Why did nobody else use the table?

Why did nobody else use the table?

Hell, why did it take him so long to use the table in the first place?

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Conformity vs. Individuality

get jiggy with it

What is with this trend I see lately where there will be multiple threads for one movie that quickly die? It's like someone will post about an old movie, and then suddenly there's like a bunch of threads on it that should be in one post.

This was the 90s when the "think outside the box!" meme was still pretty fresh.

Can a robot use a table?

Probably bots from somewhere gauging interests in different movies for a particular demographic.

>babby's first day on Sup Forums

>thread about old movie pops up
>many anons begin thinking about old movie
>get ideas for new threads

>still pretty fresh
>fresh prince of bel-air
how deep does this rabbit hole go

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This. I do it all the time. See a thread for some movie I like and decide to create my own thread.

Imagine being so fresh that it never fades. Not even when you're 49 years old. White kids have emulated his style for decades. Everyone thought he would eventually fade away. Smith has stuck it out despite all this. Through the years he's enhanced so many casts. Phillip Banks to Frank, he's been able to bring those groups to life. Hell, I'm not even a big fan. I just give credit where credit is due. Like a lot of you I grew up watching his films and shows, even listened to his albums. A lot of them I loved, some not so much. Dude has had a helluva career though. Every role he plays makes whatever he's in watchable. Literal tons of movies, shows and albums under his belt. Pretty much one of the last actual movie stars. He'll no doubt be remembered as one of the greats decades from now. I may not agree with the man in terms of politics or religion, but I'll always respect his ability to entertain. And at the end of it all, I read the first letter of each sentence.

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Specifically they were not told they could or could not use the table

>air bud

Fucked up by explaining the joke fuckbook fag


brb rethinking my life

The other guys didn't use the table because they were conditioned to make due with what they had and they figured the challenge was finding out the most efficient way to hold the paper without using the desk. desu if I were in that situation I wouldn't have gone for the desk, either. I would be afraid of embarrassing myself.

That's kind of a dickish test then isn't it? You have to do what every impulse tells you is the wrong thing to do in order to pass the test?

James' impulse was to use the desk, though. The MIB was looking for someone who would always find the quickest and most efficient answer, not someone who studied a rule book for years and lived by it. The other guys were stubbornly trying to solve the problem without using the obvious and easy solution in front of them, and as such were wasting time. Sometimes the best solution is the simplest one, and that's what they wanted.

I see. That's pretty smart, thanks for the explanation.