Voltron: Legendary Defender

Bii bo be Season 4 bo beeble bee boh? Bo bii boh Matt, bo bi boh boh buh Lotor ba bi bobo keikaku boh bii be.

Apparently Bi Boh Bi was voiced by Jeremy.

Does anyone know if they released that outtakes video of him doing the voices?

Wait, my mistake, it was actually Dave Coulier, Jeremy did background noodle people.

Bii boh bi best bii.

This was a shitty season.

That dude is still alive?!?

bii boh bi be mice

We bi boh bii thread now?

I cracked up hard when I noticed the noddle aliens in the background of Space Mall, did not expect us to get a whole planet of them

What is the pickle rick of voltron legendary defender?

Slav is shaped kind of like a pickle with a tail, so.


Shiro is fully back and the show is worse off because of it. Shiro is officially worst boy

They were even better than I imagined.

He would be fine if he stayed in the support role, putting him back in the Black Lion was the mistake.

>boh bi biis

Nice b8

Was season 5 confirmed?

I liked the "season". Not as good as 3, but better then 2

>barely present in the last half of season 3
>the show is worse off because of him!!

Obvious b8.

It's been confirmed for ages.

Oh. Do you know if it will be 6 eps again?

Pidge's feet

also i got seriously rused.

>season 2 was shit
>season 4 was shit

Why is every season that focuses on Keith always the worst?

Do you think Varkon is a Hunkfag?


Yes they are splitting all the seasons into 7-6 episode batches from here on out. Series was greenlit for 78 episodes total.

>season 4
>focuses on Keith

Nigga he showed up in the first episode then left until the finale.

>focuses on Keith
At least put effort into the bait.

S4 was Keith focused? What?

It wouldn't have been a mistake if this show actually had good writers who could've expanded on Shiro and Keith's issues with the switch. Also, it's plain as day he's not going to stay in Black. Remember all his fucking brain problems? Brainwashed Winter Soldier betrayal is imminent.

Cool, thanks.

Didn't they have a season teaser for season 4 right after S3 aired? Or was that a special occasion since it was the first season that got split?

oh shut UP

Post Shiro lewds if you have them

I used to not be into Shiro in that way because he looks and is built very similar to my dad but I started having sex dreams about my dad recently so now I'm really into Shiro and want lewds of him.

Season 4 felt like filler except for the parts that were about Keith because "muh main character".

And yes, season 2 was shit because it was all about him.

I'm sure they'll change it eventually but it certainly feels like an unnecessary interlude.

I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't mind Keith's rotation off the team.

I do think Shiro/Kuron is making stupid decisions though but it could be part of the brainwashing

Let me guess: you're a Keithfag?

Zeith is love.
Zeith is life.

The less Keith, the better the show becomes.

This is a blue board, user.

I feel the presence of an user who is possibly angry.

These boards exist for a reason, user.

user that's incest!

I bet Keith is going to become the co-pilot of Lotor's ship with him.
They will bond over their shared hybrid status and hatred of Zarkon.

I've seen several anons who agree with you, I just think it's being handled very poorly so I don't like it much.

Agreed. I really think the show would have benefited from more episodes though, a lot of the character interaction stuff that made S1 great has fallen by the wayside.

seek help

Literally nothing happened this season.

I think it's a fairly even split in these threads of people who think it's a smart move and those who dislike it. Even the ones who are in favor of it seem to want him to come back as the black pilot eventually after he develops leader skills on his own.
What, how did you know?

Nigga I don't know what to tell you but that there was hardly any Keith at all.

Season 4 was pretty shitty. I didn't find Keith's absence any better. The season was as weak as Ezor's loyalty to Lotor.

Full House wasn't that long ag-
>came out in 1987
Oh god where have all the years went?

How did the noodle people infect this board so fast?

Shut the fuck up Satan. Keith will not take Lotor's side.

I actually think Shiro/Kuron will defect because of brainwashing or whatever those headaches were about and replace Narti.

We found out Zarkon is pro-choice!

something I noticed going through these, Lance always has regular or slouching stances when he's in civvies. he only gets all slutty/contrapposto when he's in the paladin armor. neat character detail

One of us, one of us, bi boh bii

>not the upside down legs spread one

Come on user

Well that armor did come from a gay slut.

>they killed off the kawata shojo
I'm surprised they did this so soon.

The scene where Pidge thought Matt died was pure kino, I wish there was more time before she immediately figured out he was still alive. That stuff should've been split across two episodes or more. Maybe she downloads the raw alien information from his tombstone early on, or maybe it should've happened in season 3. More coalition and other stuff happens, with a really depressed Pidge in the background (it's not like she really did much in the latter half of S2 or S3), until she finally gets something crucial she needs to decipher it, realizes Matt's birthday is wrong, and using that information is able to go to another planet to find him.

The fact that they even got away with onscreen character death, implied death, and an entire field of graves like that did surprise me. Fakeout or not I didn't think the show was able to go that dark at all, but then again Season 3 also had some pretty dark themes as well.

>wearing form-fitting clothing literally turns him into a slut

i didn't wanna put in three shots from a single scene, but man that whole sequence was Something

Bless your souls

It is my favorite sequence in the show thus far. Great music/setting/voice acting. Was disappointed they immediately turned it around to secret message Matt is alive etc.

Pidge found her brother, the Voltron Alliance got fucking huge, Lotor was declared enemy of the state and will probably be tentatively on the side of Team Voltron, at least for a while, his remaining generals are now a new faction likely to cause problems.

Also Shiro got back in the black lion and Keith left to chill with the BoM, but those could understandably be considered "things un-happened".

What I'm saying is, I don't think this season was very good overall-- pacing and character development were weak as usual-- but I think "nothing happened" isn't the most accurate criticism.

Steve Ahn is really good at that stuff. He also directed The Journey which also had really good emotional pacing for the most part.
Shame this is his last season, but I get it if he wants to focus on his own stuff. It sure makes me want to check out his independent projects a lot more now. I wonder what other episode directors we're going to have, since he and Chris Palmer are no longer on the show and they did a lot of episodes.

>Well that armor did come from a gay slut.
Did Blaytz leave behind a slut virus or something?
I feel like the premise could have been extended to another episode, but if they were gonna have a fake-out with Matt's death then I'm glad they resolved it immediately, because dragging it on would have put even more emphasis on a drama point that turned out to be a false alarm. They pulled back before they built it up too much.

Say something nice about trappy galra

>his remaining generals are now a new faction likely to cause problems.
I want to know what that other option is. I'm hoping it involves Merla or Pollux.

Finest boipussy in the empire.

I want Merla to recruit the generals.

Yeah, I'm conflicted about that as well. At the same time I think the fact that I had already been spoiled on it was a part of it, I already knew he was fine so I was just waiting for them to get to the realization of it.

I want Merla to be Lotor's biter ex.

Agreed, also Pidge getting a case of the tards and only noticing Matt's birthday on the gravestone was wrong days/weeks after the fact would have been contrived as fuck. Especially since we got a flashback to the secret code in that very episode.
Also some more clarification that he was into deep spy shit and that was why he had a fake gravestone and was "off the grid" in the first place, because I've seen a lot of people miss that point.


I want Merla to be really hot so everyone can call Lotor a dumbass for letting her go.

I don't know if I'd call this season "good", but it certainly was fun. Had a certain something that S2 was lacking aside from Space Mall and the last episode.

>What, how did you know?

Because of the degeneracy.

>lotor chases after allura
>dumped merla the hottest woman in the universe

What an idiot

I think Pidge being late to figure out Matt's birthday could be excused if it turns out there was a second layer of encryption that she needed additional artifacts for, but otherwise I agree.

I hope Lance and Keith never really interact much again for the rest of the series. This season has been chemo to the fandom. Please wither their crops.

>Zarkon: Son I disappoint.

How will their first meeting go?

That's why Allura decided to get a pink suit instead of swapping with Lance. She knew about Kanye's degeneracy and didn't want to contract the slutperies.


it's more like his sense of self-worth is tied up in being a paladin so he feels the most confident when he's "on the job", it's a contrast to the other characters who all behave pretty much the same in and out of uniform.


Why didn't he put on the tight shirt, Sup Forums?

Wasted on doing shitty Felix the Cat DTVs

Or he's playing up the "Chicks dig a guy in uniform" angle.



Is it me or did it look like Shiro's eyelids were drawn a lot thicker after his return? I figured it was QUALITY in S3 since he does get the Asian monolids back but something about the way his eyes are drawn still seems different, not just his hair. He also generally looks... sadder?

I can't believe the brother theory hasn't been BTFO yet.


I really think they're going to be related.

They're the only two characters who are confusing as to how they came into being.

They also both have purple eyes, but Keith's are darker.

Especially with the way Merla looked in that one comic. Lotor has shit taste.

He's drawn differently board artist to board artist.

His eyes are atypical some artists know how to try to get across that he's asian and others just make him look like he has long eyelashes. It's kind of annoying actually, they should stick to the way he looks in the official art.

Keith might be an altered clone of Lotor's.