How have you been, Sup Forums?
How have you been, Sup Forums?
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not bad, you?
I got a wagecuck job and in spite of everything I'm happier then when I was a neet
>hardly any matches on online dating
>match with curvy latina girl
>say some dorky shit, she likes my autism
>dating curvy latina girl
>going well
>first girl i care about in years
>hasn't had fuckloads of partners like other girls here in cali
brehs... praise kek amirite xD
not very good
Tell me about it
It's a /r9tvk/ episode.
>28 year old virgin
>NEET for 5 years
>Losing hope and optimism that I can ever change my life or be happy
>Still in love with and miss a girl I haven't seen in years and who doesn't love me back
>4.5 inch dick
Not great ;_;
What keeps you going?
Hobbies. Friends. Family. Star Wars. Naturally a very optimistic, determined, and strongwilled person so I don't give up on things easily and always try to think positive. I would also never kill myself while my mom is still alive, it would break her. Right now I just feel like I don't see the point anymore though. Holding out hope for so long and still not succeeding or finding my way has taken its toll and I'm tired of not getting something, anything really, to show for it.
Its getting worse each day
Kill yourself
I can’t sleep
I hurt my back in a mosh pit
But the mosh pit wasn’t rough at all and it wouldn’t have hurt 4 years ago
I’m getting older faster than I thkught and soon i won’t be functional on only 5-6 hrs of sleep
I’m scared
>mosh pit
Fucking queer.
I'm a few months a NEET after 3 years wagecucking on and off and I'm happier than I've been in years. Even started going to the gym. I know it can't last but I believe working in an unfulfilling job is far more damaging to the human psyche than most people are willing to admit.
I’m in bed next to my gf
Sorry for party rockin ;)
*dabs the fuck out of it*
dropped out of uni and last time i got drunk i ordered a razor to kill myself with since i realised there was nothing sharp in the house because i can't cook
wish me luck lads
>What keeps you going?
>Star Wars
That's something no one ever really tells you. By your late 20's and early 30's, your body is already starting to suck and sometimes you just get random aches and pains and shit. Fucking sucks. You're going to be sore tomorrow. Also, enjoy hangovers getting exponentially worse if you drink. I swear I was hungover for nearly 3 days after last weekend.
>Star Wars
Try cooking until you make something you like
It’s stupid but try it out
Cooking my own food saved my life, I don’t know enough about you to say anything other than what saved me
Ez baby’s first recipe:
Fine, thanks for asking.
>Star Wars
Don't fall for his trap OP this user wants you to die.
I still like it. The Disney shit isn't on par with Lucas or the EU, but I will always be entertained and enamored by that world and its stories. Sorry if you can't enjoy it anymore though, if you ever did.
that only happens to anons who let their shitty job get to them
i never give a fuck about it. if i get fired i get fired i can get a new one in a heartbeat
I'm homeless so not great
Pathetic faggot.
How are you on Sup Forums then?
Worst than ever before. I feel on the edge. So much pressure. I don't know what I'm gonna do in a few months. I think it might be the start of the actual end.
Youre fucking scum and wont be missed
I graduated with STEM and have been looking for a job but can’t find anything. All of my applications either get rejected or I get no response. I managed to get a few job interviews but they amounted to nothing. In a few more months it’ll be a year since I graduated, I might just an hero then out of frustration
I dont
But you should probably get professional help
bad, I'm having serious trouble with my uni course
I never once even got any interviews for any jobs pertaining to my degree that I ever applied to. Eventually gave up. Good luck.
Lowest point of my life (yet). I've been admitted to a psychiatric emergency room two times in the last two months and I've lost the few friends I had left. I had to quit my job due to the problems with my mind. The psychiatrist more or less say "you'll be fine" and send me on my way.
The only thing I've got planned at the moment is finishing The Sopranos then I'll probably off myself. Thanks for the vent.
I've basically been operating in holding pattern mode for one and a half years now due to subpar circumstances and me not being able to move away (yet)
Can be quite comfy but the situation overall could be a lot better
Fucking college tuition fee also drained me good, i'd have around 2-3kish without it but i just had to enroll in that slow-burn course to at least pretend to be doing something heh
Don't talk like that. Get on some adderall or something and make a radical change in your life. Who knows? Shit could end up working out a lot better than you could ever expect.
Been shit, a solid year of shit. I'm full of hate, its killing me.
Kill yourself hole
I feel bad.
library my dude
>my dude
Im glad youre homeless
Remember kids, sometimes amphetamines can be your best friend to get you out of a dark depressive slump.
how? Where do you sleep?
working on a doctoral thesis, but it's hopeless
I don't know why that made me laugh. That's fucked up.
Youngfags who talk like niggers and teen girls deserve to suffer.
With all the resources available to us with this vast network of computers, we should be able to help a fellow user find a place to lay his head but, instead we call him a faggot. Never change, Sup Forums
Sounds like someone was homeless themselves before and has issues about it.
Sometimes i think like you user. Then i come on here and see 90s born scum talking about how they want to suck the farts out of their mothers "brappers" and think just nuke this fucking planet already.
I got some shitty medication prescribed but all it's doing is making me tired.
Over the last year, I've:
>Gotten a speeding ticket that ended up costing me about $700 by the time everything was said and done
>Quit smoking, which caused me to enter a deep depression/anxiety that took me months to claw my way out of, and I still haven't completely recovered from
>Had my semi-new car die on me (had it for right at 3 yrs)
>Two months after getting a new car, that one got smashed by an 18-wheeler backing into it
>One of my favorite aunts died
>Accidentally smashed my cell phone screen (which wasn't insured)
>Sprained my ankle on two separate occasions
All that said, I started hitting the gym five days a week, and running three days a week, since that was the only thing keeping the depression and anxiety at bay, and I've actually started getting compliments on my appearance and feeling better. I've also started writing, taking 5-htp, and dabbling in nofap, so all that's helping a bit too.
Confidence is at a low, got tinder and literally get zero matches. I don't know if I'm ugly or what, my friends get matches and I thought I was on their level. Not a virgin either, I have decent success on badoo but never tinder.
Fuck off soycuck.
How have you been, OP?
same reportan
>five days a week
isn't that a bit too much? Rest is important for the body
Ive never been homeless but my compassion has been bled out.
Not at all. I'm doing different parts of the body every day. Chest one day, abs and shoulders the next, and then back, arms, and legs over the next three days. Running on day one, three, and five.
I have no interests anymore. Nothings interests me. I do constant exercise, socialise, get good grades, even see psyche. Yet it never gets better. It's one constant grind. I wont kill myself but I seriously can't imagine aother 10 years like this, let alone 50.
How so?
Anyone know how to get in to writing? Maybe that might help. Should I just start writing stories?
Literally just write. Doesn't matter if it's shit. Just write everyday.
I wish I was you
Read A LOT of books and write. If you just start writing without having read anything it'll undoubtedly end up shit.
Not that you should steal stories but you'll pick up on words, ways of writing and that type of stuff.
good grades
Always at a cost. My grades cost me my happiness. Constant anxiety and stress.
yeah it's not like I'm not depressed anyway
I've been dating this girl but I constantly fear she will leave me once she gets to know me better. My insecurity will ruin the relationship if nothing else will.
What I do is focus every fibre of my being on them to the point of exhaustion. Makes me forget about other problems. Gives me a small sense of purpose.
Fuck off normalfag
Wish I could meet a girl. Every class at uni is just dudes and asian chicks that don't speak enlish. How did you meet her?
I need to do this too but I lack resolve and I'm too lazy
Discipline is your friend. I used to lock myslef in a white room with only my books and told my brother to not let me out until I'm done. Don't give yourself the oppurtunity to be distracted. I now use a program that blocks all distracting websites. Helps a tone.
Lmao brah. Fuck yourself.
tfw me
don't feel like an heroing though
i have literally 0 interviews though
My anxiety has been beating me these past few days, I feel like I'm constantly on the edge of a panic attack. It's not a very nice feeling and I often feel like I'd rather be dead.
>be me
>be an ugly 27 year old beta loser loner autist with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, never been to pub, club, or party, have no passions in life and see everything as work
>have full time job in London that requires almost zero work or time at the office but want more money
>wake up at 8 am today
>passed job interview for burger king weekend job and have the induction at 9 am
>hope to be late so I have an excuse to not have the job
>get there on time and stand outside, thinking about the humiliation of the job and the easy lives of Chad and Stacey
>don't go in the store
>read a topic on Sup Forums about youthful relationships and feel extremely bitter
>currently in the library and have no idea how to spend the day
I'm poor but attractive
I'm also white and pretty hung
All in all life is good.
>ywn binge eat Burger King in central London
Not good. Gonna get fired from my job in a few days.
>job sucks, barely pays, little room from growth
>havent worked a side job since november
>my ebay store barely makes money anymore since my best selling items are sold out
The commies were right all long.