would bernie have won agaisnt trump?
it seems like clinton got BTFO at this point
would bernie have won agaisnt trump?
it seems like clinton got BTFO at this point
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I think he would have.
Commie or not, he has far less dirt on him. Trump, or /pol for the matter, would have fuck all ammo on this guy
Trump could just replay the clip of Bernie saying that whites don't know what it's like to be poor and he would've already won. Not to mention that despite all the memes that Trump has shit for policy that Bernie had no real policies beside 'muh 1%', 'muh scandinavia' and that his economic plan was fucking crazy.
Possibly. Sanders was very popular as a protest against establishment politics and his rhetoric truly resonated with allot of voters who from low turnout demographics who probably would've turned out for him. It would've been a cleaner and much less interesting race desu
Imagine all the Bernie scandals that would have come out of the woodwork. Lots of weird fetishes and stories from men that fucked his wife while he watched I bet.
Hillary bad
Trump bad
Bernie good
Bernie is a commie he wants to give you 70% tax over and over and over.
Landslide victory.
He was the only good candidate in this whole bullshit election.
I would've been fine with Sanders for pres. Now that it's Clinton, I'm voting trump.
he would have crushed Trump easy
Sanders was legit desu
Probs would have been close due to immense millenial turnout
But ultimately lost due to the getting killed by anything above 34 years old
Sanders was a low energy cuck
Do you faggots not understand Bernie is the ideological opposite of Trump?
Would win by a landslide, and the memes would be spicier
How could American fuck up so bad?
He's the lefty version of anti establishment (or was before endorsing Clinton) so Trump would atleast lose some of those DNC protest votes
probably would mess up some basic economic fact in debate and fail miserably when trump corrects him. ie tax on rich %, free education etc.
It's not the ideology that bothers me. It's the absolute corruption and cronyism that Clinton represents. She is literally the final stage to a one-party system (aka a dictatorship). Any idiot could see we're on the brink of it right now.
I'm a Trump supporter and I know there's no way he would have won against Bernie. I'm certain Trump knows he would have had no chance against Bernie.
I also think Trump is smart enough to know that the DNC were going to rig it for Hillary, so he ran anyway.
There's a lot about Bernie that I don't like, and I'd definitely take Trump over Bernie, but at the very least I can say that I think Bernie had good intentions.
commie faggot
He would have had real supporters, and nothing else, so he would be doing much worse than Hillary.
Yeah, Sanders would have won in a landslide imp. The dems made one huge mistake by nominating Hillary.
Bernie wouldn't have won against Jeb Bush let alone Trump. His only support was the ignorant young 18-24. Kids who literally wanted more gibsmedats and debt forgiveness on their loans for the useless degrees.
Bernie would've won for sure. Trump always had a better chance of beating Hillary, but it came at the risk that if Hillary got into power she'd be much worse than Bernie would've been.
>November 8
>Hillary gets indicted
>Trump, now without opposition, declares a victory
>the votes are in
>51% of the electorate has written Bernie Sanders
>Bernie is sworn in
>America berns for the next 4 years
Bernie is campaigning for Killary and yet you cucks still love him. Why? He sold out and betrayed all of you.
Anyways people who think he was a clean guy with no dirt are sorely mistaken. He went to Russia on his honeymoon. Him and his wife made several questionable choices financially among other things. He's said and supported quite a few downright crazy things. He was literally a cuckold.
>implying their economy would last 4 years under a commie
The thread doesn't end until Yeb says it does friendo
Jeb had the millennial vote on lock down
Underrated post
Bernie should have won. Clinton was given a free pass on so much shit, but that consequently means she has no dedicated followers outside of establishment groups. I hope the people that followed her through the primaries choke on election day, as they were key in getting Trump elected.
Jeb also had support from Canada
You betcha
Yeah so let's all vote for Bernie, the guy that will grow the system that has become corrupt to unprecedented levels and give it more control than ever before!
I swear to god all Bernie supporters are fucking retarded. Kill yourself.
If Bernie was going to stomp Trump, how did Hillary beat Bernie?
How is Trump supposed to beat Hillary?
Bernie absolutely wrecked trump in polling conducted during the primaries. Clinton would have by 3 or 4 points and in the same poll Bernie would be up 12-15.
The fact that Clinton is still ahead despite ALL THE BULLSHIT that has come up over the last 2 months shows that Trump is an incredibly weak candidate, and that yes, Bernie would have beat him.
Trump has gotten through debates using character attacks on Clinton. he doesn't have a bad thing to say about Bernie except, "look folks, he's a socialist."
>he doesn't have a bad thing to say about Bernie
>except, "look folks, he's a socialist."
Yup, no problems at all.
Same but I still have 0 respect for him and what he stands for and people that still like him are actual retards
>refuses corporate donations
>blatantly ignores democrats telling him to concede early so shillary can get a good start
>blatantly ignores neocons shitting on him
>grassroots campaign, starts with 10-20 people at rallies, builds to thousands because he doesn't give in to anyone's bullshit
Even if his own beliefs differ from mine, I respect the guy. I trust him a fuck ton more than either of the retards we're going to end up with.
>because he doesn't give in to anyone's bullshit
Except for that time when it counted, and he endorsed the woman who stands for literally everything he stood against.
But yeah, great guy.
You could apply all those points to Trump too, retard. He got less money from Wall Street than Bernie did.
Bernie fags BTFO
>because he doesn't give in to anyone's bullshit
>socialist policies are the polar opposite of what Hillary wants
>both want higher taxes on the wealthy
>both want increased welfare
>both want to end NAFTA
>both are liberals
>Sanders said he'd support Clinton if she was nom
>H-he's a sellout guys
Yes, just cut out the middleman - why let billionaires lobby when you can have a billionaire as prez? I mean, there's no conflict of interest. We should give the presidency to Goldman Sachs in 2020, because corporations are people too
You actually believe he went peacefully, you dumb gook? He made it clear he felt it was the lesser of two evils. He made the wrong choice, but that doesn't mean if he'd won instead of hillary that he would've been a maniacal tyrant.
Which is why I'm supporting Trump now that Bernie's out of the picture, which brings us back to my first post, you literal goddamn dipshit.
If he campaigns for Clinton, he's a fucking sellout yes.
> because he doesn't give in to anyone's bullshit
naw he doesn't give in to anyones bullshit at all goyim. He's just a fine upstanding socialist who never held a real job in his useless life.
If Bernie cannot even stage an outrage against Clinton, he cannot do shit to the world.
Feel free to explain what choice he had after the polls were blatantly rigged and his campaign was out of money.
Clinton cheated him out of the nomination. That's a fact. And she always was for unconditional free-trade and only says she will "change" certain amendments now because she needs to give lip-service at least. She got record amounts of Wall Street donations and you honestly think she will stand up to them?
Funny joke but Donald Trump is a person.
>Bernie talks about the evil corporations and how they're fucking the 99% in the ass
>Endorses the person who takes money from all of them and protects their interests over the common people
Hmm, I can really feel my neurons starting to fire up!
You stupid fucking moron, Trump specifically laid out laws he wants to put in place to take down lobbyists. "Hurr durr he rich so he also evil!" doesn't mean shit when you look at his policies.
>You actually believe he went peacefully, you dumb gook?
He did, and I'm an American, you fat retard.
> He made it clear he felt it was the lesser of two evils
Which is completely and objectively wrong.
Now fuck off back to r/prepthebullwhileIphonebankforBernie.
Not campaigning for Clinton?
>would bernie have won agaisnt trump?
Trump supporter here.
Every fucking day I wake up thinking, "Thank God Bernie didn't win the nomination."
It would have been a landslide. Trump would have been obliterated.
With Hillary, we stand a chance. It's pretty fucking great.
The last thing an intelligent human being does when confronted by a screeching ape is try to scream louder. He received far more attention from the media for letting those morons scream than he ever would've had he tried to scream over them.
I started this whole Trump thing with the intention of handing the election to that Bernout.
Then the democrats fucked up and chose Hilldog.
Guess were stuck with Trump now.
With how Hillary easily rigged Bernie shit, he cannot win anyway.
His voters are cucks too and they vote for Clinton nowadays.
>i make shit up, the post
Change your flag Hiroshima.
Who else /mcmuffinsurge/ here?
He gets cuck memes.
While Trump tells BLM to fuck off.
Trump runs the cheapest campaign.
Heck, instead of begging corporations and PAC, Bernie begs his supporters.
She won even without the super delegates.
Well, it's either that or an actual billionaire.
>100% tax m8
>I'm a buttmad retard who can't refute a single point user made
Stop being an idiot, you're why other countries talk shit about us, you fucking Berncuck retard.
>he didn't campaign for trump or remain silent, therefore everything he stood for is shit despite the fact that he was clearly rigged to lose.
Got it. Makes perfect sense.
A billionaire vs a puppet controlled by group of billionaires.
You choose.
Landslide victory
And Trump would've lost to Bernie by an actual landslide.
Seize all memes of production!
It makes perfect sense yes.
If you know you are rigged to lose, but you choose to campaign for the one who rigs you to lose, you are a cuck and nothing you stand for matter.
Bernie>Trump, Trump>Clinton
Bernie would've crushed Trump though, the polls months back showed it very well that he was up by 15 points against Trump.
Of course Germany would support the biggest cuck in the history of American presidential politics.
When he pussied out about the emails, refused to buck up at the convention, then tucked tail and ran to the Clinton campaign like a little bitch, I knew we were dealing with a level of cuckery yet to be seen in modern politics.
And no Bernie wouldn't have won, he would have had every opportunity to win, but would have just blown it the exact same way he did with Clinton.
He would have said something like "people are sick and tired of hearing about Donald's damn pussy tape." And then Trump would have won. Sorry but cucks lose, that's just the way it goes.
The debates were rigged, the voting booths were rigged and the delegate allocation rules were rigged. This is not a secret, these are documented occurences.
For that Bernie would have won against Hilldawg first, which he can't.
Bernie's plans were completely unrealistic.
>Everything's going to be free!
>Those doctor's salaries and the salaries of professors will magically be printed every month!
The only backing Bernie Sanders had was liberal entitled college students who are too fucking lazy to work for anything.
His plans were nowhere near viable but I guess at least he had plans. Now we're stuck with The Annoying Orange and a lifelong corrupt criminal.
Bernie wouldn't of got past Vermont let alone be an actual competitor
No he wouldn't
But Sup Forums was too busy attacking him and endorsing Hillary to realize any of this
op here i think my thread got shilled. i was hoping for balanced responses not 'BERNIE WOULD HAVE FUCKED TRUMPS ASS SO HARD HIS ASSCHEEKS WOULD HAVE FLOWN OUT HIS MOUTH'
settle down reddit i wanted a relative comparison to hillary
No it would have been much easier for the establishment pieces of shit to get behind Trump if he were up against another outsider candidate.
Also Trump would win with the ladies and blacks.
>He would have said something like "people are sick and tired of hearing about Donald's damn pussy tape."
No you dumbass, he would've been railing him against this.
He the other side of the coin, ideologically opposed, but at least honest and straight up with his intentions and not establishment.
there's no way a commie fuck would ever be president. i wanted uncle bernie to get the nom because he would be far easier to beat. the guy had no substance and is nothing but a talker
anyway, him winning the nom was an impossibility. if you bern victims still can't see he was controlled opposition from the beginning then you're fucking delusional
Sup Forums did not endorse Hillary.
He's a Jew, so Zionist NWO would ensure he won
If he's honest and straight up, he wouldn't be supporting Clinton.
>Trump's lobbyist law
Please, that's a crowd pleaser that's far from the reality of the situation. The vast majority of lobbyists are private PR corporations, not government officials.
I'm surprised by how easily Sup Forums has the wool pulled over their eyes. Objectively speaking the one thing every billionaire wants is less taxes. Trump's enormous tax breaks would put billions into the elite's pockets. That's a simple mathematical fact. Of course that means the government goes deeper into debt. Education, military, pensions have to be cut.
He could definitely win against Trump
A lot of Democrats don't want to support Hillary because of her shady past and the email scandals.
Bernie doesn't have that shitty reputation.
>He did, and I'm an American, you fat retard.
He ran the campaign to the very end, despite waves of backlash from his party.
>Which is completely and objectively wrong.
Oh look. You're a fucking gook idiot.
Hillary was only up a few points, sometimes even down to Trump back when Bernie was still running. Bernie would've won but now, it's either Trump or Hillary winning in a small small lead.
>Le left right dichotomy
>Both anti-war
>Both only moderately cucking for Israel
>Both against open borders
>Both believe in single payer health care
>Both against TTIP, TPP, NAFTA etc.
Decent bait though.
He didn't run the campaign to the very end.
He quits.
>believing that shit wasn't rigged from the get-go.
Bernie was a subversive like any of the other dems. He got cucked by black lives matter, his policy about military spending would have collapsed american hegemony and would have totally fucked us over.
His betrayal for hillary already confims what kind of a man he is, and who he would have been in office. Not to mention legitimizing the vioce of the most feral SJW in the land.
Bernouts need to be BURNED.
How about the lawyer who has fought for women's rights for decades over someone who has spent his life making money, not limited by lobbying the government?
>Get literally cucked out of the nomination with documented proof and still endorse Hillary
>Claim to be against big banks but supports someone who takes money from them
Yeah okay
Bernie is not anti-open border.
In fact, he wants to legalize all the illegals and give them better working condition.