What are some movies about taking risks?
What are some movies about taking risks?
>thinly veiled Sup Forums thread
Damn, never thought about it like that.
Neck yourself retard
I fucking hate SJWs so much
They LITERALLY hate #notallmen #notallwhites yet LITERALLY endorse #notallmuslims
Not all Jews are greedy, backstabbing snakes...
deer hunter
Good point.
Can Sup Forums actually disprove this?
The roastie has a point. We should castrate all men, except for the black bulls of course as their raping is part of their culture, because in USA 27 men per 100 000 are rapists.
yeh I'm gonna say black people suck. A lot.
muslims usually hail in the form of war torn refugees
the educated aristocracy may pay for whores, but they never go around and rape in a foreign country
>the educated aristocracy may pay for whores, but they never go around and rape in a foreign country
they do and claim diplomatic immunity to get away with it. Saudi politicians are notorious for that shit
That's the sort of cuck behavior I've been expecting from USA. More than 50% of Muslims are in favor of things like Sharia law, if anything that handful is more likely to kill or poison you than not.
and rich and powerful white men do the same
the difference is that they have the excuse of being from an uncivilized second world nation and we are supposedly the leaders of the world in this regard
I like to say the same thing about Muslims, and blacks, and commies, and the chances of fake rape allegations.
Whats stopping you?
What the hell are you on about? You have poor reading comprehension.
That's fuckin stupid. We can apply that to anything by her logic. Including women, muslims, blacks, etc.
This reminds me of the "Bowl of Jellybeans" immigration analogy Sup Forums likes to talk about. There is a bowl full of jelly beans, and a couple of them are poisoned, but you don't know which ones will kill you. lel, they really are like two peas in a pod.
If women are so easily scared maybe they shouldn't go outside unless accompanied by a man?
its cos this argument can literally apply to anything and anyone who uses it is a retard
>can literally apply to anything and anyone who uses it is a retard
>comparing angry college "feminists" that think getting looked at is rape to immigration and terrorism
Their countries are war-torn shitholes because they're run by Muslims, that's the entire problem.
The difference is that you can easily stop immigration with basically no downsides but you can't stop men and women from interacting without destroying your society.
Put "black" in front of men, give this line back to tumblr, and see how they react to it.
By the “not all Muslims” logic, Russian roulette is a perfectly safe game to play. Sure, one of the chambers has a bullet in it...
but not all chambers
1 in 6 lads are rapers?
1 in 5 actually
By the "not all nazi" logic, Russian Roulette is a perfecltly safe game to play. Sure, one of the chambers has a gas in it...
but not all chambers
They're quite a bit different for one reason. With the immigration jellybean analogy, you don't have to eat the jellybeans. Not accepting migrants into your country doesn't lead to your non-existence, or in the case that the analogy is primarily used, doing so might in fact lead to violence/terrorism/dysfunction/displacement/replacement. In the other case, you must eat the jellybeans (or play roulette), because men are required to create children and propagate the species. So the idea that men are dangerous enough to women that they should all avoid them like a loaded gun, is therefore something that can actually have an existential effect on a country (or society more specifically). So essentially, choosing not to accept migrants has no effect on the host country (or society) other than making some people feel bad, while the other is dysfunctional to the point that it ends up leading to the discontinuity of that society.