Name it

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this is pretty damn true

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Whatever popular movie you hate that I like.

Batman v Superman


I..I don't understand it

Starship Troopers.

fight club

Any Marvel film

Star Wars: TLJ


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Freddy Got Fingered

Every objectively shit movie ever made

unironically though

it makes me happy that natalie portmans years of actually being hot were used for these films

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What the fuck is this this looks like a movie people with high IQ won't enjoy

starship troopers


Starship Troopers, definitely. Probably Robocop and Showgirls, too.

This too. So many idiots love the movie but it's legitimately one of Fincher's best. Then you have people like Ebert shitting on it for being irresponsible or whatever.

Speed Racer
Sucker Punch

Mondo Topless

Speed Racer


Pain & Gain

I feel like starship troopers is the platonic ideal of this graph.


Van Helsing

tfw no qt archangel werewolf religious monster assassin bf

holy fucking /thread


You could replace IQ with age and most answers ITT would still fit.

iq is already correlated with age due to the effect of normalization

it never goes up again though, you just move on to books

kingdom of heaven, troy
pretty much any orlando bloom flick

I don't understand this chart. Does it mean there are movies that stupid people like, but middle IQ people hate them, and high IQ people like them again?

roughly yes
It's never too late to start learning.

That's fucking spot on.

seconded hard for KoH. Especially if you factor in Director's cut.

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2 problems

Firstly how can anyone not like that movie

Secondly am I on the low end of the IQ spectrum?

Almost but not quite, it can be enjoyed with any IQ. Only people with a specific combination of actual intelligence (25-50th percentile) and perceived intelligence (75-100th) don't like Starship Troopers.

Basically, anyone who dislikes it is in either the "it's right wing trash for closet fascists to wank over, how dare you glorify war" camp or the "it was originally a book and the adaptation was inaccurate so it must be bad" camp.

The Last Jedi


Master Pieces of our time, only the morons and truly cultured patricians will ever enjoy them. The common man is a fool

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Sister Act 2

Since when does making a primitive satire on fascism makes the end result a high iq movie?

I feel like it's too slow for low IQ people to like it.

Did you read the graph upside down or something?

Thanks for telling us what your IQ is.

Literally came to post this.