ITT: Brainlet film interpretations

>Travis Bickle dies on the couch and the ending is his dying dream

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For real though. Good ending to focus on OP.

>Patrick Bateman imagined all of his murders

People who believe this really didn't pay attention to the movie at the minute segments.

what segments? you just going to go on the internet and tell lies?

>they live is about yuppies

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People just have this thing where if a character has a near death experience and/or is insane then it just had to have been that they died and the rest of the film is a dying dream in their mind.
I think Scorsese heard this so much he made it the actual ending of the film The King of Comedy so people shut up about it.

The segments where the people around him totally ignore him and his mannerisms, references to murder, and sociopathic tendencies because of his social standing. The woman cleaned up the apartment and tried to flip it instead of calling the police so she could go ahead and make money instead of having the flat tied up in bureaucratic red tape for months or years.

I've genuinely never heard anybody say that They Live is about yuppies.

Never seen The King of Comedy, that sounds like it could be interesting or very stupid.

>did the prestige machine worked or not?

Yes, it worked exactly as shown.

Yeah, the film almost explicitly tells the audience this. It's weird how people are hung up on this.

Literally every single Rob Ager analysis.

The King of Comedy is good, its a good satire of celebrity worship and celebrity culture. Worth a watch.
also about the ending: I just mean that the very ending epilogue takes place in the main character's mind like people claim Taxi Driver does, he doesn't die, he just goes to prison.

>the suspect in 12 angry men actually didn't do it

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>Rob Ager

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>hurr does the top fall or not at the end of inception
the whole point is that it doesn't matter. there's no reason to ascribe more worth to "true" reality than simulated or dreamed reality. leos character is happy so it doesn't matter if he's awake or not because it's equally real to him either way. that's why he ignores the top in the first place

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>Natalie Portman was a clone at the end of Annihilation

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>Keith David was a Thing all along


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>>Twin Peaks: The Return was about [insert literally anything here]

Never understood why brainlets believe this. It doesn't make sense in terms of the narrative. Also the bit with the ringing in his ears at the very end (signifying he is still very unstable) is meaningless in a dream sequence. People can survive being shot in the neck.

I still wanna know if his wife is dead or not

It's been awhile since I've seen it. The machine makes a clone of you but you die or something right?

>James Bond is just a codename

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>6 million

Is this about the newer version of the thing?

Holy shit, Ager is an IMDB-core pseud

> Busy with his smartphone for the bigger part of the movie
> 'Up in the air' is cheesy

last time I wach a movie with someone else in the room. Fucking normies man, I swear.

It is a code name you retard, that's why two different bond movies with two different actors playing bond both have the same M
007 and the name bond are both part of the rank

>Lost Highway
Inconsistent shit that was done a hundred times better four years later
Pretty great, but not one of the best movies ever
>Fight Club
>American Beauty
Eh, I like it, but it's a very flawed movie
Pure Kino
Never seen it
>The Master
PTA's best movie
>Wolf of Wall Street
Great fucking film, definitely one of the best of 2013 at the very least
Really? Shit sucked
Mel has never really been a good director
>Punch-Drunk Love
It's PTA's weakest
>Big Lebowski
Good hangout Kino
>Saving Private Ryan
Probably the best war movie ever
Surreal, nightmarish, ugly nonsense. It's amazing on those levels alone.
Pleb choice, but okay
>Inland Empire
This guy is kinda contrarian, isn't he? Weirder=better, right?
>Inglourious Basterds
Yeah it's good
>Eyes Wide Shut
Yeah it's good
>Blair Witch Project
Yeah it's good
Yeah it's good
>Hellboy 2
What the fuck
>Killing Them Softly
Overly portentous bullshit
>Jack Reacher
Complete schlock
>Rogue One
Boring, lifeless shit
>Starship Troopers
Definitely one of the best ever
>Good Will Hunting
Great dramakino

He's got pretty good taste though. I give his taste a 8.1/10

the Natalie Portman in the end is a clone

Like I said. Brainlet film theory

It just makes a clone, but the magician has to kill the clone (or himself, I can't recall) every time he performs the act because having multiple versions of yourself around would be a problem.

Rango was great you angry asshole.

>Mel has never really been a good director
apocalypto is fantastic what are you on about

>watch Back to the Future with my brother and his friends
>retard tries convincing me it was a low budget B movie and they only got a Delorean because it was cheap

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but what if he wakes up

>Anton Chigurh was real

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>the tall robots in the end of AI were aliens

The top isn't his anchor - the top is his wife's anchor. His anchor is his wedding ring.

Now go watch it again.

There's this next-level retard who comes on Sup Forums every one in a while and puts forth the two stupidest theories anyone has ever come up with...
Detective Somerset is the real killer
Ferris Bueller was a product of Cameron's imagination

Also anyone who starts talking about "not seeing his breath" or "drinking gasoline" at the end of The Thing is a first-class moron.

>Shinji and Asuka had sex during episode 15

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>Yeah, the film almost explicitly tells the audience this. It's weird how people are hung up on this.
You weren't watching closely.

> watch ' Eat Drink Man Woman' with my dad
> Can't shut up
> Throw him out of the room
> He apologizes the day after
> mfw

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>the whale is God

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>Marla Singer was real

>the spy is gay

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>Midnight Cowboy
>Ratso Rizzo was gay

>Mads was innocent

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>blacks = orcs
>elves = Jews

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