
Keith David
Ron Perlman
Jeremy Renner
Milla Jovovich
Tom Hardy
Jared Leto

Michael Fassbender
Helen Mirren
Ryan Gosling
Evangeline Lily
Robert Carlyle

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>Jared Leto
>casting a scrawny guy as Sion

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Kill yourself. Disney has ruined enough.

Sion had a Scottish accent and Carlyle is good at playing a tough guy.

This is purely hypothetical and would not be made by Disney.

>Milla Jovovich
Isn't Bastila supposed to be in her early 20s?

This, Bastilla and Revan are too fucking old

Also, why the fuck would you want Jeremy Renner, he's fucking ass.

Exile is a woman.

>Michael Fassbender
exile is conically female

Sion's accent was a lot more drawling and nefarious. He also had a very deep voice on top of being pretty ripped. All of those gave him that calm but menacing atmosphere that Carlyle is pretty much the opposite of. Carlyle's "menace" is very different, more like a crazy guy about to chimp out and stab you.

>why the fuck would you want Jeremy Renner, he's fucking ass.
He's boring and generic just like Carth.

Doug Jones

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Revan should be Ryan gosling with Ana De Armas as bastila, instead of 40 year olds.

Leto may be old but he still looks young, plus he has that kind of weird mysterious aura where you're not sure if he's good or bad which makes him perfect for Revan.

nobody cares, fuck off

But he's also a shit actor. I want a well played boring cuck like carth, not some shit played one.

not canon anymore ;)

Youre just a fucking poofter user.

Is it just me, or is KOTOR 1 the TFA to KOTOR 2's TLJ? The former were safe callbacks to the original movies, with a few twists here and there, while the latter were meant to be deconstructions/subversions of Star Wars, but were so poorly designed/poorly directed that they ended up becoming the less popular sequel that hipster faggots defend to look smarter than everyone else.

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so, just like how a new hope is to empire? gotcha

Keep your mouseshit out of my kotor thread

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Kill yourself disneyfag.

>Ron Perlman
>Not the blind dude from Don't breathe
Now i know how shit your taste is.

Memeing queers were a mistake.

Revan was like 35. Leto is immortal so it would work.

I would watch this honestly

Opinion discarded.

Youd pay to watch solo though.

>not going with female exile

literally every casting is wrong

>female protagonist in a Star Wars movie

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>he likes mical more than the handmaiden

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I like Atton, thank you very much.

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Atton is best boy.

fuck YOU

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Kill yourself tumblr


This user gets it.
Hey, male exile belongs with Visas.

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Kill yourself tumblr


fuck off, id rather have a jedi knight movie with kyle katarn

It's amazing how hard Disney killed Star Wars, at least for me.
Now, even if by some miracle it wasn't made by Disney, I still wouldn't want a KotOR movie.
Best thing to do right now would be to let the franchise rest in peace. Just pull the fucking plug.

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Kill yourself tumblr

I never want a new star wars again

>castiny no-tits actor as bigtits Jedi

Exile is a woman.


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>notits oldhag for Bastila
>manletboy for 2m tall Sith
>male for Exile(found the butthurt kotor2fag lmao)
>mr 0 nopersonality as Atton
>that Sion
just kys op

Exile is female.

>Ryan Gosling
Fuck, Ryan Gosling would be perfect for Disciple, but I have no idea who to pick for Atton then.

Younger K8 Beckinsale would have been fucking perfect for Bastila

Daisy would have been a perfect Bastila.

>perfect anything

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Daisy would have embodied the clumsy young and naive Jedi that was way over her head perfectly. I think the ST sours her.

You have a good point.
If you took rey, removed some of her abilities but kept her towering arrogance you'd have the perfect Bastila

Kill yourself

Your casting for 1 is spot-on except for Revan and maybe Bastilla (Felicity Jones would unironically be a great Bastilla). Can't get on board with many of your choices for 2 at all. In fact I'd honestly prefer Fassbender as Revan.

Nice argument. Feel free to suggest someone else. Isn't Bastila 19 during KOTOR?

She is a perfect cum dumpster because of her barren womb

female exile is objectively the better option

Its a statement reddit.

You meant female Revan. Male exile will always be superior, not least because Jedi Jesus is an option.

I was just thinking the other day that if they ever make are an canon again I think Disney would do a twist where blastilla is actually Revan

Sounds stupid yes but to me it seems exactly like the kind of shit by-wars would pull for a shit twist

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Remember it for the series it was, than the series it became.

I hope you get cancer

Rey's going to end up with a double bladed lightsaber and just knock off Shan

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>tfw Disnet cancelled a KOTOR film and the new trilogy is just recycled material from it just pandering to OT normalfags

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agree. not arguing if the new movies are good or bad. but daisy was a fantastic casting choice. The young+naive/arrogant heroine role would be perfect for her.

>daisy was a fantastic casting choice
Kill yourself

no u

I get so sick of seeing people posting about this stupid fucking game.
It's all so tiring.
I firmly believe that this game is what divides normies and Star Wars autists. Normies think Disney's Soy Wars is fine because they just don't really care about Star Wars that much. They just watch the movies, post whatever commercial crap is popular on social media and move on with their lives.
Star Wars autists are just never happy and never will be happy until Star Wars movies are exactly like KOTOR. This is why they claim TFA and TLJ were terrible but they liked Rogue One despite being boring as fuck.
I think all Star Wars conversations can just be stopped immediately by people admitting they weren't happy with the movie because it wasn't fucking KOTOR.

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Fuck off with your disgusting little boy FUCK OFF

No I was unhappy because it was capeshit tier only with no goofy superheroes that make those bearable.


Will never happen
Not enough ugly people in there