You heard it here first.
>another broken white boy to fix
The next Iron Man
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I actually declined an invitation to see this movie because of lines like that.
If Bendis doesn’t make her a villain before he leaves, I’m gonna pee on the two issues I bought and post it on youtube
Subject: [Bold, crass statement designed to draw attention] Anonymous 03/15/18(Thu)02:49:21 No.95949114Body: [Expand on bold claims. Touch on how many people are looking forward to Infinity War and how many people like ‘yourself’ are emotional about this 10 year journey. Make sure to include some coarse language and meme pointers to blend in. Familiarize yourself with the current trends and memes on the board, they change often, and incorporate one if possible. Finish off with an anecdote and a few lines about this being a defining moment in film]
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Anonymous 03/15/18(Thu)02:51:53 No.95949168
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Bucky was the first white boy but he's still missing an arm. How was he fixed?
You ok, Disney damage control shill?
I just noticed how much that face paint accentuates her monkey-like features. Really looks like a planet of the apes character from the face alone
>wh*te “”man”” loses an arm
I see no issue
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Shuri fixed it as she is the smartest person in the Marvel universe.
Why would he do that? To Bendis that's like his daughter. Fuck, he can barely give her character flaws.
I hope once he leaves they have Doom Iron Man fuck her up and take the place.
Why else would he ask for the other iron man running around at the same time to be doom? The whole point is to make her switch to Doom’s apprentice. And let’s not forget that she took over Latveria by force
those are power bumps
>Literally has panther fists
How the hell did they get away with this lmao. This and the mud hut skyscrapers, it's like a parody. It'd be like sticking an australian character in your movie and he punches cunts with VB bottles and lives in a shitpost.
Yes but she did it in her bullshit way, where taking it by force made the country totally better instantly and she gave the little Latverian kids schools that I bet in Bendis' headcanon they never had.
that actually sounds a lot better than black panther
Remember back when Disney made it so Stark made Ultron because they said that it was hard for people to believe that Antman would also be good at robotics too?
Fun times.
That's because MCU decided to skip the first Antman. Still dumb though.
Thing is they could of pulled a Black Panther and used Age of Ultron to introduce Antman ready for his own movie (I think Antman came out only months later if I recall correctly as well?)