This is my last post on pol. I've decided to live in a Hutterite community

This is my last post on pol. I've decided to live in a Hutterite community.

A family is already offering a room and I got a job working at a carpentry shop.

I've been depressed for so long. I think this will be a positive change. A man needs religion, hardship and a community to develop. I know it will be hard, but I will be a better, happier man.

Goodbye pol.

Let us know when/if you come back. Unless this is a permenant thing of course. I'd be interested in seeing how a community like that changes one's outlook on life.

Godspeed user.

Have fun user

GTFOutta here. You'll be back though.

What is that community?

Vote trump before you leave kek

Kinda like amish but they use certain technology like cars and such

What is that flag?


I'm jelly, you're about to take the real redpill and escape the metropolitan nightmare

>man needs religion

I was used as a stud for breeding in a Hutterite community outside outside of Edmonton for years because of my blonde hair and blue eyes. A farmer approached me with the offer at a farm equipment trade show I was at. Was an interesting year.

See you tomorrow, fag.

It's not opposite day yet, retard



never heard of them.

you are here forever

Your post spoke out to me. You might not belive this post. But God has something planned for you. Cut off all ties, just temporarily. You'll see that choosing God was the right decision. Thank me later, but just Thank God. I've everything I'd ever asked of God. Not a joke. I think this uis a legit rech-out to the unbelieving. Take what you will. t True believer after a lot of convincing.

A sheep needs religion to fill its stupid head with false promises and ignorant happiness. A man recognizes are rejects falsehoods.

Is it in OHIO

I visited a community of mononites, they were chill.

Enjoy that fresh pussy OP, I expect you to be wed soon probably to a nice bride. Don't forget to delete your Sup Forums folder

Please remember to tell that to God when you meet him at death.

As posted. You'll meet your other half in church. I got my qt there as well. This ain't a joke, nor am I patronizing you. God WILL give you gifts, IF you let him. Joke if you will, but I'd still be a virgin nonetheless.

If God existed and I die, I'm pretty sure he's gonna have more respect for the person who bases their life on evidence and was a good person for the sake of it.

Not some whipped Dog like you whose terrified of hell and does good for a reward, stubbornly clinging to beliefs not because of evidence but because of fear and other emotion. You only do good because you're scared of punishment, that isn't true good.

And if your God were to punish me for using the brain he gave me, he's a petty, vain, worthless God to begin with.

Read the bible. If you don't believe, you are still going to hell.

user is gonna live a second life that involves browsing Sup Forums on a mobile

You met a girlfriend at a social event. You really need to assign some supernatural "It was fate" bullshit to it? How much of an insignificant loser do you have to be that the only thing that gives you purpose is the idea that the ultimate power in existence is personally taking time out to give you gifts such as a girlfriend. Lmao

If you'd read some of the bible, you'd know that He gives no fucks what we do. Meats for the belly, belly for the meats. You're just another organism feasting and defecating on His design. To know other is simply blasphemy. Come at me, I was once the most atheist you'd know. Got wise since.

Believe what? Old or new testament? Which passages? What about the parts that contradict itself? Is the talking snake real? Why are there no talking snakes on there Ark? Seems retarded to me.

Why must you waste what you to brlieve is your short life mocking others?

>Needs religion
>Mfw religion is #1 stopper of science

lol k

I want to shit on your dick you insane faggot

Are you acting stupid, or does it come naturally to you.

If you don't believe in God, you will go to hell.

Cool. Tell the women to stop shoplifting by shoving shit up their longass skirts. Fucking thieves.

Apparently you arrived at your atheism not through reasoned thought but through emotional means. Many people who refer to themselves as Atheist are just rebelling from their parents or angry from the death of a loved one. If you arrive arrive Atheism through rational arguments there's no argument to ever go back.

Therefore I submit that you were never interested in the truth, only in the feels, which is why you jumped back over the fence to your little safe space.

>If you'd read some of the bible, you'd know that He gives no fucks what we do.

You degenerate heretic. God does care if you fucking sin you hedonistic filth.

Sup Forums bro, please be with me at heaven. It isn't much to ask. Look at Pascal's Wager. One of many convincing arguments for Christianity. I know. I used to be an unbeliever. I am actually caring about you right now, user. The user I knew back in the Scientology raids. God calls out to us all because we're worthy! Hold yourself higher. Get in touch with the spirit. Bro I would be foreveralone if I didn't know God. If he saved me, why can't he save you?(protip: He will!)

Some things deserve to be mocked, especially when it's harmful to others. Like Religion.

Whatever argument you made to me has no base in reality. I was hated a a white boy in my youth, sue to me growing up in central Las Vegas. Obviously that has nothing to do with anything, including your base non-grip on my reality. I grew up OG as a MF

>people returning to their religion is "going back to their safe space."
>implying no one returns to religion because religion is healthier for our society, expecially the christian religion.
>atheist getting triggered over others believing in a comfy thread
>why must people hate me so?

There is no difference between the common jew and common atheist. They both hate God and have thid "woe is me, it's everyone but me!" mentality.

Religion? Yes.
Community? Not really, but a case can be argued successfully.

But hardship?

True hardship would be sacrificing and fighting your way out of it without surrendering completely to some horseshit communal pseudocommie cult masquerading as Christian, hankering after the rosy coloured agrarian good ol days. i.e half of Marxism.

With any luck they will attempt to murder you. You fuckin sicken me with your weakness.

Pascal wager is one of the worst arguments ever devised, and aside from that, also comes across as so very cowardly.

Pascal wager basically means I may as well believe in case I'm wrong. The problem with that logic is why aren't you a Zulu or a Viking or a Native American? They all have gods too, might as well worship them all just in case.

>some things deserve to be mocked, when it's harmful to others

>implying atheism, expecially militant atheism isn't harmful to peoles good vibes and society.

Are you the same Canadian who is endlessly obsessed with masculinity and getting men to "man up"? Your posting style is very familiar. You want young men to "be real men" again by submitting to women and you are bitter that we refuse to do that.

If you are that guy, I SINCERELY hope you kill yourself. I hope you are that guy and you are reading this. You can't tell anybody what to do, go kill yourself you loser.

Yeah Islam is great for the well-being of humanity, great argument. I also love how you call me the Jew when you're the retard following Abrahamic Religion, the same source for Judaism. Fuck you human trash.

I don't approve of him joining a cult but you MGTOWs are a such pain in the ass. MGTOW and feminism was created by jews to destroy the white nuclear family and then, the white race.
Not an arguement

Just range ban Canada already.

We have ourselves a fedora-tipping faggot here.

t. Someone not finishing N.T.

Islam isn't a religion you dumb leaf, it's a pseudo-political ethno-cult.Same thing with Judiasm.
>>Abrahamic Religion, the same source for Judaism. Fuck you human trash.
>implying atheism wasn't invented by commie jews to weaken white Christian nations

Read Rules of Radicals. Atheism is a tool used by jews to weaken christian societies.

Then give quotes where it says it does you subverting kike

I pray to God you come to the light. Not today. But someday. Look up the Jesus Nut no troll, Hey man, it isn't a bad thing to believe in the Lord.

Hitler was right, spread the message leaf.

The only fedora tippers are you faggots who think ancient fairytales retranslated 10 times from extinct languages hold the secrets to life.

I love how you pat yourselves on the back for unironically swallowing this shit. You stupid cunts stand in the way of Humanity and the future outside of our planet. And we'll never get there when it's 2016 and you retards still think it's cool and counter-culture and edgy to embrace ancient bedtime stories.

Pol is a hug box for you stupid cunts. Science isn't a Jew conspiracy. The ability to understand and demonstrate natural laws through mathematics isn't faked. If you really believe Science is a lie, get the fuck off the Internet you retarded caveman.

Good luck user. See you tomorrow.

The rift of sin was healed by our Savior. It might be the most ridiculous thing to believe yet know there's worse to trust in. Pascal's wager would suggest you follow in-step. What other do we have to trust in? Science is great bujt it's only amalgamated man-theorys.

Atheism is a word to describe the lack of belief in God. People have denied belief in God for as long as there have been people inventing Gods.

But there you go again dropping the jews. Any time something comes up, oh the jews did it. Do you even realize how retarded you sound after this long on pol or are you permanently tinfoil?

Yeah Jews also invented mint chip ice cream in 1919 to piss me off when I go top Baskin Robbins.

How can you know as an erring human that you're right? Pascal was wiser than thou

>implying they will ever accept you as one of their own

You'll be back faggot.

Way to abandon us before the happening btw

> A man needs religion, hardship and a community to develop

I'd drop of the first part but yeah, this sounds like positive step if you're depressed.

Peace out faggot.

tl;dr another pussy ass fag giving up
nobody will miss your pedophile and hitler shit

Remember... you're here forever.

>every science theroy is true
Bullshit. The theroy of relativity is pseudo-scientifical hogwash.

Let me prove this.

TToR states if you are moving, you aren't moving but the world relative to you is moving.

It can be applied to our sun. Using TToR, you can say tge sun revolves around the earth relative to you and TToR will state that as true.

Do you believe IQ is relative to race? I know because it is.

>pol is a hugbox
That implies you are being censored, you aren't.

>science isn't a jewish conspricy
Not for the most part but jews lately have been using the name of science to try to ligitmize pseudo-science propoganda bullshit like saying
>all races are born equal
>there is no such thing as gender
>whites, and only whites are born racist

Hey, God gave this turbo-nerd a gf for lyf, and you mad? Why should I bother. You're just a man. He'
s GOD, and He gave this nerd a life. Tell it to my gf. Oh wait. She'd never read this forum as a normal human being would.

See you in church.

Tip that fedora any harder, you empty head will fall off, faggot.

And I'm not religious, by the way. In my mind, militant angstheist are not better than religious fundies.

So, enjoy your Hot Topic sales and Slipknot albums, you fucking leaf.

You can be forgiven for sin if you ask thanks to jesus yes but that doesn't mean go out and ve as sinful as you like.
Not all sins are comletely forgivable either.

I never said I knew In was right, you're putting words in my mouth. All the collective evidence throughout recorded history suggests that there is no reason to believe in any one god. There are countless gods and countless reasons why each one may have been invented.

Some Gods are created to inspire loyalty, some to explain natural processes like death or weather, some Gods are created to inspire fear.

To me there's no reason to worship Yawe the same way you have no reason to worship Zeus. You don't think Zeus exists right?

No, but atheist edgelord faggots tend to lean to the left in the modern West. There are exceptions , but those are oddities.

i was gonna ask why you're such a faggot but then i saw that fuckin LEAF

Tell me the modern secret to everlasting life then, fuckface.

You'll be back
You'll always be back

look at tv they're all fucking jews.
Hate the fact my unknowing gf laughs at their obviously targeted propaganda

Never said every scientific theory was true.

Hug box doesn't mean I'm censored that's a safe space. Hug box means you retards all reaffirm each other's bad opinions and attack all opposing views.

And once again you admitted Science has nothing to do with Jews other than what the Jews use it for. That's like blaming the car for the bad driver's mistakes.

All you fucks respond with is logical fallacies, strawmen and unfallsifiable hypothesis. No wonder you believe such stupid shit when you just misdirect every argument.

>atheism has been here forever
not knowing a god =/= believing there isn't a god.

>But there you go again dropping the jews. Any time something comes up, oh the jews did it. Do you even realize how retarded you sound after this long on pol or are you permanently tinfoil?

It's not a conspircy, a jew was behind the push for atheism and a jew did write the Rules of Radicals.

Jews dispoportionaly own 50%+ of the businesses in the west despite being only 3% of the population.

You are either a really good goy or a Schomolo in disguise since you seem to get offended when I attack jews for what they are guilty of but you want everyone to attack Christians for what you believe Christians are guilty of.

I will see you in Heaven, my friend.
Along with everyone I've lost.
>Select all images with palm trees

I have stopped watching TV because there are so many jews.

I'll be saying prayers for your GF. I witnessed all of my ex-gfs leave me and degrade into degenerates because they consumed alot of propoganda.

Please find a redheaded, conservative qt and put lots of children into the world for me.

Live my dream, user.

I'm feeling for you right now brother. I'll pray for you.

>everyone who disagrees with me is in a hugbox
People give you shit because you are an aggressive cuntbag lashing insults at people when they did fuck all to you. Even if you make logical arguements later, you ruined your first impression on them.

>And once again you admitted Science has nothing to do with Jews other than what the Jews use it for.
Nice misqoute there buddy. I said most science, but most science isn't psychology. Psychology is a great example of jews creating "science" for an agenda.

>all you fucks use logical fallacies.

I have insulted you, but I didn't use the fucking fedora meme to discredit you. I stated books and data on why you are wrong, but hey you wouldn't understand because you are an Aspie.

You are living proof that there is a corelation between Autism and Atheism.

Proud of you user. Lot of shits here complain about shit all day but do nothing about it. Best of luck to ya.