New RLM audio commentary

Mike suggests that super heroes and star wars films should drop the pretense of being films that tell stories and just film 30 to 40 min cgi fights. Which is all people care about anyway. That rogue one was star wars porn fan film trash and sitting though all the story is so boring. Just show avengers fighting X-Men.

Rich predicts it will happen in 7 years.

Mike epic kino deconstruction is back on the menu.

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Is that movie even out in stores yet?

pretty sure it's available digitally

Jay talks about how buff commissioner Gordon is. Confirmed for faggot.

Torrenta have been out a few weeks

I'm no filthy pirate

good goy

whats a good commentary to start with?
Been using HATB and BOTW as background for the last few months, know all the scenes like a song at the point

Mike's line about capeshit going from throwaway bubblegum ads to the most important part of our culture is so perfect.
I wanted to quote it but I forget where it is.

I literally just saw it at the store like 3 hours ago.

Jay gets a little obnoxious in this. He's fapping to all the Snyder vs whendon cuts and repeats himself a lot.

>constantly rail against the formulaic nature of superhero movies
>rail hardest against the superhero movies that try to do something different and go against the grain
What did they mean by this

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Woah he’s so smart isn’t he

Fuck off stop watching e-celebs and go outside

>tried to do something different
Fucking fuck off, you piece of shit.
This is the same exact argument that TLJ fans use to defend their objectively shitty movie.

I enjoy rlm for entertainment but quite frankly their opinion is often worthless

but tlj was an empire rehash

Is Mike actually an alchie or is it just a running gag?

I tried to listen, as I generally like RLM, but the level of outright contempt for the movie and comics in general ruins it. It's not fun listening to them genuinely having a shit time.

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I like the MCU well enough, Steve is best boi, but if RLM had Disney's massive cock down their throat any deeper I think it it might kill them.

Yes, because Last Jedi and BvS are both good movies unfairly being shat on by

>not muh franchise

fags unwilling to meet a movie halfway and appreciate it for what it is rather than being pandered to throughout its entirety. It's such an awful, anti-artistic, anti-intellectual way to engage with media and contributes to the stagnation of genre films as a whole. That's also one of the reasons why the Star Wars prequels have such a bad reputation. Yes, they are corny as hell but a lot of the vitriol against them is rooted in them not being like the OT, which they obviously aren't trying to be. That's how we get trash like Justice League. Or Force Awakens. Or Marvel movie 165.

I agree with absolutely everything you said. People are unable to approach a film on the film's terms but rather their fanboy terms of being pandered to.

I wish RLM would do more research when it comes to the behind the scenes of some movies they cover. It was Joss Whedon who liked that tweet denouncing the villain, after he already took over.

Let's put it this way, if they actually stuck to their guns and made MoS and BvS as dark, gritty and thoughtful as they pretended these movies were in the trailers Instead of turning the third act into a brainless action-packed cgi fest after 2 hours of brooding, confusing motivations, and plot contrivances we wouldn't have ragged on them as hard as we did.
Don't let the dark visuals trick you, the dceu has always been as dumb and vapid as the mcu, the dceu was just less sincere about it.

The third act of BvS is geniunely great. You were sleeping on the themes of the film if you don' think Doomsday was a fitting way to close the film on.

The MCU, as seen in Ragnarok, actively hates its own superheroes and treats the entire concept as a fat joke.

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I agree with you on Man of Steel. The third act of BvS did nothing wrong, though, the climactic fight took only about 20 minutes, fit thematically with the rest of the movie and led into the incredibly emotionally resonant sequence about the death of Superman that ended the movie on a high note.

They talked about the Dark Knight and praised it. I think their main problem isn’t that it’s different, it’s that it’s bad

You got tricked son, just like the other dceu fanboys.
Just as dumb and vapid as the mcu.

Yeah maybe I should just turn off my brain and enjoy the quips fed to me on a looping scheme

>constantly rail against bad movies
>rail hardest against movies that are even worse

Maybe, could be the only way to enjoy capeshit.
Point is that the dceu is no better, it's the mcu, but less sincere about it and horribly mismanaged.
Took them halfway through the fifth movie to realize "pretty visuals is all I know and I couldn't tell a story to save my life" Snyder wasn't the right man to lead their attempt at apeing the mcu and panicky shoved " quips is my game, ruining dramatic tension my name" whedon to salvage it and make it more like the mcu, something he was booted from by the way, for being far too quipy even for them.
And now they have themselves a movie that's the worst of both worlds, it's that badly mismanaged.