Wife files for divorce

>Wife files for divorce
>Will Smith Starts Youtube vlogging

This is pretty transparent. He feels bad because of the divorse (probably because he's gay/bi and his wife found out), and he needs a pick me up. Starring in another film is too distant. He doesn't interact with the fans directly. Youtube's something new, and he can see in real time the comments and views go up and up.


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>Will Smith vlogging

You come at the king, you best not miss


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im pretty sure jada is lesbian or bi too
people just grow apart sometimes

50% of the times married couples don't survive that long user
its sad really

Jesus christ is there anything this man CAN'T DO?!

>filed for divorce
Literally fake news

yea thats why i said they grew apart as opposed to they broke apart like whatever made up percentage you made up


That number is often cited but not true. It was based on taking the # of marriages and the # of divorces for a particular year. Notice the potential problem? It assumes that divorce rates remain steady, and can be applied to currently married people.

After No Fault divorce, there was a spike of divorces, but after that, the divorce rate has been slowing down.


>made up
Lmfao. Look at divorce rates. It's over 50% you simp.

>i recommend kissing my wife
>*smiles awkwardly for 30 seconds*

dude you are literally retarded

>Jesus christ is there anything this man CAN'T DO?!

Not for the low, low price of half a bottle of Old Crow, a pack of menthols and $1.20 in loose change

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Look at how he talks about being on vacation, despite officially working. That's why he took the role. A free vacation and he gets paid for a little bit of work. It's genius.

All that fucking money and he's doing lame shit like this. Nerd.

Will Smith vlogging is proof that women hold you back in life.
He no longer has the shackles of when wanting to do something he needs permission. Now he just does it.

FACT. Women suck the life out of you.

i see
so what would you say the divorce rate today in the western world is ?

He's finally losing it from all that Scientologist brainwashing. This is what happens to every scientologist eventually. People always post memes about Xenu from south park but don't know what they actually practice. Dianetics is just rebranded Abreactive Therapy that Hubbard saw performed on sailors with PTSD when he was in the Navy, it's the most nerve wracking shit ever and is barely used these days in psychiatry.

Are Willow and Jaden gonna be okay?

Here's a 2005 NYT piece on it. Probably you can find something newer.


I honestly believe his wife is a lot more lesbian than Will being a faggot

>guys while i was looking at the candy in the super market i saw on National Enquirer that they are getting a divorce because Will Smith is GAY and/or fucked Marrgot Robbie.

>Abreactive Therapy
or hes just 50 years old dealing with a divorce

>Will Smith, Jada Pinkett NOT Getting "$270 Million Divorce," Despite ...

I kek'd

i cant relate to rich famous people who cant even go grocery shopping or leave their house alone.

keep his marriage together apparently

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>People always post memes about Xenu from south park

That's actually the craziest thing, that it was at one point only privileged knowledge from within the ranks.

Not sure if what on youtube or some podcast but an old member claimed that caused a huge fucking domino effect within the church. That people saw what would've been an extended decade long dupe in a super condensed, totally serious five minute take.

>FACT. Women suck the life out of you.

Wrong. Men allow women to suck the life out of them.

I would feel depressed too, if my son turned out to be a tranny. Ultimate proof you failed as a dad.

dude what? hes a successful rapper/actor hes following in his footsteps exactly

It takes talent to make the world's cringiest tween.



Will is getting buttfucked by Seacrest on the daily right?

>saved the best 4 last
>calls in based tommy

He spent all those retirement millions only to give his son a meme career

Nah, the Xenu stuff was around LONG before South Park was even started. That stuff has been leaking from the ranks since the 80's - the first book about popped up at the end of the 80's, and Operation Clambake, the main internet site/group that's been hosting the purported Xenu documents is at xenu.net, they started up in the early 90's, and Scientology has been going after them for decades now. Parker and Stone even said in an interview that they got most of the material for that episode from a journalist who got his information from xenu.net and alt.religion.scientology. This shit has been going on a long time. The internal Scientology documents about Xenu come from ex-members, according to those groups. Plenty of high ranking ex-members have said the Xenu shit is real, at least some people in Scientology believe it.

We know that. But most regular people didn't know about Xenu until South Park did it. and that gave tons of publicity and a lot of Scientologists found out too.

I-Is he finally getting jiggy with it?

Ah, i thought you meant that was the source of the Xenu shit.

who the fuck is this weird ass ben stiller looking motherfucker?

>youtube's something new

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