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We must consult with Kek
Tomorrow as in today or tomorrow as in saturday?
i want to believe
May it be so
You can't spell JAIL without HAIL
>FBI is preparing raids innit
Jesus Christ do you mean the FBI ARE preparing raids? Shouldn't have left you alone with the fucking lingo
You can.
>Sup Forums got me like
>not sure if mainstreaming truth or elaborate psy-op honeypot
imagine if the FBI was cucked by dem corruption as well, your whole country would be literally fucked forever
If you're in the FBI you could be earning more doing something else most likely. Vocation and patriotism are our greatest strengths.
> Citizen "journalist" who runs a pro-Trump website
Literally fucking nobody.
It's 'is' you pom faggot. The FBI is one body
isn't your whole country essentially cucked by dems?
He will guide us.
FBI is a singular entity. You don't say the USA are better than the brits. You say the USA IS better than the brits. correct in grammar and syntax.
Literally who? Did this guy get that information from this click bait sites in the catalog? Kek willing I hope it's true, just don't see that happening so soon.
yeah we don't matter though we have an army that can fit in a Walmart parking lot and no nukes
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is preparing raids.
It's just one Federal Bureau. It is correct.
Had it said "FBI agents," then you can use ARE.
>The Australian Shitposting League is preparing counter arguments
See how its a fuck up now?
i see, than we are in agreement about your relevancy
FBI is singular.
Notice how I didn't say FBI *are* singular.
Jesus Christ learn the language you invented.
it could happen this soon (not saying it will), but they've been known to destroy evidence before. the fbi might want to snatch up any evidence they have before they can destroy it.
If you're taking about a body made up of multiple bodies
No m8
Is this like oqueefe?
Some twitter telling something, don't want to get my hopes up.
Also why would sources announce raids?
"Yeah, guys, just a heads up, if you want to bleach any bits or old school shredding files do it today cause we will be raiding this place tomorrow ktbxbye"
Ain't none of dat okie dokie going on
Nice """"""""""""""""""""source"""""""""""""""""""".
This is literally nothing.
>mfw its real
What'smy best bet to become an american citizen?
From the people that brought you
>Corporations are people
God I have to go to sleep soon and iv got a feeling I'm going to miss Obama and the Clintons being dragged out in hand cuffs.
single digit confirms this is going to be huge, big league
Well I'm a Cop and SWAT bro. I don't see how they were able to get enough PC already to carry out warrants on a Federal level. It's not that easy, especially with the sheer amount of information that would have to be gathered.
While grammatically correct, nobody would ever say that.
Look how far a person like Clinton came in your country. Really nice system you have there.
"Come! and see!" and I saw. Behold! a pale horse and its riders name was Kek and happenings followed with him.
>gets BTFO
>starts being snarky
Are you a liberal, by chance?
nice, let's give them a heads up.
Based FBI Bros
This is going to be a mass black bagging of the alt-right just watch
See you guys in some kangaroo court somewhere
Fuck, that's 7:30 am tomorrow here and it's only 9:33pm tonight. I'll be all out of Vodka around 2:30. Don't see myself staying up for this one. Gonna have to wait until late tomorrow morning.
OPSEC out the window.
Hey bad guys we're comming for you tomorrow just so you know!
how long would something like that typically take? i have no idea.
i've also heard that they've been investigating the foundation for awhile. don't know if that's true, it's more or less wishful thinking, but if that's true they may have enough.
I give it a 50% chance that something major drops before the election, like bombshell pedo leaks or clinton arrest.
I Ching (Wilhelm translation) -- divination results for tonight:
Trigram 18: Ku (Work on what has been spoiled / Decay)
"The Chinese character /ku/ represents a bowl in whose contents worms are breeding. This means decay. It has come about because the genmtle indefference of the lower trigram has come together with the rigid inertia of the upper, and the result is stagnation. Since this implies guilt, the conditions embody a demand for removal of the cause. Hence the meaning of the trigram is not simply "what has been spoiled" but "work on what has been spoiled." "
"/The judgement:/
/Work on what has been spoiled/ has supreme success.
It furthers one to cross the great water.
Before the starting point, three days.
After the starting point, three days.
/The image:/
The wind blows low on the mountain:
The image of /decay/.
Thus the superior man stirs up the people
and strengthens their spirit.
/The lines:/
Six at the beginning means:
Setting right what has been spoiled by the father.
If there is a son,
No blame rests upon the departed father.
Danger. In the end good fortune."
Take that as you will.
oh it's another brits can't speak their own language episode.
HAha yeah so based xD.
Nothing will happen.
Nice info,
I'm sure they'll be caught completely by surprise
When are you fuckers gonna learn english
I agree but I think it could be happening right now . In the article he said get to work now as in right now.
Thats assuming they don't already have information they've been sitting on for whatever reason and now somebody has seen "new information".
How does it feel that Americans are better at English than you, you cocksucking motherfucker?
At least he didn't say "Corporations *is* people."
Why do you think leaks happened to Sup Forums?
Thanks FBIanon!
What source?
>OPSEC out the window.
Well, they aren't really in a position to flee. Public servants that are currently in the spotlight(they are trying to win elections) can't really flee, unless they want to admit guilt.
Well I'm a municipal Cop, not on the Fed level so I don't have any experience with this type of shit. But comparatively speaking getting search warrants for just a dope house take about a week. This is obviously a much, much, larger issue. Granted the FBI has a vast amount of resources I don't think we would see anything for months.
>inb4 that "source" is
can we ban the happening threads until something actually happens?
Get a bitch pregnant. Right before she gives birth, run across border. Profit.
That could be true and I don't want to discount that. I just find it unlikely due to the scope of this invedtigation. I fucking hope it is though, kek wills it.
Actually corporate personhood was imported from the British legal system. It refers merely to a set of constitutional provisions which guarantee the function of the limited liability system, which has existed in England since the 1400s. The US doesn't offer corporations any advantages or status in court not also offered by British courts.
>can we ban the happening threads
Spotted the plebbitor
Fleeing isn't the problem, it would be stuff like spoilation of evidence. A seized USB stick is of no use to you if someone already drilled holes in it and blowtorched what was left.
Anyway, the FBI raids stuff every day. I'm sure they'll raid various places today. Whether those places will involve electoral politics... I wouldn't exactly trust some random Twitter guy to find out.
>'bureau' is plural
>Fleeing isn't the problem, it would be stuff like spoilation of evidence. A seized USB stick is of no use to you if someone already drilled holes in it and blowtorched what was left.
If they are raiding politicians this close to the election they don't need anymore evidence, user. Thats a fucking HUGE move.
It depends what kind of warrants they would be executing though. If it's just arrest warrants they would already have the information needed to prosecute. Search warrant is a different story.
Commies can't even speak English
I don't think the FBI would ever leak info about an upcoming raid, particularly a HRC connected one. Would give them an opportunity to block.
>I don't think we would see anything for months
don't say this to me, dude. i've been edging for weeks already. don't know how much longer i can hold out.
I know, I know, user. You have to understand for THIS TYPE of investigation though the FBI would have to have a literal mountain of evidence to pin it to them.
Bullshit. Police routinely get warrants in an hour by calling a judge.
That twitter belongs to a fucking nobody.
His report is only valid if kek grants me dubs.
is this legit
You say tomorrow. Is that our tomorrow or Murca's tomorrow?
Can we ban the people who misunderstand Sup Forums and /x/ memes?
Happening only means critical news. Never referred to the end of everything or some major bs like cia arresting clinton or w.e. you were expecting.
For reference, please see and learn to fucking read Sup Forums properly.
It's always happening shitter, had it with this "hurr stop posting happening threads if the world isn't over."
The first happenings were pre-libya riots/gaddafi getting a serrated butt plug. They consisted of purely conspiracy on /x/ and some things turned out true on Sup Forums; albeit not as severe. Mostly libya which is where the shitstorm started for Sup Forums
You're retarded. You have to do a lot of shit to get enough PC for a judge to sign off on a search warrant. Unless it's some type of barricaded gunmen situation that does not happen Doc Autismo.
Idk, we never thought the FBI would let someone walk after putting the nation at risk, but they did. This, if it is real, is probably from the wing of the FBI pushing for charges to be brought against her. They are doing it to force their bosses hand.
it's the day after today, okay?
You fucking twit, how am I supposed to be superior about UK grammar when cunts like you pull shit like this?
Merrica's Friday.
2008: the gov and FBI v&ing Sup Forums for CP
2016: Sup Forums and FBI v&ing the gov for CP
Best timeline
So, let me get this straight. The FBI ARE Anonymous? They chose the Guy Fawkes mask, they chose the target, they chose the date. And made us all think it was us doing it the whole time.........OR....We are anonymous, they got sucked in, had the intel to put the pieces together and are now going rogue and bringing down the houses of parliament on the 5th of November....?
Last time though, Guy Fawkes didn't make it, will we make it Sup Forumsros?
And don't call me Surely
>I am. And don't call me Shirley.
Source: FBI about to arrest Trump for being a Russian spy.
Source: FBI about to v& user for being a faggot.