Liberals and Space

Why are liberals so obsessed with space?

They just love to talk about how humanity is so small compared to the universe. They'll mention NASA funding whenever the government budget is discussed. And they pounce at any opportunity to talk about futuristic flight technology.

Anyone else know what I mean?

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And yet Republicans are the ones who always fund NASA while the Democrats consistently cannibalize it's budget for mo money fo dem programs.

Really causes you to ponder.

Makes them seem wordly and oh-so-perceiving bigger scope of reality (for a few seconds before they drop the pretense and start squabbling over their feelings, attempting to force others to their subjective and narrow outlook on things and so on).

Also, space is pretty awesome no matter your political attitude.

>They just love to talk about how humanity is so small compared to the universe.

Because we are? It's often good to get some perspective on the issues in your life by acknowledging your total universal insignificance

>They'll mention NASA funding whenever the government budget is discussed.

Because NASAs funding is pretty abysmal, and as with any argument concerning US funding it's very easy to use the "If we used the money that went to the military over (x amount of time) we could do (stuff)!", which is a pretty reasonable argument considering the US's ludicrous defense spending.

>And they pounce at any opportunity to talk about futuristic flight technology.

Because it's cool and has indirectly led to many of the major breakthroughs in science and tech of the past century?

Here's a graph.



As a kid I thought it would be cool if our sun is blue. Turns out that was a bad idea.

I'm not liberal but I'm obsessed with Space, i dunno, ask USSR, dumb amerinigger.

>They'll mention NASA funding whenever the government budget is discussed

never understood the fascination with this. yes space is interesting and whatever, but surely there are much higher priorities especially when the economy is going to shit?

Is it just a Reddit thing "muh black science man"?

>space and everything beutiful in this world
pick one sir.

libral fanatasize about living istopean megapolis

while others aka REAL HUMAN BEINGS love space landed on moon, hunt, go on fishing trips, plays sports with thier kids n friends....



>claim to want Humanity to become multiplanetar
>also is in favour of open borders which would result in the plummeting of IQ worldwide and the destruction of technological civilisation, forever dooming Humanity to stay planetbound through subhumanisation
I'll kill them all user.
I'll hunt every single one of them through social media archives and kill them all.
I swear to you, i'll do it or die trying.

NASA was nothing more than a 4 decades long program used to research our ability to make multi stage rockets able to effectively deliver ICBMs.

Everything else around NASA is window dressing.

And the answer for OP is that Lefties enjoy PopScience.

It's alright people have enjoyed PopSci for a while (your creepy uncle probably has a few old mags in his basement).

It also has something to do with not believing in God and feeling alone and wanting to find something out there.


They hope they'll get enriched by some alien species. #notospeciesism

>yes space is interesting and whatever, but surely there are much higher priorities

You know that a large portion of the technological breakthroughs that make the modern world possible were discovered either discovered through or invented for space exploration? The money poured into the space race put engineering and materials science forwards decades.

Why is it always white people who are obsessed with space?

Other races dont seem to care

Because fucking up earth isn't enough progress for them.

Subhumans are low-IQ filth, of course they don't care.
East asians, the only others humans besides europeans, do care though.
Especially the nips, those honorary europeans.

Liberals operate in a dreamier world, but still, there are few reasons to NOT be obsessed with space

Absolutely, but with the economy in the shitter surely that money can be better spent elsewhere?

Is technological innovation really the most important thing in the world right now for normal people?

You have no idea how inexpensive government funded space agencies are compared to other programs

Saying what you are saying is literally code for "money fo dem programs"

In actual reality, public money is nearly always a waste, especially when combined with fiat currency, meaning your arguments operates in a pointless realm of failure no matter how practical you think you are

Wise up nigger

Liberals don't have religion so they seek meaning accidentally wherever they can. The more sincere among them are legit awed by the heavens and use space science as a substitute for religion. Better than Kardashian fans.

other races thinks its gay to think about something diffrent then what [gay series] or [gay "artist"] did

like i said only whites can see beauty and asians came second at the same level as 4yr old whites

Liberals need to be gassed and there is plenty of gasses floating around in space

>Why are liberals so obsessed with space?

They are materialists. It's not surprising at all.

i look at from the other perspective. religious people are missing something in their lives so they cling to the inexplicable.

They are running away from God and these silly theories make them feel warm because they get God away from them.

Part of the liberal's plan of attack is devoted to accusing Republicans of being "anti-science". This, however, forces liberals to claim that they, conversely, are not anti-science. The problem here is that they're not scientists, and their liberal arts and humanities degrees don't confer any background in science.

So, they tout this pop-sci nonsense, as they worship Neil deGrasse Tyson on Reddit, and re-post (or share or whatever) that bullshit "I fucking love science" page on Facebook. And, the vast majority of pop-sci has is some inane factoid about "space".


This one blows my mind.

Black pill for you:

If convenient space travel ever became possible, it would be possible for anyone to simply strap an engine to an asteroid, accellerate it, and slam it into a planet, ending all life on the surface.

If you accellerate something to near light speed, there would be no possible way for a signal to reach the planet in time to mount a defense. It would be an attack utterly devastating and impossible to stop.

This kind of "space terrorism" makes convenient space travel utterly unfeasible. Literally the only way it can happen is if humanity merges into a singular consciousness incapable of self-harm.

Perhaps the technology can be invented to get around this. But so far, modern physics is telling us it's impossible. No force fields, no FTL communication.

how about this?

I really hope this is b8....

>in b4 libtard or CTR. STEM Rationalist and Trump supporter here

>If you accellerate something to near light speed, there would be no possible way for a signal to reach the planet in time to mount a defense. It would be an attack utterly devastating and impossible to stop

What is Roche Limit nigga

Stupedist connection I've ever read

Look, I like space as much as the next guy. Putting a man on the moon was a great achievement for the nation, and I look forward to us putting a man on Mars one day.

That being said, there's just no point in discussing it. When these hippies start droning on about how astronomers have discovered some super hot planet a gorillion light years away, I just could not give less of a shit.

That's like saying the internet was nothing more than a 4 decade program on military communications. You're objectively stupid.