why are you not talking about him ? soon you will have to pay fines if you dont refer a trap as "they".
why are you not talking about him ? soon you will have to pay fines if you dont refer a trap as "they".
lel i guess no one gives a flying fuck about this but me.
Because canada doesnt think him as hero, he violates safespace
faggot nation
What's a canada?
i guess multiculturalism failed and Canada is the proof. Leftism is praying on the minorities to get voters. since canada is a all about minorities it will be a left shitpool for a long time, unless someone wake up before canada get into brazil level of underdevelopment.
damn Canada´s mom got alzheimer.
Why talk about a normal everyday guy?
>leafs should quit shitposting
>shitposts about Canada
Yeah, nah cunt.
he is a fucking hero and he's been hitting the podcast circuit recently
Peterson for Prime Minister.
I like him for conservative. He'd be 100% voted in after the liberals are done fucking the country
Get the ropes ready I bet Trudeau is part of the pedo cult anyway.
this, Sup Forums only cares about happenings, insanity, hypocrisy, and kek.
This man has to fight all these things but we don't care about him but the problems he reveals, kind of like how in a coal mine you don't care about the canary, just when you see that canary die you care because shit is happening.
Lone voice of sanity in the wilderness! He's doing God's work, anons.
>there are only two biological genders
holy shit is he our guy Sup Forums
On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being I would never and 10 being I would break most bones in my fist, How punch-able is this face?
7-8. If it starts talking - 11
Satan confirms that I would punch that face ten out of ten times. It is also quite likely that I would not break any bones on that doughy cunt's head.
hi, im not even shitposting. he oppened my eyes to a pattern happening all over the americas. This strategy of using the minorities and turning them against a common enemy, normally the "white, wealthy male" has been happening for a while. But now it got momentum because USA got to do it. I used to be a gommie myself, i never read marx, but i did read Michel foucault and Deleuze. And those guys destiled the socialist mechanisms of control, and now its so subtle and eficient that it can break any democracy and turn it into a subtle socialist authoritarian state. Take brazil for exemple. We got an right dictatorship that was so incompetent to see that, it got taken out by leftist culture (im serious universities in brazil is 90% marx propaganda). This creates leftists doctors, engineers, professors etc. You guys need to cut it out right now or soon you will look like us. Im not pro authoritarian governments, nor left or right, but commies destroys your soul. My friends give up their dreams because "they dont want to be a filthy captalist". they want to smoke pot and sing cumbaya and read leftist literature. They just forget that the government have to fuck the economy to mantain their lifestile of "muh free shit".
My point was more along the lines of you don't see this kinda shit off campus.
Politically correct bullshit will get you laughed out of most work places.
Although I am a tradesman so you don't really see these kind of people to often.
but its a matter of time leaf bro. it used to be like that in brazil. Now we just had to impeach a gommie president. Supress this kind of strategy bro. You see? this man is saying "im pro freedom of speach, dont tell me what to say" their response is : "Fuck your hate speach" can you see it ? they are using guilt, piety and other christians feelings against us. To surpass that you have to suspend all your christian feelings and dont be guilty if you make enough money to survive, or if you are rich be proud to be a valuable piece to your economy.
First video is so cringey I can't think straight. Why do SJW's have to be such a cunts?
Canada is like Australia and Sweden, fucking cucked. I mean, all you have to do is look who the fuckers elected to see the state of them.
I don't want skin to skin contact so I'd like to use some kind of bludgeon and give it a few 50% power hits. I'm a nice guy.
lots of reasons :
they are young, and not represented because they are not part of a proper group. They are underachievers and they firmelly belive its because they are different. Then a professor of "put your leftist discourse here" tells them they are a minoritie and they got less opportunities because of that. then they got : a leader, a discourse, friends, and if they all get a leftist in the government : free shit.
the problem with that :
in brazil the free shit costs 3 to give 1 shit for free because of interest rates and gommie corruption (gommie corruption is also a good thing to know, they dont think its wrong to steal, if its for the greater good of the the end they all get some for themselves). We have some big mixed capital companies in brazil like petrobras, this company was being leached by the gommies as leverage to buy other parties (both left and right). So everyone was happy in brazil. The minorities were bought, the opposition was bought. Until the bill came in form of unemplyment and huge inflation. and the symptom that we had at the beggining was : gommie teachers on the unis.
I'd have to agree with the propaganda being pushed non stop. But it's in the form of facebook and tumblr memes/videos, people are so simple minded and constantly distracted by bullshit they don't give two fucks to research anything remotely important to history, and that's a huge downfall in society.
i dont have alot of prejudice, because im a mixed brazilian. but i really dont like British people that much, the lack of sense of humor, the cold heart, the fake politeness used to say "fuck you" with kindness. cant stand that. Atleast you created canada, a far better people despite their original mom.
You're two weeks late to the party, monkey.
>soon you will have to pay fines if you dont refer a trap as "they".
That's just Ontario. Call me when the rest of Canada gets cucked.
My friends and I talk about him.
But honestly most Canadians, under 40, have no idea what's being discussed in parliament or even care.
They literally just believe the state will look after them.
Please invade us.
>Because canada doesnt think him as a hero
Citation needed. Most Canadians love him.
>faggot nation
leafland's 1.7% gay
literallywhostonia is 2.4% gay.
so did the law passed on ontario ? shit... Tell me about the other places, is ontario the only cucked state?
People in this (((Country))) are the most brainwashed, liberal media regurgitating fucks in the entire planet. I am currently trying to see if the NW territories or white-horse or somewhere extremely cold and fucking snowy would be better. but I highly doubt it.
I used to think this (((country))) could be saved if people just got a little more informed but, I don't believe that any more.
Ontario is Canada's california. The entirety of California, south-western British Columbia, and southern Quebec are the only cucked parts of the country, none of the cuckoldry spreads out of these areas.
>People in this (((Country))) are the most brainwashed, liberal media regurgitating fucks in the entire planet.
False, most Canadians are centrist. Canada just got off of being ran by conservatives really well for a decade and less than a year of Trudeau and people realize voting for him was a mistake. 61% of leafs didn't vote trudeau.
> I am currently trying to see if the NW territories or white-horse or somewhere extremely cold and fucking snowy would be better. but I highly doubt it.
It's all eskimos up there.
Chill out bud, most people don't think this way it's just these left scum have gotten a bit loud these past years. Also we all know why the liberals got elected it's not even a meme DUDE WEED
>.Look who she/he ??? is
the entirety of ontario*
its good to know. keep the good fight leaf. tell us if they start spreading this leftist bullshit on your cool country again.
just some fag nig
I'd berate you for not removing poison from the gene pool, but HE looks like he'd die easily from a 50% swing
>one of the captcha is an election poster
The fuck do you mean, it's a start and it's good, but he literally says that limitations on some speech are fine. I know what that means, that means no racism. Of course sexual/gender nonsense is fucking pants-on-head retarded, but they won't let you say racist shit, even that swarmy little kike Southern thinks the same thing. They aren't perfect, good that they stand up to the gendered shit, but they won't let you say "muh wayciss, xenophobic" stuff. Why don't you try and even talk about the Jewish question with them, see where that gets you.
All Marxists should be excommunicated or expelled, they are masters of subversion, you can see their psychological victories ring in the highest halls of government.
With Jews, you Lose.
He literally is my hero.
And Its funny seeing the videos of protest against him how abhorrent the "progressive" and "accepting" crowd acts.
Its funny I used to be NDP when i was growing up, but pol and Sup Forums really did red pill me over time.
The fuck do you mean, it's a start and it's good, but he literally says that limitations on some speech are fine.
>> yeah he is obviusly against hatespeech, but he is the only one trying to save freespeech, and also he knows this whole SJW movement is a strategy of a group with an agenda. He liked it in other videos with a leftist agenda, and i agree with him. this can erode the economy in the near future with "much free shit cause im minority" mindset.
kek my green text is wrong. sorry.
they are all idiots, they cant survive five minutes of pure logic without trying to make you feel sorry for being a white/male/capitalist. Thanks god im none of those things, also im not a christian so i dont feel pity for having money.
What the fuck did you mean to say.
There is no such thing as freedom of speech, you don't have it. The minute you gave it up to the Marxists, you lost it. They can now subvert your masses, they turn the nonsensical into freedom of speech issues. Did you know pornography was never a free speech issue? The Jews turned it into one:
The prof is a good man, but is still bound by the Overton window. Muh minorities, muh kikes are still ban-able here. Good that somebody is speaking out, but that's entry-level redpill.
You should be able to have reasonable debates about the merits of ideas, but subversion has destroyed this. Look at mass media's subversion of the hearts and minds of the burgers.
The sooner you realize Cultural Marxists and their Jewish enablers should be physically removed, the easier your life will be. They are a cancer of nations, destroy by playing to the attractions of mankind. They used patriotism to get Americans involved in war, and are now using their love of freedom to destroy the minds of their people. Absolute freedom is a codeword for degeneracy, that is the same problem with lolbertarians/an-cap. Read what Hoppe had to say about nihilo-libertarians.
What really got me was when one of them started using violence.
the whole smugglypuff debacle.
>Preach tolerance
>Use violence against opposing opinions.
its such a sham
damn he gets emotional towards the end
What are you talking about, fellow smoking snake.
Canada is -unironically- the best place to live in the world right now, if you were not born rich.
Canada is dead. Its a hybrid of India and China with better infrastructure .
>>We remember, no surrender
Heroes of our century
i know, but the left is spreading their tentacles, exacly like it happened in brazil. we need to warn them.
>implying traps are degerate transtrenders and gender queer bullshit.
Traps tend to be conservative and redpilled, they also tend to stay away from all the tumblr/sjw stuff
Not to be a debbie downer, but I feel like its just a slow slide into Brazil tier corruption and multiculturalism, offense not intended Brazil anons, but you know that your country is fucked up. Maybe if Trump really makes a lot of changes, but you can't really change demographics without a race war. I think I've accepted it though, I can live with it.
thats why our traps go to europe and get rich finding rich husbands.
He also did a a discussion with Lauren reently
no offense taken, its exacly my point. Canada has potential to be great, but gommies are getting the youngsters and they should be start a war against SJW now. Try enforcing those guys from Rebel media. Share those stuff in social media. Alongside with actual data that proofs that the "minority reparation" will eventually break the economy. Use brazil and all the ex-gommies european cauntries as exemple try to understand the means witch the gommies operate. Expose and laugh about it.
Yeah, I won't be quitting anytime soon, the West might be a sinking ship, but its my sinking ship
Oh no, dad has Alzheimer's. Canada is your faggot son nation. And the guy in OP is trying to logic the gay away.
Seriously though this guy is brilliant. I'd suggest checking out his videos to everyone on Sup Forums. He force feeds the redpill to faggots, trannies and other assorted confused people.
Huebro, this was a good idea for a thread but it's probably getting outcompeted by the Clinton stuff, hopefully a kind user will give you a bump
this was the best explanation from a psychological point of view of what happens with SJW and how they are being manipulated.
Because we had plenty of threads when it happened.
His 'maps of meaning' lectures are flat-out brain porn, so engaging.
>Satanic trips.
Instead of shitposting why haven't you voted?
Explain yourselves
He was my professor at U of T. Based af. He BTFO SJWs all the time.
i fucking love this man, as everyone should
but it is a age old battle: logic vs muh feelings
with weedman in charge doesnt matter what he says, we can still get charged for not referring to the mentally handicapped by their chosen pronouns
i personally dont give a flying fuck what you want to be called, if you let me know, i will show the minimum amount of effort i can show and call you what you want to be called, i will call you by your chosen pronoun (whatever, society is give and take), but with this bill c 16, fuck you, i will call you whatever i fucking want