What are some kinos about women causing the downfall of tradition, family values, and civilisation...

What are some kinos about women causing the downfall of tradition, family values, and civilisation, through their unchecked degeneracy and sexual promiscuity?

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zitty titty haha

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>women causing
They do this because it gets them attention from men. Even now, with all the brainwashing, women are primarily following men's lead.

And you follow the lead of the global brainwashers who spam content like this.

CNN news.

A fucking lot.

Peter Pan

/r9k/ Paradox
>women are weak and stupid and can't compare to AWESOME men like us
>women also caused all problems in the world, mostly by not having sex with me ;_;

>everything I don't like

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gib pizza tits

>downfall of tradition
If you destroyed every fucking tradition you recognize, you would be getting back to a MORE traditional culture than anything you've ever seen. Historically, all the stupid bullshit self-described "traditionalists" claim is traditional, is damn near brand fucking new. Bad ideas that don't pan out and ruin hundreds of millions of lives, get discarded in time. Grow the fuck up or get your inept ass left behind, idgaf.

Fucking shit, this is so repugnantly retarded and grotesque. Your big glasses aren't funny, get that greasy shit off of your tits you fucking retarded cunts.

>women are all sluts which is why I'm a virgin

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The Hunt starring Mads "Mads" Mikkelsen

>obsesses for years on end about female sexuality
>lol why are you bringing up female sexuality?

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Theres actually truth in that.

>thinks its a contradiction

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>Meme glasses
Absolute trash. DO NOT BREED WITH ANY WOMAN WITH THREE OF THESE. fuck, two out of three is a red flag.

I ain't r9k but as a potential misogynist I would say women are short sighted. Like the proverbial rich man mindlessly polluting his local environment damn the consequences.

Men are to be blamed for being such mindless horndogs that think with their dick and let women lead them past all reason for sure. But its their instinct and they still at least recognize the problem. Women aren't instinctually driven to be so desperately craving and stupid. They have clarity of thought but they still choose throw away their social responsibility and fuck the system for petty hedonistic gain.

>getting a tattoo ever

>tfw 28 year old virgin

woah its almost like through societal and biological evolution women are the choosers and men are the chasers

woooaaaaah take a fucking shower and lift weights if you want to bridge that gap, smelly

no one hates /r9k/ more than /r9k/

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>Thinking dating sites would be an acceptable sample group

how is it not?

>don't forget to just be urself
Everyone bathes you knob.

>women fuck around for hedonistic reasons
>men fuck around for hedonistic reasons
>well its an instinct, can't be helped ;^)

what is brothels and prostitution, which existed since the dawn of time.

the true downfall of civilizations are us NEETs who contribute nothing to society besides far-left and far-right views which are overexaggerations and interpretations of modern society solely to convince the populace to slowly destroy itself.

Cause that'll totally help when women consider 93% men to be average at best.

When men supposedly did civilization was still running afloat now women do it and its all crashing down

>>don't forget to just be urself
But that's literally the opposite of what he's suggesting.

Why contribute to a society that doesnt want you?

I fully support the first two, only I live in America where we don't really have those. And I don't want to drive to Vegas when I want to nut.

Vegas is shit anyway. Most girls are ugly and charge you some crazy shit like 500 Dollars for the hour. You can fuck five + hot girls in europe for that and ten in places like Thailand

How does this chart prove that women are sluts? It says basically the opposite: Women are discerning while men will fuck anything.

Should a man scream at the wind of change or ride the tiger?

I ride the tiger.

I know and I'm so fucking jealous of it. I used to work a demanding job and I wanted nothing more after a hard day at work to come home and tear some ass.

>women will fuck Chad only
>men will fuck whatever they can, which is often nothing

>me me me, the world evolves around me!
this is literally what's wrong with our generation

>women are the choosers and men are the chasers

Do holes actually believe this?

Once the holes turn 28 they chase anything with independence. And worse, they don't know how to chase because they didn't spend the past 15 years sharpening their skills like guys did.

They're pathetic ugly boring annoying holes and every single one of them is hated by their husbands.


>I'm unattractive, poor, and have a horrible personality but still owed sex.

>TFW the one on the left looks like your braphog cousin that just came home after 6 hours of anonymous sex with strangers she met on the internet, complete with tattoos and shitty hipster glasses

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man the shit i fuck over here in europe for 50 bucks you wouldnt believe. last week 18y old petite czech girl freshly imported and still had that new car smell

>>women will fuck Chad only

This is the opposite of a slut. You seem to think slut means "Women will fuck men who aren't me."

>you're wrong to care about yourself goyim. just work even though society doesn't care about you and actively teaches people to hate you because of your sex and skin color.

what about kinos of people paying money for shit pizza and tattoos?

Blaming women for fall of society is like blaming a cat for hunting birds. It's what they are programmed to do by evolution. Women exist as the ultimate check for men to see if they are powerful enough to run society. Blame the weak men for not being able to supress the women and be powerful enough to upkeep society. In other words, blame you.

people who even think about using a dating site inherently lack confidence because they refuse to talk to people face to face and engage in the type of social interaction that has been around since the beginning of humanity.

instant degeneracy.

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>this is literally what's wrong with our generation

You cant vilify your young generation via education, media and later on work places over shit they never did / fuck them over and then expect them to not turn out fucked in the head

>women caused it
>not virgin beta males becoming addicted to porn and eating their own cum

Sounds like a victim of sex trafficking, which is obviously why it isn't allowed in the states. Still nothing wrong with whores, far be it from me to judge a woman giving men the pleasure the need.

>look at my argument, I mentioned the kikes so that means you're a kike, look at me!

sorry I can see through that argument since I always used to use the same one, you're just blaming society for your failures, I know how you feel user, we're all going through the same shit and have gone through it, you need to stop being a defeatist piece of shit NEET and spread your seed

Are you just be facetious now? Slut = woman who sleeps around with a large number of men. Do you think Chad is some kind of rare pokemon that only appears once in a century? Internet made it easier than ever to find one.

You know what he means by Chad dumbfuck.

Only happened once bro cmon

According to that chart the make up 0% of the population. 2% if you wanna be lax with the range.

>Sounds like a victim of sex trafficking
She wasnt. If a brothel shows even the smallest sign of that they get raided by police and no one needs that shit

>which is obviously why it isn't allowed in the states
Land of the Free everyone!

then how come successful people under the same circumstances succeeded in life, they go through all the exact same shit as us.

What I think really, is that biologically there is some sort of clock that convinces a part of the population to develop nihilist thoughts to prevent our species to grow too exponentially, I mean if everyone was successful, intelligent, we'd probably be doing things way to fast for the universe to handle. People like us were meant to fail, but it doesn't mean you can't fight it.

do you people ever go outside? if only attractive people hooked up there would be no ugly people

>If a brothel misses their monthly bribe too often they get raided by police


>youre blaming society because society teaches people to hate white men


I mean no shit once she had enough fun riding the dick train, in her mid-30s she'll settle for a beta provider and shit out a couple of kids to keep him leashed in marriage, while fucking Tyrone on the side

It's valid criticism up to a point. Deep down all humans just suck, I suppose.

But I'm not accusing women of being pleasure seeking hedonists (that's all of us), I'm accusing them of being POWER seeking hedonists. Hedonists that deliberate engage in a culture that is destroying society, but suppresses all thought of negative consequence for fear of loss of power and privilege.

Even if men secretly want to fuck a whole lot of women regardless of who that hurts a critical number of men understand that's a bad thing. Even in the most patriarchal times monogamy, basically sexual communism, was enforced. We all want to be the chad secretly, but we demonize infidelity. Women want to be chased by multiple men, while cherry picking one mate and keeping the orbiter admirers in reserve for extra protection and gifts. Deep down many intelligent women must realize this is a long term social ill and hurts people, but they refuse to change modern sexual mores or discuss it.

You see any feminists championing monogamy? Fidelity? No. Less privilege in that.