there is no way back.

>Even if you are a nationalist, you would easly figure that you are far too weak to be able to change anything anyway

That's wrong.
What you really mean is that you'd rather position yourself anew instead of creating something.

Look around you, look at all the governments, take a look into history and find all the great personalities having caused real lasting and large scale effecting change.

You simply don't exceed egotistical opportunism and therefore can't change anything fundamental. Like a slave.

Other people are way more educated than this and in fact do what you deem impossible on various levels to varying degrees, even largest scale.


Well to be fair they are probably a little more important since Sultan Erdogan is Ottoman Empire now

Lots of ethnic violence under his rule and no prosecuting of the people doing it. Egypt is not an Islamist shithole? I guess not the people in charge but that doesn't mean the population isn't

There is one thing about the coup that Sup Forums don't know about: The one who plotted the coup(Fethullah Gülen) is also an islamic fucktard just like Erdofag. Eventhough I hate Erdofag, I still prefer him over Fethullfag. Fuck them both tho...

And by the way, America has intervened in Latin America much longer in their region. They have just as much reason as Muslims to bomb us but since they lack a certain religion they don't.

Oh btw muh poverty muh education doesn't explain why even rich gulf countries are prone to extremism

No one wants that.

We want a more self aware and sovereign Turkic people since it's the most resource friendly way of organization.

Would a kurdish genocide be worse than the holocaust?
There are 15 million kurds in turkey.

Islam is a Religion, spread through violence, bloodshed and suppression of nonbelievers. The only way to stop Islam is to do the same. You have to force muslims to give up on their religion. That will only work with violence. Most of them will slowly become disillusioned as you destroy everything that Islam represents. Why would you believe in an all mighty god, if his believers get constantly wrecked. only a smaller percentage won't give up and has to be decimated.

The violence I'm talking about isn't a missile here and there. It's the obliteration of mecca and full scale attacks.

But this will never happen as long western people think like Trudeau "when you attack, they win."

Trying not to offend muslims and not wanting to give the radicals stuff for their propaganda.
Here's a secret: These people have always seen themselves as victims. They find always a reason for being a victim.

Ataturk was a raging faggot cryptojew that never got married or had kids. Rumours say he loved to be sodomised by young men and was a sadomasochist

The foundation of our religion is very strong. The material is strong as well, but the building itself was neglected for hundreds of years. As the plaster dropped down, none thought to replace it and none felt the need to reinforce the building. Quite the contrary: many foreign elements and interpretations, as well as empty beliefs, came along and damaged it still more.


No need to genocide even if we are good at it. Agree with Kurdistan for population exchange. Deport Kurds to Kurdistan. Bring in Turkmens living there. Build a wall on south border. Problem solved.

Ethnic conflicts will rise in germoney

"I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea" Atatürk

I'll consider reading this seriously after you pay your debts to Europe.

Kek. He did not even step on Greece flag unrolled before him after he beat shit out of Greeks in Izmir. He had due respect and knowledge about Greek's culture and history like some of us do.

as a Brit-based Turk this makes me sad, all the great shit my parents taught me about Ataturk and how Turkey is going in a great direction towards secularism, a decade down the line and it's all fucked ggnore

will there ever be another Ataturk? I mean he turned the infamous Ottoman Empire into a secular progressive nation on his own

would it be easier just converting to Islam so when Europe get's taken over I won't get lynched? Turkish identity is dead, it's Islamic identity now and that's fucking sad but not me I will always identify as a Turk not an Islamic pigfucker, I don't even care if I'm alone in this in the next 10-20 years.

They probably will be extremely observant with agreements.
Keep praying, Hevval.
I don't see a conflict.
Religion is a set of rules of faith (/beliefs).
Turks have their own building in whic they can be selective or rejective the way like to be towards other beliefs/ religions.

this, what the fuck muslims used to be oppressed in Turkey like Ataturk wanted, how did this happen?

But it is a historical fact. Why do you think he adopted all those kids? He was prowling for young "gifted" men to sodomise him.

>He had due respect and knowledge about Greek's culture and history like some of us do

That's irrelevant he was a genocidal maniac and a war criminal. He murdered millions of people just to create the fake artificial "turkish" identity.

All the things that I said was in the scope of Turkey's current political and sociological environment.

Every incident should be considered according to it's time. And I do so, yes, there are many incidents that people efected
their countries future by standing up even when they were weaker than the powers they faced. French revolution, American
civil war, Iranian islamic revolution(yes that counts too) so on and so forth. But when you look closer, you would findout that
while it is so much easier to reach to and communicate with people it is much much more harder to change their mind about
anything. I think that's because of the globalization and all the bullcrap that people have been exposed in every fucking way in
their life. Now we have all the technology to organize such movements, but don't forget, governments have much more
oppurtunity and measurements to stop us from doing that. Hell maybe even now some dickhead official is reading the things I
write here and deciding if I pose a threat to their agenda.

>Paranoia intensifies

If we take Turkey for instance, let me give you a couple of examples.
>Deniz Gezmiş, a communist student leader, activist. Tried to change things, he and his friends were hanged.
>Uğur Mumcu, journalist who tried to uncover some conspiracies, objective opinions. Assasinated.
>Ergenekon Lawsuite, no fucking comment.
>Current censorship and all the things that the government does to prevent any opposition...
These are the incidents from top of my head, list can go on and on.

Turkey is a joke country right now. If I don't try to change anything, it's not because I am an egoist or a coward. It's because it's not
fucking worth it. And most likely I would fail. Don't get emotional, this is a serious matter.

He actually urged all of the people to adopt those kids because literally almost all of their parents were killed in the war and he considered it a duty to take care of those children. We lost a lot on the path to form our republic, but also made all of you bastards suffer. Today Greece is a shithole, and will always be.

>Today Greece is a shithole

Greece has double the GDP per capita of "turkey" so I can't even imagine what it is using your logic

>He actually urged all of the people to adopt those kids

Memes and banter aside there are serious indications that he was a homofag


Sauce: Greek newspaper clipping. Kill yourself.

Of course. The biggest indication is how he raped all those Greek, Brit and French cunts in Gallipoli. Infact, I'd say it's a fucking proof!


We understand that you hate Ataturk Greekbro. He destroyed all of your peoples hope of getting İzmir back. With his war tactics; our poor, hungry, tired military forces destroyed your well-equipped, Western money and propaganda supported army. So for you, hating on him is the logical thing to do.

The government is the people.

Education: Simply means shaping.

When we can see one being integrated into a model of stoic cosmpolitanism you will understand this idea of how to gain sovereignity:
- Self
- Nuclear family
- Immediate family
- Local group
- Citizens

In case we can't find you integrated you will be prone to belief in some kind of Überpower that's out of reach, in this case you call that phantom government. While the people in charge are embedded into their family and social network.

Please don't give me that "the government is the people" bullshit. You very well know it's not true, especially in
here. You cannot find any more divided society anywhere. I consider myself as a cosmopolitan. Can you say
the same for the jihadist militans or muslims who wants to spread islam?

Yes education is shaping the people, and we well shaped those people. Look how far it has bring us. There is a
trend in the world, I think everyone can appreciate. Radicalism has been increasing in a crazy rate, all over the
world. And same here, people are directed systematicly in large numbers. We educate our people to become
modern slaves, thats the truth.

If you want me to integrate to this sick society, you have to go and fuck yourself. I, by no means see myself in
this rigged and fake society. I am not playing this game. That's why I isolate myself more and more everyday,
and I am trying to find an escape like an animal trapped in the corner.

That's what you get here, if you don't think like the ones who are in power, you are nothing more than an expandable.
Sorry if I offended you, I don't mean anything like that. And I am sorry that I cannot fully explain my opinion, my english
is not that good.


Nah it's cool.

I simply see an average bozkurt supporting illiterate villager better educated than you when it comes to sovereignity.

There's a convenient way for gigantic governments to adminster people:

Disrupting family and social structures and replace (instead of supplementing) them with own institutions.

Since there's no consistent and hollistic connections between those institutions and the regular citizen, an effective discourse seems so impossible.
That's the current model we are living in, to a degree: Small nuclear families creating individuals that are subject to the state.
And what really can you do against that Überpower 'by yourself'?

Though we don't have to understand society as a collective of loose individuals.

We can think in the image of stoic cosmopolitan.
The lacking foundation is really just a matter of mindset:

When you organize yourself inside family structures (nuclear family > immediate family > extended family) and extend those ever further until your reach a level that we can call national, then you will gain immediate sovereignity. All of a sudden you matter and the tools of organization increase unbelievably.

All the successful families everyone seems to complain about really just did that. It's way more resource friendly as well. More effective in every way.

Why would we genocide them? I actually like where the country is headed. These people (including liberals) shit on Ataturk and Turkish nationalism. They will learn their lesson not through mere words, but through starvation, agony and violence. That's what they chose and that's what they will get.

Stay comfy