Tired of these fucking cucks taking over my university's facebook page
Tired of these fucking cucks taking over my university's facebook page
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I guess everyone just dress as a pumpkin or skeleton now
Americans at universities are always offended by anything. Munchausen snydrome to the max. Don't give them any attention and laugh their first world problems off.
These people are mentally ill, for real. Just ignore them and dress up however you want to.
Im about ready to dress in full blackface and put a bone in my hair next haloween
Make viking one, sweman
this is fucking hilarious
And the whitest white girl has to be Native American.
In the future all Halloween costumes will be banned to prevent offending TransDraculas and those who identify as Disney Characters.
I fucking love this place sometimes
Asians, blacks, mexicans etc. can't celebrate Halloween because it's a European thing.
Their complaining about another cultures event is racism.
I had posters of those in my college tbhfam
Kill me already.
>non-europeons celebrating Halloween
>a holiday outside their culture
>complains about whites stealing culture
the fucking irony.
the benefits to being offended are too high
White people doing anything remotely similar to another culture is considered a hate crime
this one would be ok by me
Americans whinge about anything.
Their costume is bitch
Start a new meme. From now on, we should call minorities 'costumes.'
dreads and weed smoking derives from Indian culture and was passed into Jamaican culture by indentured Indian servants who went there to cut sugarcane.
> Terming it violence
Leftists college students love to throw that word around.
Vikings had dreadlocks.
Ostrogoths had dreadlocks.
Germanic pagan tribes had dreadlocks.
Medieval sailors had dreadlocks.
In fact, every major civilization that kept records has a record of someone at some point wearing dreadlocks.
Best one so far.
Ok there is no fucking way that bitch on the bottom left is an injun unless she's one of those annoying faggots that has like 1/16th native in them and brags about their ancestors and the noble savage
>Leftists college students love to throw that word around.
That's because they've never experienced violence. I grew up in a really shitty part of time where the vast majority of people were immigrants. Strangers would get fucked up all of the time, people got spit at and beat up for wearing the wrong things, for going to the wrong school or simply for not belonging. When I went to university, people couldn't believe half of the stories that I told them, simply because they only knew nice villages and the suburbs. They don't know how it feels to get jumped by three or four guys for no reason at all.
>part of time
*part of town
>that blackface
that nigger looks genuinely buttbhurt too
lol at that 1/32 part feather waddling along the trail of tears.
That's a hate crime against anorexic people. Did you know that 95 out 100 girls suffering from anorexia will be called skeleton at some point in their life.