Final Trailer for Avengers

Here we go lads!

Bet's on who's going to bite the bullet

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Definitely Loki

apparently he lives

iron man dies becomes negress
thor dead no plans
steve dies becoms bucky
vision dead
wanda dead

isn't scarlet witch supposed to be as strong as thanos?

What's the point of Black Widow?

where is hawkeye? and more importantly what happened to nick fury?

>killing anyone of consequence

Disney doesn't like giving up cash cows.

i hope wanda doesn't die. her rack is the best part of these movies

actually nvm valkyrie becomes thor

>Oh, we're using our made up names.

Sides in orbit.


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>Your plan is great...
>...except it sucks
Holy shit, my sides XD

No in the MCU neither in the comics, she has the chaos magic thing and should be below Strange, she was repowered with reality wrapping only for the House of M event and has been depowered after that, basically the writers do what they want with her

This movie actually looks FUN

How many stones does GrapeMan have now? How many more does he need? And where are they?

whats with that last scene, it looks fucking cghi

also hello stan lee

would someone just explain what Black Widow is doing going up against Thanos?

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clearly she's going to beat him up with super martial arts moves

half of the Universe is about to be finger snapped out of existence, it shouldn't be fun
it should be serious, desperate and asks questions about Thanos' morality, is killing half of the universe to prevent the destruction of the other half evil or good? Is fighting for the sake of fighting in the face of an immesurable force or unavoidable doom a worthy effort or a pointless waste of time better spent getting the most of our time left?
Marvel should just hire Snyder.

Filling the female hero quota.

All the good marvel women are tied up with Fox.


This will be a massive piece of shit.
Deadpool is far more funny, he killed Thanos in 4 issues.


Enjoy these last few white male superhero movies while they last.

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>all my favorite heroes
fucking BASED
mfw mfw mfw

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all they have to do is come out as bi and ride the LGBT train

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How many stones does GrapeMan have now? How many more does he need? And where are they?

he makes quiplord look bearable

dunno how many he already has but theres one in Vision's forehead


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It seems in the end it was Tony who needed help, not Captain America

How? Everything points to a quick demise. He has been shown in only one scene in the trailers and still and is not seen in many promo materials.

>DC fags eternally BTFO

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>post infinity war
>captain american, iron man and thor are all dead
>replaced by a black girl, a brownish woman, and a black man
>capeshit immediately tanks and dies

ripping off the competition AGAIN

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>DC btfo
>justice league has twice as many views

haha good one

she's going to die and be reborn as blacked widow, but she'll merge with captain America and form Captain Marvel

>barely 24 hours vs trailer out for months

I see the average IQ of the dcuck wasn't a meme

I'm very impressed a year old trailer has almost double the views of a day old trailer.

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That trailer came out like 2 hours ago. The first Infinity War trailer has 150 million views.

>being this retarded
The justice league trailer came out a year ago, the infinity war trailer hasn’t even been out for a full day yet

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disney defence force on overtime this morning

How much are they paying you?

Who the fuck even is that

reddit soccermom spacing, shill

there will be a special place in hell I've set aside for fucks like you

We know it's you WB, you can stop pretending otherwise

Shuri for the next Iron Man. You read it here first.


Plot armour for Dr Strange not wiping the floor with Thanos.

what would black panther do to him? scratch like a bitch?

>"I'm asking you again Mr. Holmes, where is the Elder Wand?"

this looks gay as fuck

>Seeing it gf on opening night
>Seeing in with friends the night after
>Will go and see it with Dad at some point as well
When are my fellow marvelchads going to see it?

looks like a fun flick desu
worth pirating

At first glimpse I thought this was Gorr torturing Thor.

everyone dies, it's a shit marvel movie, next gen will come out next december already, done, rinse, repeat. ultimately bornig.

How the fuck is shill even an insult? Are You implying that we are getting paid actual money to talk about movies we like anonymously on a Hungarian quilting forum, while you’re here getting assblasted completely for free?

nah theyll kill off tony and cap because chris evans and downy cost too much to hire.

This actually looked good in motion

Why pretend to be retarded?

How many stones does GrapeMan have now? How many more does he need? And where are they?

So is there going to be 2 parts of Infinity War? Cause that's what I remember.

You dont remember shit wet behind the ears cuck.

They are gonna kill WHYTE BOI Thor and replace him with ETHNIC MINORITY GRILL Valkyrie

we've always been on the offensive, cuck

No she won’t. She has no connection to Tony whatsoever.

>you know, we can't show Batman, literally definition of human overcoming, be "cool" and fight against strong aliens
>look guys, Cap is fighting Tanos 1x1 and is fucking epic!
I fucking hate WB. So much. Even for me, man who despice what quipfest MCU become, trailer was good. I wish we had something like that. Well, at least we have best capetrilogy of all time.

>steve dies becoms bucky
No, Tchala or Falcon

>What is Black panther

Is this the final one of these Marvel capeshit movies?

of course not. the black panther series as only just begun

Ebony maw he will possess strange

Is that Phil Mitchell? Guess he really did want people out of his pub that badly.

He gets one from zand a r that's a 1
He gets 1 from Thor that's a 2
He gets one from strange that's a 3
He gets one from vision that's a 4
We STILL don't know where the last stone is

It was thought it was in wakanda, and that's why they were fighting there, but as it turns out in this trailer vision is there with the stone in his head so chances are they wanted to bait thanos and set the fight there so the only collateral will be niggers.

We need new theories on the soul stone lads. I heard people suggesting it's inside gamora and that's why she's gonna die this episode.

Why can't a movie have both?

Snider isn't the end all be all of directors, and desu I'd hate a snider MCU film (except maybe a punisher, or wolverine, or maybe a hulk. You know, something "gritty"). His style just doesn't resonate with the average Marveldrone. It seems like they will at least touch upon the mentality and reasoning of the Mad Titan, which is what ALL Marvel films try and do.

Touch the topic like a priest after choir.

Not every film has to wrestle with the duality of man, with the darkness that is the void, with the hard questions that fuel art.

Must just have to be "fun".

Also, go bait somewhere else you naggot

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This looks seriously epic. I don't care what the contrarian faggots on Sup Forums say - I love it.'re not even hiding how much of a Fucking Disney Mommy you are

In the comic run Thanos succeeds in his plan and Mephisto (literal Satan of Marvel U) basically says he’s not a real man if he can’t win without the gauntlet. So Thanos takes it off, Nebula steals it and undoes everything. Loki will more than likely fill Mephistos part

butthurt dccuck detected

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Obviously she's going to provide sexual relief to all the male characters. Including a cute /ss/ scene with Peter.

Incapacitate maybe. Strange, Iron Man, Spider-Man and the guardians (except Rocket and Groot) have a fight with Thanos on his home world so it doesnt seem to fit that Strange isn’t really Strange there

I can tell you get upset when other people have sex.

Well, Downey Jr has said he's on his way out for years so probably unless they want to keep raising his salary. I think Infinity War is going to work a little like a soft reboot almost. Lots of new characters are going to come in. Some old characters are going to leave.

I don't remember the Hulkbuster looking that shit in the last movie.

Ebony maw

Except that time they killed Mark Hamill and made an edgy reboot of the OT instead of giving us a New Jedi Order with tons of spinoff potential.

>iron man dies becomes negress

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LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does sex have to do with capeshit? I guess Joker and Harley are pretty sex driven? I don't know you're throwing weird non sequiturs.

I enjoy googling daytime television and trying to guess which tv director Marvel will hire next.

Unironically hyped af

Only reply to me if you're a straight white man. Am I the only one that doesn't buy this AIDS ridden goblin Tom Holland as Peter Parker?


there's one more avengers with thanos next year

Is there supposed to be any gravitas to this movie or is it ass sub-Transformers spectacle?

the age of white men is over, the time for diversity has come

>ironman spiderman look so shit, it litterally just tinfoil suit.

>trailer probably ruined all the good parts to look action cool

If this is not a 2 part movie they fucked up and it is going to be worse than the others.

he still has like either two more movies, or this one counts as one and so one movie

Liberals consider Oscar Isaac white so get ready for white men to still be bitched at when jews get replaced with south americans.

are there really grown men who will pay to see this, probably multiple times? that’s just sad

Has there ever been a good movie that did the Part 1 Part 2 gimmick?