Did everyone involved in this just give up?

did everyone involved in this just give up?

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What did Disney mean by this?

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I want to cum on Emilia Clarke's face.

Pretty sure it'll make money but be almost as bad as TLJ

>Emilia Clarke
How is she even getting good roles while acting like a bag of potatoes?

>almost as bad
That's pretty optimistic. I'm expecting it to be a flaming pile of shit.

Get a hooker kiddo

I genuinely like her in Game of Thrones and think she understands the character enough to deliver an adequate performance, but everything else I've seen her in has been nothing but dreadful, tone-deaf acting on her part. I've never thought Linda Hamilton's acting in Terminator was great, but by comparison to Emilia's in Terminator: Genisys she's like a brilliant thespian.

Youre a dumb cunt user.

>7/10 brunette
Boy, Star Wars really has a type

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emilia clarke is super hot for a star wars heroine, same as that chick from rogue one

what a missed opportunity to give Han a hot alien babe love interest

Daisy is hotter than both of them.

They'll just rip off Guardians of the Galaxy by starting off the movie with Han in a spaceship with a sexy blue chick only for her to be relegated to a completely tertiary role and we forget about her less than 10 minutes later.

>90% rt score

Theres something wrong with you fags.

Daisy is young and fit, she is not some awe inspiring beauty. She's got that aristocratic beauty to her from centuries of good breeding and taking care of herself.

>understands the character
Yeah so much depth to Danaerys...

I kind of agree with you, but just in general she makes my dick harder than Felicity and Emilia do. So she's the winrar.

Dude, don't be snide about a completely innocuous statement. Daenerys isn't an especially complicated character, but she's basically the way the audience is shown the complexities of the politics, moral systems, and regime changes in Westeros (as well as Essos), and Emilia Clarke's representation of a young woman discovering how her own ideological preconceptions are wrong is good. I understand fundamental things about Daenerys through the performances she gives. It's just that she sucks in everything else because I suspect she's so wrapped up in Game of Thrones that she doesn't know how to do other roles.

what's with the eewok things eyes? they look fucked up

it's a wookie

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Ask your dads to get you a whore boys.

Fuck off tumblr

I'm still hoping the whole thing is yet another fucking subversion, and that at least a quarter of it is somehow actually about Ben Solo, not Han Solo. Either that, or the shameless recycling of the Knights of Ren costumes was for nothing.

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>uh oh person says something I don't like they must be Tumblr >:-(

Kill yourself reylo

bro I had NO clue the casting was this bad holy shit is this real? I didn't go watch tlj because of the obvious reasons but I didn't think they'd strike out twice in a row jfc this is brutal to watch even from a distance how do people pay for this punishment? that fucking mouse is a goddamned sadist

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she is actually really good, id say kino even.


Yeah, like, this is a really good audition. It's just weird that this seems to be the only role she understands. It's like she was born for the part, and that's not exactly a compliment.

>I genuinely like her in Game of Thrones and think she understands the character enough to deliver an adequate performance

Daenerys is gradually going insane in the books

except daenerys in the show never really faces serious consequences to her aerys-tier actions

either way emilia clarke cant act for shit and therefore must suck mad dick

The interpretation of the progression of the character is different, but that's the writers changing her into a domineering ruler as opposed to somebody who is becoming an unhinged lunatic like her father. That the show is different from the books in terms of characterisation isn't that important to me, as long as they're telling a story convincingly; and I think her performance works for what they're doing with her.

she's fucking garbage

compare her to cersei or anyone else

Daisy is a sexless teeth freak and the rogue one with has a literal shoval for a face.

Clark is a pudgy fat butt

hahaha thanks. an encounter with an actual nerd. nnnn there are 43 original episodes nnng. it's a wookey not a weewok hnnn. ha ha thanks bro

She is actually really great on this movie.


I absolutely promise this movie will be worse than TLJ.

almost closed it at from the British eyebrows but made it to :30 where he calls her "clarke" instead of character's name

>donald glover

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What the fuck is going on with this retarded vote system in reddit? Posting going up and down as retardes upvote and downvote shit based solely if they liked the post or not. How the hell does anyone have a sensible discussion with this autisitc vote war going on every thread? Fuck this shit.

I read that this was supposed to be a bit like Ace Ventura in space, which would explain why they got the comedic black guy for the movie and had to do reshoots to change everything.

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What does this remind me of... fuck it reminds me of something.

Lena Heady has nearly 30 years of acting experience. Try a comparison to a younger actor.

She is a dumb horseface.


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Kill yourself reylo

no one cares since it with a white dude and white girl