Hollywood has ruined her innocence

Hollywood has ruined her innocence...

Attached: Millie_1q4xsI41e.jpg (1280x1656, 163K)

....but William Shatner.


Shew's going to be big, just wait and see.

innocence is never ruined op
it is sold

I love her. She’s my princess

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shes going to age like shit


Did Hollywood age her 40 years too?

Lmao she's so cool.

she probably has coke on her at all times

no, bong genetics did that

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Hello, middle aged humans

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Ugly tranny goblin

Our modern day Farrow and Sinatra

get over it plebs

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Godzilla isn't that far away right bros?

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meh, she'll be fine.

>this gif matches the rhythm of the song I am listening to

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>tfw Stranger Things first aired 20 years ago today

What are you jamming to bro

Millie is so talented that a gif of her can stick her tongue out to the rhythm of a song she can't even hear.

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She's British, If she was in England she'd be getting shitfaced down the park by now.

dude what the fuck is going on in hollywood with these actresses

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id reck that innocence too. shits tight and wet

I’ve literaly never seen a person with a more punchable face than this tranny
Everytime I see this kid’s fucking face I want to smash up something

Gumblood Shuffle - Hagard Cat

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Seek help user, I suggest therapy

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Even the originals pedos who were spamming her already dropped her now she’s ugly as fuck
There’s only one pedo left who’s posting her while ban evading