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Where should White Americans flee to in Europe if America falls?
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go down with the ship, you fucking cuck
Anywhere you want white man
Stay out of Norway, you cunts. We kick Syrian refugees and negro squatters out, don't think you'll be treated differently. We don't need, nor want you here.
come on sven, give me some of that sweet oil money
Wherever has the hottest women
We're richer than them and more masculine, we can have the pick of the litter.
Also we hate Muslims, so we'll be a tremendous help in their elections and the inevitable race war
>and more masculine
manlet pls go
> Norway
> Finland
> Iceland
> white
My mom is actually from Hordaland.
She immigrated here when she was 19.
og jeg snakke norsk
You are welcome here but you can't bring your guns
you can have permit for a hunting rifle tho
gun shootings and related violence are almost non existent tho
very few muslims too
Come Russia
Bring dollers
I'll teach you how to speak Russian and don't get beaten up for being amerifat only for 10$/hour
Nigger is your country white?
I didn't fucken think so.
>not fighting to save your country
Sounds like a traitor to me.
can I join yo guys I like your women
Oil prices have more than halved and people are getting laid off left and right. We need our jobs and we're absolute crap at city planning and development, so we can't even support mass migrations in the first place. Also, I like my beautiful fjords and untouched nature and would prefer if they stayed untouched.
Norway isn't much better than Sweden at this point. We're taking in so many rapefugees it isn't even funny. Niggers and Mudslimes line the streets causing crime and mayhem.
If America fails, the rest of the world fails.
du snakke Norge veldig bra
Maybe we could occupy Iceland?
well better hurry up and send me a check before you run out, fish slave
Tussen takke, famalam.
Du snakker like mye norsk som den gjennomsnittlige Ali Nordmann. Men det er ikke det som er problemet. Vi er et fredelig folk (utenom helgene) som liker ting slik de er. For å ivareta norsk kultur så er dette nodvendig.
ooga booga where da euro wimmen at
og hva er din mening om hvite innvandrere?
>flee to Eastern Europe
>bring your chink waifu and your bull with you
Do you think it will resolve anything?
Det er meg revnende likegyldig hvilken hudfarge de har så lenge de kan respektere kulturen og innrette seg etter norsk skikk og bruk. Amerikanere er jålete og hoylytte some faen. Om jeg hadde lyst til omgås slike typer så hadde jeg bodd i Bærum. Også kommer de alltid til å ha et savn og en lojalitet til USA. Samme dritten med joder og Israel.
99,1% you dirty arabian rape frenchie donkey
I'm gonna save the fellas in this thread the trouble of having to translate this faggot.
He says the race of the immigrants that come do not matter to him at all, as long as they embrace "muh values".
He then shits on Americans as silly and loud.
Kill yourself, Karl.
Cucks like you who want to flood your country with non-whites ought to be hung.
Come spend some time in an all-white neighborhood or town in the USA.
You'll find it's very similar to what you would find in Norway, even in the poor areas.
I'll remember that, is it true that every Spanish or Portuguese poster is actually Luis Cera?
>muh values
>not important
You kill yourself. I'm not some fucking nazi, cunt stain. I just don't think we're in any position to be taking in immigrants and also believe the ones already coming here are never going to integrate due to our radically different values. And yes you are loud, from our perspective.
>going back to the old world
would you retarded inept tinfoil hat wearing cucks stop with the russian shit? only faggots who wear che tshirts actually think the US and rusaia are LELEL BRO TIER ALLIANCE!! HAHA WAKE UP US GOVT IS LYING TO YOU!! LELELE!!
Fucking nerds are so pathetically retarded and the only place its brought up is in your own little world on Sup Forums pol. Go kill yourselves. No one wants to go with russia or have anything to do with them
You're the Midlle East of Europe. Barbaric morons sitting on oil.
Not my point, why are you fine with Somalis or Pakis even being in your country at all? To be fine with them but not fine with white Americans is illogical.
Watch the next president
West Virginia
How's Hungary these days when it comes to the shitskin problem?
not here.
we don't want "white" americans.
You're welcome, but no guns , that was the reason we kicked you out of Europe in the first place.
people need to realize that that its culture that matters, but that race is a central component to culture. not everyone can just adapt to any values they feel like
You don't know what you're talking about. We're the socialist utopia every closet communist looks to.
Free healthcare, free education, safe streets even after dark (unless Oslo), healthy food.
Just come to Alabama.
It's attitude and temperament, first and foremost.
Though I will admit that race factors into temperament.
>born in morocco
fuck off, sideways italy
pic related are your """""""""aryan"""""""""""" people
how about you watch and be concerned with your own country? maybe if you faggots had any real security and force protection extremists wouldnt be coming in and out of your country like a the door on a whore house. or your a proxyputinshill which i wouldnt be surprised with.
fucking retards are laughable. no one here wants ANYTHING to do with russia.
wherever Trump family came from - it will serve them right
You got it.
sorry you misunderstand, netherlands isnt even on the list.
they are looking for a white country to go to, netherlands is cucked and full of mudslimes and shitskins. you wont even have a culture left in 2 generations, your opinion it literally worthless.
you're the next sweden if you dont start deporting
these are gyppos, not hungarians
if you don't go to either the deepest places of rural area, or to the outside-the-ring districts of budapest, you have a large chance of never meeting them
Did you ever stop and wonder why Europeans were able to come together to create the most powerful and most successful country in the world? America thrived because we all came from the same Christian societies and we were all of the same race.
Don't be a fucking refugee
You have a responsibility to defend your land and freedoms
Eastern Europeans don't want you either
Swedes are natural cucks and Americanophiles. They've always had an unusual fascination for the exotic.
We're everything but.
I really doubt we would take them back - after all they already have white privilege, and are just too lazy to make use of it! A far cry from our new germanistans!
Oh look, it's the "white is a race" meme.
since the fence, i barely see them
sometimes when i only have to go to work later, i see some soros university shitskins taking the same bus as me, but besides the gyros vendors, that's all
Come home, goy man.
Culture is most important. But this whole silent norm is one of the bad aspects of scandinavian culture
First response is best response.
> American
> fleeing America and not carving out or serving a white Republic somewhere in Kansas, Nebraska, or the Dakotas.
kys my man
>we all came from the same Christian societies and we were all of the same race
but it is now 2016 and muh christianity and denying evolution were gone over 100 years ago.
you are fucked, but you are too fat and dumb to even realize it.
That's why I want to leave you dumb mongrel.
That's good to hear.
We have a billion of those and I believe they are necessary if we are to exist as distinct peoples.
I'm fine if Norway is considered as the "asshole nords" country.
so race doesn't exist or...?
>That's why I want to leave you dumb mongrel.
but nobody really wants american "whites" in europe. see
>being landlocked
Wait Caucasian is not a race?
>thinking your stupid ass can just move to any country
>those shitty countries
That's not what I am saying.
Slavs and Germanics are not the same race. Nordics and mediterraneans are not the same race.
only for whites! no im sure he would divide into teutonic, slavic, mediterranean, or smaller. those are fair subdivisions but genetically all whites from lisbon to vladivostok are more similar to eachother than the single han chinese ethnic group, its just cuck politics
I'm 100% white. As stated above, I have a mother from Norway. My father's side is nothing but English as far back as I can possibly go.
I'm probably more white than you are and I am certainly whiter than the man dating your sister.
They are though, Caucasian.
They are different sub-groups.
of course you are, like every american.
btw, there is a greater chance to meet white man in zimbabwe than in the usa.
I didn't say anywhere that I can just move to any country. Piss off, Aquafresh.
You can't move anywhere. Not even Canada. You're stuck. Bye again, faggot.
Poland seems pretty empty.
Netherlands is actually a very good country to live in. Don't diss them.
yea, if youre a muslim extremist
First for mars
>Slavs and Germanics are not the same race. Nordics and mediterraneans are not the same race.
genetically those are much closer together than say negroids, mongloids, and austrolgoids. And ppl from Japan, China, Korea, etc. are different but they still tightly cluster under mongoliod compared to everyone else.
At any rate, I don't think white Americans could successfully migrate back to continental Europe. We have too much of a cowboy mentality over here and like wide open spaces. Maybe the UK if they wanted to up their navy again and start bossing ppl around again or maybe Australia. I'm sure they don't want us either
Go back to Russia, my homeland if not for birth, and hope for Putin to save us all.
There is no place to go. World is going to shit.
you have the wrong idea about us. i swear europeans are a different breed than the bulk of true southerners.
>we don't flee, we don't run. We fight, or we die.
Im currently in S.C. and if shit were to hit the fan, i have a series of rally points for the family, and one relativly close by for any user's that would like to join us. Our goal is to reach Texas, as that will be the first place to reestablish civilization. I have a piece of property (~1k acres) that i will be clearing for farming, hunting, and gathering until the state government gains a foothold, and if that were to never happen i will die on that property defending it from those that seek to do evil, and the tyrannical government that allowed a country to become corrupt.
I can tell just by the way you talk that you're a shitskin.
anywhere. Keep the stupid out of Canada. We've already got a fucking moron for a prime minister, we dont need a flood of idiot rednecks coming from the south on top of that.
Are you trying to divert the shitskin who actually started this thread away from norway?
Nordics, Slavs, Mediterraneans are all white people, you're getting race and sub-race confused. Enough with the divide and conquer stuff, ahmed
literally the only white slav country is Czech Republic
Whatever gave you that impression?
Why would you want to miss the fall of Rome.
The only place I have family is Scotland and i'm not going to that commie shithole.
>We have too much of a cowboy mentality over here and like wide open spaces
Not every American is a Texan though.
your only saying that to get out of rapefugee quota
slavs are white but yes still a different people, doesnt mean we should all mix or something
Florida, white ethno state reporting.
>slavs are white
You're right - if we Americans turned up there we'd turn it all into theme parks, highways and malls.
You lot just don't know how to appreciate nature.
Even if you are a nigga you can claim to be a Turk and noone would object.
Just retire in a comfy house in the misty valleys of northern Italy
Riding the train in October-November, either at night or early in the morning and seeing this is heart warming