>Mfw part mountain nigger, aka Serbroach in denial.
Mfw part mountain nigger, aka Serbroach in denial
what is this picture supposed to show me?
>we have similar facial structure
fugg man
>He actually wants to trigger a Balkan shitstorm thread
You are all equally subhuman and should be genocided by Italians, Greeks and Southern Germanics
how different did you really expect serbs and albos to be? did you think you should be as different as a white man from sweden is from a sub-saharan african?
lets get serious folks, you guys aren't THAT far removed from each other.
I know who you are, you're not really Japanese. I will tell them your secret if you don't play nice.
Do you honestly think some other Albanian is going to identify you on 4chsn? I'm sure you're one of two Albanian posters and probably 1 of 10 people in your shitty ponzi scheme country that has Internet
listen mate, I know you're the Japanese flag who frequents /hell/.
A common theme in the Balkans is intense, bitter, centuries-long hatred and vilification among ethnic groups that look almost exactly like one another, share the same cultural traits, the same food and drink, and the same traditions.
They blame each other instead of the Ottoman Turks which have sown the seeds of Balkan strife. I have to hand it to those insidious Turks, they knew what they were doing in the Balkans, they ensured everyone there would hate each other for millenia.
What is difference?
sashko is that you?
we were killing each other before that desu, tho turkroaches used it to their advantage
Cousin marriage, turkish genes and Islam are a hell of a drug.
Spend a week in each country and then say they are the same.
One is a scum of the earth cocroach that enjoys nothing more but destruction and strife, the other is albanian.
> Mfw Syrian-American
> Not white
We don't have cousin marriage, maybe in the past when we were fewer it happened, but basically anything under 8-9 times removed is taboo.
>be slav
>like albanians over slavs
Litterally a race traitor
>we have similar facial structure
halfslav here and same
>and then say they are the same.
I never said they were the same.
>how different did you really expect serbs and albos to be? did you think you should be as different as a white man from sweden is from a sub-saharan african?
>lets get serious folks, you guys aren't THAT far removed from each other.
I simply said they are similar and not that far removed from each other. they are certainly not as far removed from each other as a sub-saharan african is from a white man from norway.
here, I'll put arbitrary numbers to it in order to make sure we aren't misunderstanding each other:
>genetic distance between serbs and albos = 0.20 (0 to 1 scale)
>genetic distance between norwegian and sub-saharan african = 0.90 (0 to 1 scale)
(these numbers are entirely arbitrary and pulled out of my ass)
tl;dr: serbs and albos are far closer to each other than most other comparisons of people are.
If you don't remember this then you're a newfag.
I thought slavs were just a linguini group
Linguistic* my bad
What do you expect from a hohol?
You look pretty Dinaric. Good looks senpai
Tell me of my Slavic roots.
Every non gypsie albanian is a serb. Thats like 20% of zerg population.
wuz you illyrians?
shave , you unkempt mountain gypo
still butthurt I see
You have roach ears.
t. Doesn't know how genetically removed Albos are from south slavs
nowhere near as genetically removed as norwegians are from sub-saharan africans
From here, maybe i wuz but it's of little importance to me, my city was a colony of 8BC.
I'm racially montenegrin serb like op with ancestry from a border area where serbs and albos had contact. My grandfather had blood revenge put on him by albos for killing a few. It's a thing in their mountains where if you don't revenge-kill whoever killed your family member; your family disowns you. I think it still happens.
we wuz like raiders n sheit
>not balding
You will be fine.
t. grill
>My grandfather had blood revenge put on him
slavs are barbarians
they unironically eat bread with their food like dogs
It doesn't happen anymore, also you got it the wrong way. Back in the times of swords when the laws were made you had to challenge the "target" of the blood feud directly. If he refused to fight you he is Dishonored and disowned, not you if you don't decide to pursue the killer. The fight is made in open public, no shields and only swords. If you win the blood feud is over and you have avenged the victim. If he wins then the blood feud is forgiven. Fishta used to romanticize this (in his own way at least) that if the challenger lost it meant that the blood of the victim's family was not worth preserving.
Also the blood feud can be forgiven without any more bloodshed.