What are some good movies with dramatic irony?

What are some good movies with dramatic irony?

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it's almost like there are other reasons to commit terrorism in the name of Islam, but nah we haven't done anything wrong, those 3,000,000 Iraqi/Afghan civilians that have died since the American invasion had it coming by merely existing.

Last i checked 9/11 happened before the us invaded Afghanistan or iraq. It might have even been the cause of it!

they never learn do they

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>first invasion of Afghanistan was in 2003

Behold, your brain on liberalism.

But France refused to join the American invasion, and was hated for it?

>last I checked

have you checked since the 80s?

You know this is fake right?

I can ignore history as long as I think the other person is liberal

For the re-opening of the Bataclan, Sting sang a song called "inchallah" and got applause when praising migrants.
Meanwhile the band Eagles of Death Metal which was playing when the massacre occurred, got tour dates cancelled because one of its musicians said some redpilled stuff in the press

During the recent elections, the Bataclan Arrondissement voted 93% for Macron (pro migrant candidate and now president), more than any other areas in France. The progressives went out and voted OVERWHELMINGLY against Le Pen (nationalist). If anybody had a chance to be red-pilled, it would be them. You cannot reach these people. They will not change their views, even at the risk of losing their heads.

Again, they voted 93% for the cuck candidate (more than any other area in France) and sang Arabic anthems in the name of tolerance and progress when it re-opened. A few months after 100 of their neighbors and kids had been brutally tortured, castrated, had their eyes gouged out and throats sliced in the name of Allah. Would you also be surprised if I told you the Bataclan's owner before the attack is now retired and living in Israel?

>the Committee is troubled by this information which has appeared nowhere [in the media]. The father of one of the victims sent me a copy of a letter: “On the causes of the death of my son A., at the forensic institute in Paris, what a shock it was for me, they had cut off his testicles, had put them in his mouth, he was disemboweled. When I saw him, lying on a table, a psychologist was with me. He said: This is “the only presentable part, your son’s left profile.” He had no right eye. They had punctured his eye and sliced down the right side of his face

French gov and media made sure this was buried, French people still think victims were 'only' shot

93%, let it sink in

America dindu nuffin! We wuz all about liberty n shit

fuck off back to pol

>Attack Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya because the Saudi "freedom fighter" which you trained back when you were fucking up Afghanistan back in the 80's decided to round up a bunch of his Saudi buddies to wreck two of your buildings
B-but muh thousands of deaths! Muh buildings!

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>it's fake
No it isn't faggot. The guy on the left died in the Ariana Grande concert bombing. Type his fucking name into Google if you want more proof. Or check his twitter, which has no posts following it.

Fuck that cant be real can it?


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say no more

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It's happened a few times actually. Some other Swedish woman and man (American I think) got executed by the locals while doing human rights work not long ago. There's a video/webm around, probably on Liveleak/NYC/etc. but I can't find it. They sit there on the ground denying reality until the local apes decide to unload their rifles on them. The girl tries to run but gets shot almost immediately. Maybe someone has it, I don't save every webm I see. It might actually be the same case but I just don't recognize the names, and they didn't behead her in the video.

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Found it, if you wanted proof. - liveleak.com/view?i=190_1493329068

>will suppress different opinions

dat evil infograph spamming

>nobody even states a movie
>it's just another Sup Forums thread in disguise

why do you do this

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>Last i checked 9/11 happened before the us invaded Afghanistan or iraq. It might have even been the cause of it!
holy shit

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Holy shit. They really do exist.

>...said some redpilled stuff...

Oh, it's just a retard. Move along.

>only Sup Forums hates shitskins !

News to me, redditard

It'spropaganda direct from an alt-right Trump site, you moron.
I'm not suprised... you idiots believe Daily Mail articles as well.

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In Bruges, 7 Psychopaths

>that Argentine white in the middle

every time

So let me get this right. You're claiming that the Telegraph, Dailymail, Sky News, the Guardian, the Sun, and even the BBC, are alt-right Trump sites?

etc. etc.

I'll even give you one from renowned alt-right breeding ground, NBC news.

What are some good movies about Sup Forums brainlets posting outside of their board