Economists says he promotes magical thinking instead of (((sound))) policies.

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MEME magical thinking

Probably the same economists who had no idea the 2008 crisis was coming. Same economists who think QE is working. Same economists who think the Fed is working for the good of America.

>degrades trust in public institutions

Oh, the horror.

That funny. I literally just now listened to Greg Johnson say that about Marxists. Nice pysop desu

(((Sober Economic Policies)))

Don't worry goyim, the national debt is good for you.

>He promises magical thinking

370 pseudo-scientists vs Trump

Trump is a successful businessman, the 370 economists are envious nobodies.

Why even trying?

(((economists))) are no longer economists
these people are for public schools, for minimum wage, for rent control, for high levels of business regulation, for huge QE
they're retarded
"wtf keynes said spend loads of money lol wtf trump..."

And yet he's a billionaire while we haven't had a pay increase in 15 years.

Fuck you. We'll vote Trump and we'll take the fucking power from your filthy, thieving fingers.

>He promotes meme magic instead of (((sound))) policies

nice dubs


>public schools, for minimum wage, for rent control, for high levels of business regulation, for huge QE
except for rent control and higher levels of regulation, I am for these things.

In short, Keynesians.

i'm a simple man

but if economists know so much about the economy, why aren't they rich?

and how does a man who has become rich from business not know anything about economics then?

Because you're stupid.

>economists actually having a clue about real life economics

They're just pissy kikes that are upset that the era of Moloch is over and the Golden Era of Kek has arrived.


>magical thinking

>magical thinking
What have we done?
Lord Kek it is time to stop!

>implying economics isn't just magic at this point

Those motherfuckers are the same people that got us to where we are. If hes wrong, fuck it, the system crashes and we start over. If hes right, fuck it, we don't have to rebuild and can focus on lynching the elites.

>let's assume that in our model lower interest rates always equal more growth
>let's assume in our model that more government spending always equals more growth
>let's assume in our model that increasing the money supply will always equal more growth
>let's assume that in our model more taxation will lead to more growth in the long run
>let's define growth as "something that isn't actually good for people but is a big number that goes up when government does things"
>wtf our model failed how is this possible

Don't tell me what to do you fucking kikes

People that rely on the government to keep their jobs are surprisingly against the candidate who wants to expose government corruption, who would have thought???

Does Clinton even have a policy besides her oh so sound "racist, sexist, bigot" shit?

I don't even think Clinton is a progressive liberal who believes this shit, but she panders to them to try to get elected.

Trump's perceived conspiracy theories and shit are from him completely giving up trying to appeal to any political faction.

Clinton is as fake as it gets. She doesn't give any more of a shit about women or minorities or gays than anyone else. Just a typical politician who will keep things exactly the same instead of trying to make them better.

also this

>trusting economists from a country trillions in debt
Yeah, you guys are real great at your jobs. Maybe you should do some work instead of taking money to say what the government wants you to

>MFW he ends up deleting 33,000 tweets

>magical thinking
This is pretty much what "economists" do anyway. I haven't seen them predict anything correctly in at least the past 20 years.

but magic is real

isn't trump a successful businessman because he surrounds himself with actually talented staff that know their area of expertise well?
i've always assumed he campaigns on the issues that are important to the citizenry and will appoint personnel that can help him make it happen when he gets in office

How many economists are there in the 314 million of the US alone? Why 370? Was that all they could find? Is the number even real?

319 millions of habitants in USA.

And among those 319 millions, you have to choose between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for president ?

What went wrong Sup Forums ?

It's not the first time in history a big-talker who is clueless about politics is running for leadership in the US. Arnold Schwarzenegger got elected to become the governor of California - he promised to fix the massive debt California was suffering from at the time.

This was a huge mistake - his lack of experience in politics ended up making him TRIPLE the debt. it was so bad, that at one point, the GDP of california was the same as the GDP of kazakhstan.

That is why you should not vote for trump, and vote for someone who actually knows what he is talking about. trump's lack of experience will make the debt even worse and cause a recession. you might lose your job.

probably just undergrads who read das kapital and nothing else and then 8 marxist economics nobel prize winners

Keynsian shitlibs are butthurt. What's new?

I'm glad my Econ professors follow RBC DSGE models and are voting Trump.

>What went wrong Sup Forums ?
Hillary was allowed to run for president instead of being put in prison

Dubs of truth right here.

These guys are all jokes.
In 1998, US gov bailed out a hedge fund.
In 2008, they decided to bail out basically Wall St.
2018? Today? Tomorrow? Next crisis, what are we talking about? The entire international banking system? IMF?
Banking is a scam.
Economics has become a meme.
Not one of these "professionals" know wtf they are talking about, and us commoners know it.

All economist should be hanged and quartered.

I like magic. I will vote Trump

Trump will get advice from the experts he trusts, he won't just pull out economic policies out of his ass and enforce them all on his own

The Civil War. We were counting on you and Britain to send aid but instead "muh slaves!"

>370 Economists? Give us a couple of days.

Thomas Sowell is arguably one of the greatest economists of all time and he's voting Trump

>implying what we have been doing works

>stupid fucking terminator man sucked at being governor
>so don't vote trump lol look at this graph it's fact even though they failed to predict 2008 recession
thanks kike

people who propose fixes by removing government programmes are no longer given the time of day nor respect in economic fields. people only care about meme prophet economists who exclaim "GOVERNMENT ENACT THIS POLICY THEN EXPLOSION OF GROWTH!"
they don't care about what actually happens. they care about their models, and if reality does not conform, reality is at fault

whoops replied to the wrong post looks like i'm retarded now

Hillary was allowed to run despite the skeletons

Trump was lifted to centerstage by Hillary thinking he would be a walkover, I nominate it for biggest political fuckup in 50 years

(((economists))) are worse than weatherman
>hrrr the market may go up 5$
>market goes up 3%
>see! I told you it would go up!

One of us
one of us
one of us

Better change that flag to Burgerland newfriend.

Seriously though, hit the nail on the head. So called "economic experts" wouldn't know their own ass from a hot rock. It's all about creating false illusions of failure.

Keyenesian economists lmao


>Listening to experts

No. he will literally pull policies out of his ass

You know about Thomas Sowell, you can't be retarded friend.

Kind of like how you guys pulled a failing country out of Palestinian's ass?

>if economists know so much about the economy, why aren't they rich?
Or why can't they predict the prices in the stockmarket of tomorrow? Astronomy can 'predict' the positions of the stars and planets with high precision, economy as a science can't, so it's not a real science like that.

The economy should serve the nation and its politics and not the other way around. The nation serves to protect the ethnos, the people and their culture and way of living a good life. Putting the economy first is sure to destroy this, because culture and tradition then becomes a hindrance to it.

surely negative interest rates will make everyone richer, right ?

He asks people for advice all the time. That's one of the reasons for his success. He knows he isn't an expert on every field and he knows the people who are and doesn't hesitate to consult them. That's true for most successful entrepreneurs.

>Schools where teachers are so incompetent they would be working in taco bell in the free market
>Program that destroys the poor and makes them unable to get a job
>Literal communist nonsense

(((Nobel Prize winners)))

(((University graduate establishment preferred "economists")))

Reminds me of this

Roger Ailes left the trump campaign because he could not make trump listen to him.

Remidner that Roger Ailes advised 3 different ELECTED republican presidents.

So no, trump doesn't give a fuck about experts. and that's dangerous

only strongly negative, my friend
to -1000% interest we go
give the banks your money and they will pay you back for this loan by taking some of it permanently
what a trade

>370 Economists
Out of a possible number of how many Economists?

Is 370 a lot? A few? Somewhere in between?

Trump is dangerous to the kind of people who will be getting a free necklace on the Day of the Rope.

Aren't those the same ecomists that disagreed with Johnson?

first post happens to be the best

from wiki:
"An economist is a practitioner in the social science discipline of economics."

i am an economist
you are an economist
everyone itt is an economist

they disagree with all forms of policy that aren't increased government spending and increased money supply

don't you have a palestinian child you need to be killing schlomo?

he's doing his part by shilling for crooked

If Trump wins he's going to get killed, honestly this is getting scary.

370 out of how many? Kek. 370 is nothing

Honestly I wouldn't mind a Pence presidency.

Trump is obviously... limited anyway.



Don't even reply you fucktards






Sage Sage Sage

I remember when the entire economic establishment told us to accept the Euro, and that everyone against the Euro was a populist nazi who didn't understand the greatness of the project.

Fucking hacks REEEEEEEEEE

>It's not the giant Jew fantasy economy that is unrealistic, goy.

Jews always project.

If that isn't a jewed up defintion I don't know what is.
Anything with (((social))) should be taken with a shot of heroin, should be obvious as fuck by now.

oh nvm

R.H Coase quoting Robbins

>Economics is the science which studieshuman behaviour as a relationship betweens ends and scarce means which have alternative uses
>This makes economics, the science of human choice.

oh no that sucks :^)

Of fucking course. Just like JFK before him and then they'll say it was mean Russian man who killed him.

then if you've ever had a thought about human choice you are an economist of some degree

>russians hack hillary!
>rusians hack fbi
>assange is russian!!
>trump was elected with the help of russians!!
>russians assassinated president trump!!!

this being claimed would almost make up for the death of trump

Maybe we need a little magic.

got you covered

Come on do your job and bomb Germany again

Economists were more than butt blasted in 2008. Turns out most top economists are bought by big bank and big business. They are just not trustable.

Economics has many conflicting schools of thought anyways. For any economist that say something you can find one that says the opposite.

why do the dutch hate germans so much?
why do the eastern provinces of the netherlands fly so many german flags?

Certainly by choosing one product or service over another, you've made an economical decision have you not?

well spoken, leaf

This. These motherfucking professionals keep saying shit will work and it doesn't ever work, and somehow challenging these professionals is more retarded than taking out a 100000 dollar college loan and getting high instead of going to class

literally by choosing to take a piss or hold it in to make one more shitpost on Sup Forums you've done the job of an economist by evaluating scarce resources (time, your ability to be in one place at once, toilets, shitposts) with respect to human choice

Im no economist, but 77 > 33

and liberals

>77 > 33

Violating our 100 year old neutrality in European affairs and murdering thousands of our people for no reason and causing us to lose our empire is a good set of reasons, no?

Also the whole destroying Europe (again) thing.

he's on about dubs

But trump wants to make the biggest tax cuts in modern history...i just dont get it with you fucks. Do you want your tax cuts or do you want to deal with the deficit? You cant have it both ways...