What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
a sausage
She's watching her carbs.
Truly the greatest scandal of our time
huma abedin's pussy
Anthony Weiner
Haven't you been paying attention? She's an occultist and "hot dog with no bun" is code for a severed uncircumcised baby penis.
This pedophilia thing is being revealed TOO fast and TOO easily.
the MSM already started making jokes with "crazy trump supporters conspiracy theories" already
This looks like a hoax
What does Sup Forums think?
An unbaptised sacrificial severed meat tube burnt in the offering pan to moloch.
She's involved in dirty weird things. She likes hotodoggys no bun style which is when they cut the ass off a small boy and put him on a treadmill for hillary.
I'll have a bun with no weiner, thanks.
But its truth and its nothing new. Just more and more is being confimed.
>crazy trump supporters conspiracy theories
sounds like Sup Forumsfags. fucking delusional little shits who roleplay cartoon characters while pretending their bait is supposed to be taken seriously
Here you go
>This pedophilia thing is being revealed TOO fast and TOO easily.
>the MSM already started making jokes with "crazy trump supporters conspiracy theories" already
>This looks like a hoax
>What does Sup Forums think?
if the FBI/NYPD doesnt have a smoking gun, then none of this will go anywhere anyway
the public will not believe their leaders are a pedophile satanic cult unless there is a smoking gun... the smoking gun probably needs to be visual (pic or video)
she wanted a hot dog with no bun
Jesus fucking Christ Sup Forums, not every food related email is child porn.
she just wanted the D
I've been saying it all along
It's a psyop/disinfo strategy and the tinfoil hat brigade have bought it hook, line and sinker. Fortunately it may have come too late to have any major impact or discredit Wikileaks in general
She's a keto bro
I honestly think there may be something going on with child trafficking and even the pedo shit maybe with Brock, but every reference to food or kids in the emails is not significant or is some kind of code-speak.
Who hurt you, Finland?
Old people go on carb free diets all the time you fucking retards
It looks like the Clinton camp found out that the best way to discredit actual scandals is to promote batshit conspiracy theories. Now whenever someone brings up pay to play or the email server they'll just be compared to the retards talking about illuminati pedophilia and child sacrifice.
Such as?
Piss off CTR
you didnt reply to the question you just derailed with shitposting and nonrelated ad hominem
can you even focus or are you too dumb for that shit
>Truly the greatest scandal of our time
Kek is with us!
Its real, but inevitably some of the messages are actually innocuous and will be used to discredit the ones that are actually code.
Who the fuck eats a hot dog without the bun? How do you even hold it? Do you get handed a sausage just by itself?
A Sauerländer Bockwurst
Circumcised child.
Two things that I can think of:
Hotdog= boy, Bun=girl. Maybe she usually "orders" both.
Hotdog=Penis, Bun=foreskin, so she wants a circumsized boy. Really matters to some people.
hot dog with no bun = little boy penis
My dad is a diabetic. He will literally make a hamburger without a bun and eat it with a knife and fork.
Hint: it's not code-speak for kid-dick.
a cock without the body attached to it
It's a slide tactic to distract us from the "Bernie needs to be ground to a pulp" email.
Even if the pedo ring is proven real, Hillary supporters won't care. It's too sensationalist to have any effect.
ok now i know republicans have gone off the deep end you are trying to say an email that someone asks for a hot dog with no bun is a pedophile order
Oh shit, just thought of something else possible, maybe bun refers to nuts.
So maybe she wants an eunuch, but more likely she might want a boy so young his testicles have yet to descend.
Made me kek
The email fits perfectly in the narrative that's being built. Why the fuck would someone EMAIL what they want for lunch, especially something as obscure as this?
>We can't start believing our own primary bullshit
Dear god these criminals cheating their own party members.
Ofc its a hoax. A few retards think its real when you need some serious leaps of logic, not even leaps anymore, a full olympic gymnast routine to come to that conclusion, with exactly 0 proof or actual evidence anywhere.
i do not know maybe because someone sent out an email wanting to know what they wanted for lunch
>a hot dog with no bun
It's all over, shills. Just pack up your shit and go, there's no coming back from this.
>Asks what a whole group of people want
>Answers with a single food product
Probably the most shady thing, no way they email everyone what they want for lunch seperatly. This world is so dark that we need a second sun holy shit
You guys need to take a deep breath and step back for a sec, ordering food without a bun is an actual thing that people do
Of course I'd love to believe that Hillary molests little boys with a preference for cut dicks but this is literally not evidence
Point remains, why the fuck would you email such a question? Just call, text or use something like whatsapp.
that she's a fucking sad weirdo
>This rich and eating shit
Fucking loser.
maybe not everyone has that app and try texting 10-20 people just to see what they want for lunch is a lot of texting
>thinks Sup Forums is republican
chaos has no party
Nice. You've just broken their code.
literally the first thing that popped in my mind
i think it's wrong to hurt a finland
"a hot dog with no bun"
Clearly it's referring to a circumcised penis. I guess Hillary prefers the Jew cock over smegma.
I work in a kitchen. People ask for burgers without the bun, hotdogs without the bun etc. all the time. Nothing wierd about this one.
>taking lunch orders by email
Why not just buy the whole thing and not eat the bun?
A hotdog without a bun is simple a Weiner.
She's referrring to Weiner.
Just low-carb dieting. Nothing to see here.
We still charge them the same price.
Saves food waste which is a good thing. Some of them literally just want the burger and fries, some want the salad with it or whatever. Better than it just being binned.
Yes. She's calling weiner for a secret lunch meeting about their pedofile ring.
Weiner was recruiting kids on twitter.
>Implying emailing 20 of them is less work than a text.
Maybe shes gluten allergic
Maybe shes on low carb
Focus on the stuff that matters guys, real scandals to spread and expose, wasting time on lunch orders
You're a big goy
Option 1: she literally wanted lunch
Why specify 'no bun'?. It's not like there's pieces of a bun, it's not time consuming to remove. It's a piece of bread and if you don't want it just spend 1 second physically removing it. Probably spent more time typing 'no bun' than physically removing it yourself.
Option 2:
She's using known pedo code
she had a bad experience with hotdug buns as a child she nearly choked on one since thast fateful day she never EVER ate a hotdug bun EVER again
the fateful hotdug night i mean sorry it happened at night time i think hillary and tha fateful expereicen wit hthe hotdug bun :(
If doubles she meant "Circumsized male prostitute"
If not she wanted a sausage.
Shit like this is why I can't take this place seriously anymore.
She literally wanted a hotdog without a bun. Why?
Maybe they had shitty buns
Maybe she's trying to watch her weight
Maybe she had heartburn that day
Maybe she just didn't want a bun
But you guys waste all this time trying to make it out into a pedo scam because you're so desperate to find drama. I'm done. I'm going back to Sup Forums where at least they have standards.