Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering...

Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more movies with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Groundhog Day for sure.. but gimme some suggestions.

I love time travel movies .. and this theme is sort of time travel ..

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Happy Death Day


Live.Die.Repeat is comfy

Yeah, I've seen one with a woman when I was a kid, but all I can remember are some scenes in a subway station.

Don't you mean Edge of Tomorrow?

Edge of Tomorrow with Tom Cruise

Edge of Tomorrow

Live. Die. Repeat. would have been a better title though.

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>Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more movies with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Groundhog Day for sure.. but gimme some suggestions.
>I love time travel movies .. and this theme is sort of time travel

Attached: groundhog-day-poster.jpg (300x444, 43K)

12 monkeys would fit the bill somewhat
there are elements Willis gets to relive although not in the groundhog day sense

>not the same pic
thread ruined, thanks faggot

Run Lola Run (1998)

Pretty cool German film kinda the same idea

Attached: 220px-Lola_Rennt_poster.jpg (220x325, 26K)

Happy Death Day


'When we first met' on netflix. It's actually not bad.

Can anybody recommend a movie with the same level of comfiness as Groundhog Day?

Live.Die.Repeat with Tom Cruise.

Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more movies with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Groundhog Day for sure.. but gimme some suggestions.

I love time travel movies .. and this theme is sort of time travel ..

Attached: 1458341620377.jpg (268x400, 71K)

Not a movie but an episode of x-files called Monday that has a very similar theme of a repeating day


The one with Tom Cruise. Yesterday You Said Tomorrow.

so its one of these threads