Movies numales will NEVER understand

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hey, that's my idle-pose

The ultimate proof that you're a soyboy is when you don't carefully lubricate your whole body with oil before playing a cheeky game of beach volley ball with the lads

You're proof that soyboys don't understand people sweat playing sports under the hot sun.

Tom insisted they all oil each other up before each take

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They had barely begun. It clear that they oiled themselves up beforehand.

It's funny how some guys find it homoerotic, when it's just boys playing feeling totally comfortable in/with their sexuality.

I never liked Top Gun. Gave off a real gay vibe. Not for me.

Could you be more insecure?

Hey, can I play too?

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numales would love topgun. It's the most homoerotic movie I have ever seen.


>being in the closet on an anonymous board

Homoeroticism is a meme made up by neurotic ''intellectuals'' and women.

unless its in a movie you dont like
then its real

Numales and soyboys hate it because its toxic masculinity.

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Is the military the last stand against the feminization of men?

nah, this is basically the straightest mvoie of all time

you need to layoff the Freud-Kinseyan pseudoscience

Did you wear a dress whilst typing this?

That's just it. I am secure. And I know I don't want to see that. Other men, who are unsure or oblivious would enjoy seeing that kind of stuff because they get to see shirtless dudes with the excuse that its just guys horsing around. Don't play yourself.

I hate to be the one to break it to you but, you might want to figure out who you're really attracted to. Don't worry, I don't judge gays