this police officer is currently on trial for murder. The verdict of this case could set a dangerous precedent for law enforcement in the USA. Should LE be authorized to use deadly force just because someone is not following orders or attempted to flee? The racial difference flavors the argument here; but I want to hope that there is still a sense of fair play in the US. It surprises me that our police haven't figured out alternatives to deadly force techniques. Or -are we going full out para military police enforcement..
If this officer is acquitted of this charge; Cincinnati will riot again.. mark my words
Ls there still a sense of fair play in the US?
>alternatives to deadly force
As it turns out, a bullet is a relatively reliable and quick way to end a threat.
the driver got what he deserved
i mean, did you see what he was wearing?
sheeeeit - dat boy was looking fresh
bamping for check'em's
Cop killed for no reason. He should be in jail?
I get that - but tell me where the threat is in this video.
scary black man made cop feel unsafe by being black near him
This is the logic these wannabe motarded police believe in.
It looks to me like he A. grabbed the door to prevent it from being opened and B. immediately reached for his glove box. Cops don't have to do the correct thing, they have to do the reasonable thing given the situation.
I've seen videos of dead cops where they hesitated in this exact situation.
The cop was hanging onto the car and suspect, the car would've had to turn left towards the cops direction to drive off, meaning he was in risk of being dragged and ran over by the suspects car.
He likely saved his life by shooting him, what's the cop supposed to do give a chance to a criminal to take his life or endanger him?
These are the arguments going on in court right now..
I feel no sympathy for this piece of shit driver-
I just don't like trigger happy cops.. The officer did break protocol by reaching into the car. The "dragged" defense was presented yesterday.. We will just have to see how the jury weighs it out.
call me deaf, dumb, or blind - but forget the threat, where are the GUNSHOTS??
and what the fuck was that guy drinking, Victory Gin? I didn't see a brand. shit just said "gin"
>Cops don't have to do the correct thing, they have to do the reasonable thing given the situation
Literally the best way to describe use of force. forget what faggot professors and media say, its this right here.
I'm not familiar with the general tactic of reaching into a car or his department's specific policy, but it seems like a bad idea to me all around.
Aren't tasers a thing? Why do we not see those in more situations?
Is that nigger on his phone while shooting at police?
Out of all these videos of nogs getting sent to the project housing in the sky, they're always doing something extremely stupid. While cops shouldn't murder people, not breaking the law seems like a fantastic way to not get killed by police.
not sure, but use of a Taser may be contraindicated when the person is sitting in the driver's seat of a running car.
the core question of my post: was it reasonable to shoot this guy because he wasn't following orders and attempting to flee?
copfag here. Tasers have to be a certain distance away to be effective. If the probes are to close you won't get the reaction you're looking for.
this was another unrelated Cincinnati Ohio CCTV pic... I work in Cincinnati - and it's a powder keg
i thought you could use them in a sort of "contact mode," like a stun gun, where the prongs don't leave the weapon. no?
dat's some "Barton's"
its called drive stunning. It hurts like a bitch but you won't get that same "Taze" reactiong where the guy flops on the floor like a fish for 5 seconds.When you drive someone they flip the fuck out. Its good for when someone is passively resisting like with their hands underneath them. Which we're not really allowed to do anymore.
Drive stunning is mostly useless, and causes people to scream and flip out.
he didn't reach for the glove box.
I puased and unpaused the video under close inspection.
one of the black man's hands was on teh door, the other was next to the steering wheel.
that is where the man's hands were when the cop suddenly tried to reach in.
It seems as thoguht the cop tried to suddenly grab the man's keys, then realised he wasn't able to and so shot him because he felt in danger in a situation he created
single shot right when the guy drives off (1:55+) I think
Don't run from the police. Not matter what color you are. IDGAF it's as simple as that. Follow fucking orders and live. I've had 5 police interactions and I had weed most times. They are very nice if you just aren't fucking retarded. Like you know you have your license or you know don't attempt to turn the car back on and fucking cause a police chase THAT could kill innocent people. PERIOD this shits so dumb. If your not intelligent enough to follow instructions you should die. Every Race
>B. immediately reached for his glove box
His hands were nowhere near the glovebox when everything went down. His left was on the door to prevent the cop from opening it, his right next to the wheel.
>Cops don't have to do the correct thing, they have to do the reasonable thing given the situation
Tasers are pretty unreliable.
If you miss your pretty much shit out of luck.
If you hit them and it doesnt stop them your shit out of luck.
Cincinnati Niggers are the most uppidy shits on the planet.
The amount of human waste and begging in that city would require a genocide to fix.
This particular officer shouldn't have hung onto the door like that, but he did, and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets off because of the threat the vehicle posed because of the situation.
>They are very nice if you just aren't fucking retarded.
you obviously don't live on Long Island or NYC. the cops here are absolute assholes even when you are incredibly nice to them and do everything they ask.
cincy is gonna burn regardless of the outcome.
If you run you're done
My interactions were with DC cops mostly. Who are notorious assholes.
I was in DC once drinking and smoking weed after we left a club in some fucking cut this ghetto spanish chick knew about. Super fucking sketchy.
Cops roll up beer bottles all over the car ate the blunt. Like 3 cops block me in and the first cop I see opens my door and slams me on the pavement.
I was yelling DAH FUQ I DO OFFICER for like the whole time. He then slammed me on his hood and threw me in the back of his car.
After searching like all 7 people in the VAN he let me out and I drove home.
No fucking lie a fairfax cop polled me over next and I was so close to home he said have a good night.
I didn't resit even when I was gettin my shit fucked up. I did talk a lot of shit though. You have to know what you can and can't do.
I consider a cop nice if he don't give me any charges I don't care if they pester me.
DC is fucking rough. Never been charged still with anything. Got to be smooth criminal.
fucking degenerate
I understand your law and order approach; but should running from the police warrant deadly force. Let's say your kid is painting graffiti when police arrive - your kid trys to run away - boom! shot in the back... Still want that argument?
what if a little toddler littered on the ground and a big bad police man shot it in the head? still want police to exist?
in my country the police would have just let him drive off, and then followed him.
not having your licence on you is a crime here, you get a fine though not a bullet in the chest.
hey Yuri- keep it down, adults are talking here. Go put on another Adidas track suit
this exactly, its really simple.
I don't see a problem here.
Only niggers are dumb enough to try and run from the cops.
Yes, because he was reaching into his glovebox as he was directed not to do. Had there been a loaded gun in there we wouldn't even be debating this.
>wearing a hat inside a car
is this a thing in the US or is it something rare there?
In Austria only old people and maniacs wear a hat while driving. So if you see someone wearing a hat while driving who is not old, be alarmed...
2 types of people wear hats indoors.
1. Niggers.
2. Country white dudes who wear a baseball cap and just don't take it off.
>turn off car
>be elusive about information
>repeatedly ignore requests
>police tell you to get out of car
>turn on car and try for a high speed getaway
>car is defined as a deadly weapon when used offensively
>get shot in the process of running from police
Well gee, he certainly did nuffin.
No, he wasn't. His hand wasn't near it.
Baseball caps are great for keeping the sun out of your eyes while driving.
Ah, so niggers and white niggers. Gotcha.
you don't judge the situation in hindsight dumbfuck. you can be shot/stabbed before you even notice a weapon, the officer only has to read the guy's behaviour and demeanour.
if a guy is chimping out or resisting it's going to make the officer nervous, especially if the guy is in a fucking car unable to be physically restrained and could easily have a weapon secreted somewhere. the sensible thing to do is to waste the cunt, and if he turns out to be unarmed afterwards then tough shit faggot. do what the officer says, it is not difficult
plenty of videos out there of police getting shot in similar situations, and this officer will have been aware that it does happen and too often. get some perspective
>niggers liking baseball
watch it at 0.25x speed
>being this big of a degenerate
>wondering why you're being treated like a dindu when you're hanging in a dindu area doing dindu things.
jesus christ you're retarded.
When did we decide that fleeing was not worth getting shot over? Driver had a choice, decided wrongly to endanger policeman and got capped for it - try this in America, you will likely get shot. Don't like it, don't do it!